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The only bit that truly worried me is that whole

Cyclone: It makes the Rukbans have 10x the population of any other region

Kho: then the other regions are not realistic


Other than that, and the fact the Mongols had objectively better technology and medicine than the Huns, I find this all very hard to judge.

But yeah, 50,000 soldiers is way too much, I don't think Lifprasil will have that same force, for example. It is not something I would like to see other players going around with, especially when most of the world doesn't even have agriculture and very limited animal domestication.

Though I do not know much about steppe demographics, especially deep into the ancient era.
@Cyclone That number is skewed down because 1000 BC is right after the collapse of the bronze age, so Thebes's population went from 120 thousand to 50 thousand. Of course I think those numbers are too big too, but still, this gives a better context.

@Kho There was more than one person taking photos. Or maybe it was all staged by the fennecs to make themselves seem menacing and not cute, too bad it failed terribly.
Today I had my first class in the area of economics, catch is, my Campus is BIG so it was in the south sector, where they teach medicine, law, and other stuff that only rich people can pay. Since I'm relatively broken, I only stayed in the north so far.

There are three paths from the north sector to the south, you can have a car and go trough the roads, you can go trough a pathway that crosses the parking lot, though unless it is past 7 PM at night, the thing is pretty much deserted with no soul to help you. And then there is a third pathway...

But probably far more narrow.

I mean, I could see the mini-rainforest from my class, but I always thought it was shorter than what it actually was and far more tamed, I mean, typically this close to the city it's nothing but birds and with the occasional capybara or armadillo.

On the bad side, a fuckton of spiders. Fuck that bullshit.

On the good side, some tree doggoboys.

Also known as the marmoset.

They are cute, but when 7 of these friendos jump on the branches over you as you walk they are a bit spooky. Also they kept eyeing my phone, and I don't want to be like that arabian dude who lost his phone to a ♪special edition♫ dog from the desert, so I stopped taking photos.
@Antarctic Termite Hah, I have been thinking about doing that for a while but didn't have the ideas to go forward.

My idea for Jvan was similar to yours, but more in the line of:

Jvan has one unearthly abomination that may once have been two cows.
@Double Capybara We need it. Capy, we need it. Go forth, hunt it down, stalk the internet till it is found.

There used to be some parody wiki that held gigantic lists of the cow joke, can't remember the name of it though.

It wasn’t too hard to get used to the beginnings of the shamanic practice of the locals, the whole system was quite refined, and seemed to steer a person into the right path as long as they wanted to be diligent to the practice. Junjii so far had only faced easy times and had quickly taken up the practices of the locals.

The herbal lore that was taught to newcomers wasn’t too hard, it mostly dealt with basics of healing, such as the one to be applied to wounds to avoid corruption and the ones that made the sick person sweat a lot. It was easy to notice however that not all agreed on such method, there seemed to be a group that believed sweating was the body cleansing itself of impurity and other that believed that it actually was a leak of vigor and shouldn’t be encouraged. Things like poisons, sleep inducing brews or dream enablers, were still distant in the future.

Another newcomer skill was learning how to carve wood, but not to make bows and homeware like the villagers, instead, one should learn how to make fetishes, relics of power that represented one aspect Life. It opportunity for one to learn how to carve masks and through that, learn how to represent the face of their soul, as shamans needed their outfits to contain such powerful symbols to be able to talk with the spirits. Or, at least that is what some said, others didn’t believe in that, even when fellow shamans said they had lost their powers when their clothes and masks were stolen.

With Junjii’s recent advancement one step further into the step, came more complex responsibilities, such as partaking in the funeral rites, but only in the neutral ever-present areas, as only a mature shaman was able to channel the spirit of the ancestors, and only a very experienced one was able to know what kind of funeral the family and the deceased needed, which could range from a mockery of death to bring laughs to a solemn moment to let the pain flourish.

Within the next weeks, the newcomer was also expected to learn how to make his own drum through the rituals of a sacrifice of a wild beast, also how to plaid said drum and sing the chants. Learn how to control visions and dreams. And start his first diplomacy with the realm of the elementals.

Earlier, Junjii would have felt like this would be great times, and that the mission that needed to be accomplished within the Shamanistic community was at hands. But then she showed up.

