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Whenever I play the 3DS™ for a long time, I get this odd effect when reading some of the guild's posts on my phone, especially Zerabil red, where I see some fake 3D depth difference between the colored text and the normal text.
@Double Capybara A whole book? Can you tell me its name?

I legit lost it, now that I am looking for it, I got it along with a book on dialogue and on general writing.
I also have two on my tablet. Kress, Nancy - Dynamic Characters; How to create personalities that keep readers captivated and Lisle, Holly - Create a Character Clinic. Neither seems to be good.
This was pretty helpful in fleshing out Seihdhara a bit (not all the questions were relevant, but the ones that were were) - creativewritingguild.com/exercise/fle…

I actually have a few of these, even a whole book on the topic that I bought but never read. Yet that one in specific asks some questions in an interesting way, I will keep it in mind.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Why you obnoxious little lout! I'm not behind on enlightenment - I am literally alight. Redheads can't NOT be enlightened.
And everyone knows that dark clouds with bright red eyes are the very definition of evil - they should definitely not be in the kitchen, let alone cooking for anybody. Get back to whatever dark corner of the universe you sprouted from, fiend!

I bet Cyclone's god RP won't have such absurd levels of nephosphobia!
@Double Capybara Sou's last picture just makes me think horror. Pure horror. That thing will be COOKING for me? Uh... heh... *backs away very slowly* never has food been so terrifying

How absolutely rude of you. I understand you are decades behind in terms of enlightenment, I was past my redhead phase nine years ago, but even then you should know better than to spout such prejudice towards dark clouds with bright red eyes.
I also got my idea for Divinus™ Godspeed Edition ready. Still need to figure out a few things, but I am happy with the overall idea.

@Lauder Whoever this Avulus is, he can come at 'er and TRY. She'll mash him and thrash him and bash him and smash him till he cries out mooooommmyyyy

'Yes, I'm your mommy boyo,' said she.

Local goddess beats up little girl, calls her boyo.
Maybe, if we are using worshipers, spending might helps to build worshiper count, while not using any might in the turn outside of leveling leads to a loss of followers.
RIGHT. I've updated the WIP OP with everything (I think). The only matters left to agree on are those of the Primordials and Domain(Portfolio)s.

Then we can get this show on the road!

Demigods whose level is 15-20 can ascend to Level 1 gods, those whose level is 25-30 can ascend to Level 3 gods and those whose level is higher will ascend to a higher level, decided by the GM.

I have said this before, but I think I really need to give it its own post. Demigod rules seem disconnected from how the game is actually played, its an absurdly big gap, hell, even if they started as a level 1 god at the current turn it would be a big gap (but a manageable one)

This already doesn't exactly work on the srs bsns Divinus, but it will really show on Free, where people come and go at a quicker pace.
Firstly I dispute your notion that forcing more specialization in the form of taking just portfolios instead of hugely broad domains like 'change' or 'chaos' would somehow make the characters more generic. I think you've got it backwards.

Secondly, this goes back to me not seeing the need to make this Divinus-lite stay very faithful to this Divinus. It's in a very different section, appealing to a different crowd. Let it be different and stand on its own as a sister RP and not some simplified replica.

We already have this RP operating under such mechanics, anyways. I like the idea of making some radical changes and seeing how they turn out. If it does turn out to be less to your liking and somehow more 'generic' (even though I think god RPs are hardly common) then you'd still have this Divinus to turn back to.

Well, that is my overall opinion from looking at many RPGuild God RPs plus some other examples including a few attempts at making systems for epic / demi-god / godly play. A lot of them have an issue with archetypes, shadows of real mythology, development, pacing, and I do honestly believe that just allowing people to be Gods of War / Fire / Thunder vs asking them to specialize is key to it.

However, you do hit it with a nail on that last bit of the post, it's a chance to try new things. Makes this whole conversation pointless

I do like the idea of having multiple ports from the go, it provides things I like about the Domain system albeit in a different way. With no limits to what can be picked, it could lead to stuff like Apollo (Sun, Music) or Shamash (Sun, Justice) for example.

Onto more constructive discussion, I still have one question, what happens when a port is dominated by other? What happens if someone picks Nature and someone picks Plants and someone picks Flowers? What happens if someone picks Winter but there is a god of Ice? All these are deities that exist.

This makes me wonder if making a hard limit to two deities having the same portfolio is necessary, especially since gods will be less "universal" with less powers. That could be exchanged, for example, with a "debuff" to worshippers/might to both sides that share a portfolio, making a clear incentive for both gods to clash or conduct a deal. Results could be stuff like one god losing the portfolio, retreating to a more specific one so they don't clash or making a "contract" to share it under some agreement (Two gods of animals, one blesses the creatures of the day, one of the night. Or one turns into the god of agriculture of continent x while the other of continent y)
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