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<Snipped quote by Kho>

A quick search reveals that Marcelo does not feature as any more than a passing mention in future posts to date. This does not preclude the possibility of him appearing in some future post.

There hasn't been much room yet, as I am heavily delayed on all fronts of my post plans and I also scrapped a handful of ideas involving his person. However, in my posts concerning the history of Mesathalassa on the first century after the Realta attack, he will show up here and there.
I have a Makeda and an Ilunabar post almost ready, the former which only took me a whole year to sit down and write. All I need to do is to give the finishing touches to make them look less bad, but I will not deny they are a bit brute forced so I can get to neater stuff.

I guess there will also be a post speeding up the Mesathalassa storylines soon, I have been having fun making the worldbuilding for that one, the issue is that it led me to watch a lot of videos on history which resulted in a lot of procrastination.

I can never tell how to interpret that word when it comes to you Jvanensian sorts.
Jvan moving into the toy market.

Oh, I just noticed one thing. Since Teknall added Mithral, Orichalcum, and Adamantine as naturally occurring elements, there should also be naturally occurring new forms of crystals/gemstones with said elements in their formula, right? Interesting stuff.
@Double Capybara I like the list (you can probably tell), but I think we may be doing this backwards. We should probably be listing each location separately and then recording the resources they have. That way we can more easily see which culture has what and get a little more specific, and check to see if we've overlooked any spots that should have resources, OC or otherwise.

That is actually a good point. The only problem I'd say would be the regions that are kinda untouched by the players and don't have boundaries and definitions yet (like most of what is north of the Pictaraika) and also that I think an overall list of goods has its own value for we realize what sort of stuff should be around but isn't.

An easy solution would be to just make a Region tab on the current sheet.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

I fill out what I can later for Yorum but I haven't fleshed out everything from there just yet. There may be some goods they have that won't really feature in any posts.

It's a long-term thing. I do not intend it to be filled out in a day, but to instead be a reference updated over time for others to use in posts that touch topics such as food, trade, and general culture.
So, friends, Galbar is booming right now, Bronze is all the rage, people are learning how to build this crazy thing called farms, and mortal cities are probably already reaching wild number like 50 thousand if not 100 thousand pop.

With sails, agriculture and a habit of ignoring how distant shit is from each other, trade is gonna become a thing. As such, it would be everyone's interest to keep track of what is where, so it's more consistent, and we don't need to have everyone eating wheat and being boring.

Of course we can associate certain areas with certain regions, but things are not so clear. Mesathalassa is not-south america in some aspects but llamas only exist on the opposite side of the world. That is not even counting all the wild OC stuff like violet slugs, that glowy thing Hain use for torches and the dwarves' mushrooms.

All that said, here is a sheet I am making. You can help and claim stuff,more than one region can have the same stuff. I am focusing on animal and vegetal goods, since metals and manufactured ones are a bit more widespread.

Hey, I took a 'which medieval weapon is best for you' quiz and

Huh, I got the youtube.com/watch?v=xhHfiAy0bWk
So, I am working with a friend on a silly alternate history thingy set in a world where the Achaemenid empire greatly succeeded in taking over Greece. While doing that, I wanted to know what the Iranians called Greece, since you know, if the Greek made the silly decision of calling them Persians, surely it could go both ways. And in fact that is exactly what happened, the word happens to be Yauna from Ionia in Anatolia.

Now that is where it gets funny. Words go around and get translated and mistranslated multiple times, it's how Uruk became Iraq, for example. With Yauna, the word was also used by the Hebrew to refer to the greek, being first Yāwān, then Yavan and from there it went to the KJM bible as Javan. Which has nothing to do with the goddess' name that is a play on Jehovah, but it does make both goddesses of Beauty loosely related to Greece. (Except Ilunabar's name is Basque, but whatevs)

I think stuff like this kinda comes to show how writing down misheard words can be a good way to come up with new words.

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