Hurico. A new shaman, a foreigner too no less, he had heard people outside of the communities had no hope of going forward too far in the path, but there she was, sweeping the ranks like a storm, not only stealing his chances to shine among his peers but also putting his whole plan, the very reason he had turned into a shaman, in jeopardy.

Junjii didn’t have the courage to face such things in public, his typical way of dealing with stress was by isolating himself from others, deep within the jungles of the region. On this day in specific, he had been on a lakeshore, throwing rocks into the water and seeing them skip, but he lacked the control to make them go too far before plummeting.

You need to aim a bit lower, otherwise, they will sink at the second skip." said a voice.

He immediately turned to face the person, even though the voice already denounced her identity, Hurico herself had apparently followed him.

“Ah, Uriko,” he said in his accent “Why… Why are you here?” he asked.

”I have been seeking the chance to talk with you in particular”

He tensed up, could she have noticed something? No, that was impossible, he did want to see her fail, but he had never expressed such feelings. She also seemed to be good spirited, not the kind that would seek to harm someone.

”I noticed how stressed you have become ever since I arrived. It is hurting your progress and your mind, so I felt like it would be wise to say I have no intent of stopping you or your people.”

“My people?” he faked obliviousness the best he could, for all anyone knew, his people were right in that region.

”Yes, the people from the north, the nomads from the darkened expanses.”

He froze, had noticed him traveling years ago? Had she somehow discovered it, how, how could that be? “Wha…”

”Your hair denounces you, your intestines denounce you, your skin, the way your bones grew, your involuntary movements, and especially, your tongue.” one of the advantages of her name was that it was full of traps that really showed from where someone was by sound alone.

For years his people and he had worked hard to craft a way for people like him to infiltrate the tribes of the South, for all anyone cared he was a native, and he had always been. This was meant to open the way for him to reach the higher positions of society there, the easiest path was religion, as the ways of the gods were a good cover for suspicious behavior.

He laughed, feeling more like crying, though he remembered her words, she said she meant no harm right?

“What are you?”

”A huntress, just like religion, a life in the wild open your eyes to whole aspects of life invisible to others.” she stepped closer to him. ”I also know what you people plan to do, and why you are down here, but my question is why are things getting so bad up there that you need to move out?”

He gasped. “Not yet… but there have been signs, and everyone has had odd dreams.”

”I see…” she pondered for a bit. ”Well, as I said, I don’t plan on stepping on your feet.”

“Ah… but why? I would think… that someone would try to stop an invasion like that...”

”This region is going through heavy transformations. You heard it too, right? Your teacher must have talked about how shamanic dreams of the wild became clearer and more powerful lately, or how the rain seasons changed. That is why I picked this path, I guess, to see what is changing and why.”

”Furthermore, you people will move either way, in that sense, you going forward through the path could be useful for everyone.”

Junjii nodded. She smiled, and that struck him as sincerity. This person, despite being in a position to hurt him, was helping. Yes, she was odd and scary, but somehow, he felt like she would lead him to better things.

With excellence hum and a wide smile, Ilunabar traveled back to where the Divas had been meeting for the last few days, in one of the glass towers of the phantom city in the Em'Ef layer of the Pictaraika. The room was on the highest floor, with a wide view of the twinkling townscape at its surrounding and softly lit by colored lights. The sharp-looking table was located near a water fountain, and there, all of her divas waited.

"One more to the collection." she threw the brooch filled with Astartian magic to Chronicle, who swiftly caught it mid-air.

"Oh, you met Astarte? But how..." asked Meimu

"Luck, apparently. Unless some of you have been making deals with demons. That is not the case, right?"

All of the divas denied that assumption. "Good, but on the other side, it does light up the usefulness of demons, a species we have not paid full attention to."

"I just assumed they were out of our reach..."

"Nothing must be out of our reach, beauty has to echo at every corner of this universe and perhaps beyond."

"I will add that possibility to our plans, yet I can't guarantee to start working on it anytime soon, we are absurdly overworked right now. Even with the five of us, it has been hard to keep up with our expansion of culture policy, the management of the Pictaraika and the construction of all those temples."

