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@Kho What Cyclone said, basically, you can edit things visually instead of having to know the codes.
@Kho Wikia was the very site I was thinking to use. It seems to be simple to use, especially due to the WYSIWYG
@Vec I was thinking of actually moving my sheet to a wikia for a while and call it The Index in reference to the Museum in the Pictaraika, since even with its own thread, I feel like my stuff isn't properly organized.

Should I do anything or find a very easy to use Wikia, I will talk with you lads.
What do you people think about making a Wikia? It is becoming increasingly hard to keep up. Some players that I did more than a few collabs with for example have asked about basic concepts of my posts like Raka, At the same time, I myself don't know a lot about races like Ogres and Urtelem despite reading all posts. In fact, is there even a sheet for the Ogres? Can't find any info...
That's fair enough. I thought it could be a way of getting around the whole 'They made a 10 Might weapon. Well, I'm gonna make a 20 Might weapon.' 'Oh, damn, 20 Might weapon! I'm gonna make a 30 Might weapon!' as it would make the system less straightforward than pure Might or pure levels. But I agree that it would overcomplicate things if we try to define that all in some way. Fuzzy and ill-defined is best in this case.

Weapon inflation is a self-solving problem. I kinda suffer a similar effect of it with the Divas, like for example, making Chronicle (8 might) instead of adding that might to the Holy Site I was making on that turn has a clear effect on my might expendability. Since I had to numbercrush a bit so I can guarantee that I can get the Mind domain ASAP, the effect of that 4 might per turn was clear to me when I made her, and it isn't nice number-wise, even if absolutely necessary for a better story.

With that in mind I can only imagine what a 10 to 20 might weapon could do in the long term to a player, especially since it provides less narrative possibilities than an avatar. Anything like a 15 or 20 might weapon not only it hinders the future might of the player, but it also isolates the player from the ongoing narrative.

And anyway, the people with the strongest weapons are also people whose characters are also in relative isolation (Logos and Niciel). I don't count Zephyrion's staff as the same as the other two because it was mostly a larger investment on Vetros, maybe Niciel's staff could have a similar effect.

Edit: The whole decision of making a 10 might weapon rests on the balance between the other options. For me for example, it would go like (Make 10 might weapon) vs (Invest in new lands, new species, new concepts) vs (Invest in might per turn generation). For the last turns I have mostly gone with the middle option, I will go a bit with the last one now because I need level 14 to have the Mind Domain, still, I numbercrushed hard to guarantee I can still keep adding a load of new things every turn instead of just banking on might.

Basically, do you think if Lugi was still around, Slough would have even spent 10 might on a weapon instead of bringing in new creatures/biomes? The way to stop a possible weapons race is by making that middle option more valuable in face of the others, and surely powering up might value per level isn't the way to do it, on the contrary, I few like it makes one less likely to spend on there, since in 4 levels or so one can make it all for free.
@Kho That feels like an incentive for players to powerplay and spend might on levels and holy sites instead of creation.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Consider it done. Just fill in the column and we should be good. Hopefully there won't be too much clash between United States people and others about date format :P. I went for Turn X, YYYY/MM/DD.

Edit: Come to think of it, it might be an idea to include a direct link to the last post where the might was updated for the character.

Oh, a link would work even better. Good idea.
Accurate according to information in the stats file. If the stat file was not updated for your character, then your stats will necessarily be inaccurate.

I will check the posts later to see if there was wrong stuff. Guess that since I helped to cause the turn change I might as well do my part.

From now on though, I would like to propose an extra column in the file where players enter when they last updated it.
@BBeast Are you implying we should change turns right now that we are only one month away from reaching 6 months (half a year) without a new turn? Blasphemy!

Edit: Fun math, the duration of Turn 9 is about the same as the duration between Turn 2 and Turn 7.
@Dawnscroll My father was watching that when I visited yesterday, the very little I watched was very bad, but the visual was nice.
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