Ilunabar pondered at the situation, quickly glancing at all the reports Piena had brought. "I know this all must be hard. But once we are done with it, we will have something amazing on our hands, something no other god cold have ever devised."

Chronicle nodded, sipping at one of the beers Maeus had recently devised. [Piena needs to import some Quara urgently.]

The diva of steel nodded and sighed. "It is true, I will ratify that soon, but before..." she stood up.

"Meimu, have you kept up with Amartia's children."

"Indeed I have. Well, one of them, the others I never found. I helped him in a time of need and I think that will make him more open to approach" she had a confident smirk on her face.

"Good, we don't need another Xerxes. Now, I need you to track the forests west of the Pictaraika, it seems the area that used to be affected by the spires is now reacting to something new."

[Sounds neat, do you mind if I help with that?] wrote Chronicle.

Piena stared with a tired face. "Me accepting or not your idea won't change the result."

Chronicle laughed in silence. [You are getting smarter.] she also stood up and discreetly reached for the brooch full of magic |I have an idea. Devise the plans for the lizard dudes' housing, then meet me and Meimu.|

With that, she took the accessory and left. Piena had no time to voice a complaint. "Anyway..." she said aggressively "I have projects to draw. Meimu, you know what you have to do..."

"But what about my mirrors? I can't start my garden without actual sunlight."

Notte, who had been there the whole time, paying more attention to the water fountain than to her sisters, finally decided to speak. "I have a plan in mind, I'm the mirror girl, after all, I just need our lady master Ilunabar's approval to do a few things and I can start my project."

"What things?" she quickly asked.

"Eh... Just a bit of power and the right to interfere with some Vestec related things."

"That is fine, it is close to your roots so you are free to do your plan. Just set things up with Piena properly, so other projects don't clash."

"Let's do that at the Index, Notte." the other diva nodded, and both left soon after.

"So... I guess I have some forest to catalog then. But what about you?."

"I need to deal with Makeda, it shouldn't take too long." The Muse smiled and along with Meimu took flight upward, before they parted their ways in the surface.

While most times she felt distanced, there were times in which Susa felt some sort of empathy for Lifprasil, or more on point, she felt like she was in a similar situation. She felt it when she reminisced about her time as a teacher, and now she could observe it again, in a context even closer to when she first met him. But, still, she knew she was a different fabric, Lifprasil wanted to rule, she wanted to preserve herself, even if at times she helped others.

Junjii had opened more in the weeks since she told him she knew his situation, the tension had disappeared from his life, as before he was sure he was going towards certain failure. He had talked more about his people, and it denounced how much she needed to keep him in the path of shamanism.

The nomads of the darkened expanses live in too much isolation, while the cultures of Mesathalassa lived in a constant struggle against each other. They surely had the power to conquer lands by the sword, but ultimately, they would lose by the word, as the local culture would infiltrate the many gaps of their own until perhaps it was entirely overtaken.

That was one of the saddest possible results in her view, a lot of people would die in the conquest, but only minimal changes would be brought by those people. So she wanted to try some syncretism, and Junjii was her best bet. He seemed to be sensible and smart, perhaps he would properly prepare his people during the forced exile, avoiding a higher death count and preserving his culture, at least to an extent.

She didn't even know why she cared, she convinced herself she was curious, and that it would be a great way to see how culture works and try to understand better the people who lived in Mesathalassa before the sinking of most human lands.

"You look distant," Junjii commented.

"Eh, just brooding about some issues." answered Hurico.

"Aren't you the one who says I should always be alert?"

"Well, you should. I can afford being distracted, you get distracted and you would be easy prey to something stronger to you, like an angry squirrel, or something of the sort."

He sighed. "Well, I have to sew some cloth so..."

"No, wait. I want to try something out. We need to dive into the wild."

That was something she had been trying to teach him since they started that odd cooperation, yet for him, it was still a clumsy thing, often he just ended up panicking as soon as he touched the wildlands.

It all became worse when he realized what she meant by "we", all sorts of meditations in search for visions and dreams were particular things, it wasn't something you should do in public or with others. Yet, he trusted Hurico enough to believe she wasn't a maniac trying to get them into trouble.

"I will get my equipment," he said. He had got himself a mask already and now he had started to work on his outfit, it should have been completed already, but he liked sewing, so he would just disassemble it and remake it, over and over.

After getting himself ready, Junjii looked at Hurico, who to his surprise was, in fact, doing to opposite of him, taking off unnecessary clothing like her cloak and boots.

"Uriko, don't you need these things... all shamans need it... right?" He said, very confused as she was directly breaking something that seemed to be a central dogma.

She shrugged. "It is possible to train to dive wearing less. A fool's quest for most, but my objective is to be able to reach it at any time, perhaps even with my eyes still open"

He gasped, that sounded amazing, she truly seemed exceptional in all areas, perhaps because she had been a huntress before a shamaness.

"Do you need the tea too?" he said as he reached for a clay jug which contained the brewed herbs most shamans used to reach that particular dream.

She nodded. It seemed even she had yet to learn certain things, that gave Junjii hope that he too could learn and reach her level.

Casually, they drank their tea and not soon after, they slipped into Jaktterreng. It almost felt like phasing through the floor or ground, hence why shamans called it diving, though observations had shown one stayed exactly where they were.

The hunting ground was an odd wildland of colorful and very bright forests. While the whole area was dark, there was no concept of shade in the objects, in modern terms, it was similar to ultraviolet light.

Junjii was almost like a phantom, the lines of the ornaments in his clothes and mask shone around his body, which was transparent and almost formless. Hurico was an entirely another beast, her body shone in opaque bright purple, even though it was also lacking an exact form, it resembled herself far more, only lacking minor details such as nails. The oddest of it all was that she had long, flowing hair when it was know most shamans, even elders, were bald when diving due to the fact it was merely an aesthetic part of the human body.

She signaled him something, he could understand she meant they were supposed to go somewhere, but he had yet to master the art of talking with his hand. In doubt, he asked her what she meant, but what he said was almost undiscernable due to the loud echo that followed as soon as he opened his mouth.

Animals ran, birds flew, and the floating schools of fish swam away. Hurico stared at him, and even though her facial features weren't clear, he knew she was baffled by what he just did. He now knew why she had told him to learn how to speak with his hands.

Some movement could be seen in the glowing bushes near them, and Hurico took no time before grabbing his hand and running away. She had weight while walking, far more than beasts thrice her size, it seemed to be something soul related as he was flying like a kite while she escaped.

It seemed that no matter how much she rushed, the danger was always following nearby, in fact, Junjii felt his body still echoing a bit, which was bound to alert all sorts of possible predators near them. Though not only predators lurked in that bizarre forest, and a sudden arrow hitting the huntress in the left leg of the huntress served as clear proof of that.

The shooter was a hain shaman, he seemed to be elderly and powerful, as he too had a clearer form and opaque coloration, unlike Hurico however, he was dressing and using an arsenal of relics of power, including his bow, which accompanied him in this shadowy world. His energy also seemed to have taken over some of the spectral animals of the area, which was a concept new to both of them.

At that moment Junjii looked at the huntress' face and she seemed to be... smiling? Before he could think any more about the topic she hit him with a strong punch to the chest, sending him in the dark sleep that followed an unsuccessful trip to Jaktterreng.

He woke up hours later, after Hurico in fact, it didn't matter that she probably spent more time in the dream than he, as breaking the link with the dream world didn't mean stopping to sleep.

"What was that for?" he questioned, still feeling that punch in his chest, even though his actual body was intact.

"Why didn't you learn the sign language like I asked? You messed up the whole thing. You deserved that punch, though I just did it because I planned on fighting that shaman and you would become a hindrance."

"And why that dumb smile before you did it?" he asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Ah, that. Well, I needed to test some things with another shaman inside the wildlands. That is why I entered it with you. Well, after you messed up I thought that the whole thing was lost time since its hard to find another shaman in that endless jungle, but to my luck, that hain decided to make himself present."

He thought about asking what she needed to do, but at this point, he was tired of the topic of dreams, and just really wanted to take a breath of fresh, real air to take that feeling off his chest.

The Golden Watcher had been meditating in one of the temples already built, gods had a timeframe completely different from mortals, and despite it being almost a full day since she last saw Ilunabar, she knew very well the goddess would act as if she had been only one minute late.

"Hey, sorry, I got busy thanks to the Astarte situation, as you saw, hope you didn't mind the wait."

"Thankfully I don't have to feed like other normals, but making me wait for days was cruel"

"Days?" she looked upwards with a confused face, could it have been that long? She wasn't sure, time was such a fluid thing. "Sorry. But let's get it going then, what has happened since last time we talked?."

The angel's expression went from calm to nervous quite quickly. "What has happened? You know what happened! Iron angels falling from the sky, bringing never seen before pain and suffering to all."

"Ah... I figured you had a hard clash against the Realta."

Makeda turned her head, looking at Ilunabar almost sideway. "So you know what those are."

"Yes. A vengeful god arrived and he seeks to destroy most things. If I knew about this I would have warned you..."

"The problem here is not my safety, how many died in that attack? Why didn't you do anything?"

"Me? What can I do? Play flute menacingly? I'm a goddess of the arts Makeda, all I can do at most is to train heroes like you..."

"I couldn't do anything..."

"Did you get hurt? I legitimately got worried for you."

"Yes, I just survived thanks to a..." she resitated. "person."

"Oh? Who is it? Is he pretty?" Ilunabar was never serious about that topic, but now she was smiling. Makeda didn't share the casualness.

"I didn't even notice that person's gender. I had other things to worry..."

"Ah. I see. Look, I have a plan that could help you to avoid such situations and provide better protection to all of Galbar. But you will have to accept some harsh truths about the current situation of the world."

Makeda's response was a long, suspicious stare, she knew something was bound to be said, and that she would soon probably be ranging.

"See, I know you really respect Niciel, and thinks she is great, and I don't mean to berate, but let's be sincere, that is a clear overrate. Niciel is the nicest on her valley, at the cost of everyone else being left to suffer."



"Wrong, she just doesn't want us to get hurt, she is loving, she is way better than you."

"Ah, right, if I saw someone getting murder and didn't act because I want to keep my sword clean, wouldn't I be partially guilty?"

"It is not like that."

"It is what it is. And that is, there were no angels fighting off the Realta."

"I don't have to stand your lies, you are the goddess of art, not of morality. Your words are pretty, but your soul isn't, you aren't pure, you aren't dedicated to doing good. You could easily hurt someone if that was the necessary to make something pretty."

"Well, I at least do something. And even if at times I get risky, I have still done more to mankind than your protectress."

"You are just a jealous crone."

"Hey, I understand it, she is motherly and nice. But try to stop being a baby, take your face out of her chest and look at th..."

"I alr..."

"Quiet. No more bickering from you. I was going to propose you a plan to help Galbar as a whole, I'm giving you an opportunity to correct the faults of your creator. If you abandon a chance to protect mortalkind because you must protect your little misty mother, then you are an imbecile."

"I do not care about your plan, I worked with you because you appeared to want to help me to my duty. Now you want to take over, you want me to forsake someone who I know is holy for the sake of someone who I know is tricky."

"I want you to take a chance that is given. But that is enough, this is your last chance. I only work with excellence, if you want to be mediocre, go do that with your little feathered kin and very, very away from me."

Makeda stared at Ilunabar for a few moments, then she slowly took a few steps away and finally took flight, leaving the Muse. Not soon after, Notte came tiptoeing from behind one of the pillars of the temple.

"Uh, was this planned?"

"One of the paths I took in consideration, yes."

"Will she return?"

"Probably. I really like her, and I understand I used harsh words to describe Niciel, which even I don't think to be true, but it was necessary.

What if we go the other way? If I'm not wrong, Galbar having those temperatures predates Djinns, so what if those deadly temperatures are avoided because of the Djinns' power of change? It would make things far more problematic for most gods when Jvan attacks the djinn.
Quick question. Who is your favourite author?

Hmm, I have yet to dedicate time to high literature, since I prefer lower stuff and raw folklore compilations, so I'm lacking in knowledge of those outside of the mandatory ones for school and maybe a bit of Kafka. Of the international ones I like, there is Terry Pratchett, Stanisław Lem, eh, maybe Tolkien. May most favorite author though is Machado de Assis, I don't think he is known outside of Brazil, since I only ever saw Woody Allen comment about his work, but here he is pretty much the most revered writer, with very good reasons.
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