Well, it's not exactly a nation RP even if a lot of time is spent on nation-building, furthermore, it takes place on a planet, which makes it not really artificially huge, just huge, it makes sense why something in a continent is not having action with another, the same way the Romans did not have a lot of action with the Chinese and Maya, and just a bit with the Ethiopians.
I won't lie I prefer this style to Mk1's style, as it gives a lot of breathing space, but I understand what your issue with it is. But I do not think its a land factor, but instead something with the way the game is played.
-Each player picks up a region and develops it, instead of doing multiple smaller world building projects in a variety of regions.
Its very understandable behavior really. But I feel like, say, Gerrik living in Eastern Mesathalassa, is an interesting experience.
-Players have regional storylines which are not good to interrupt.
For example, Vetros was stuck in one of these for a long time, making it hard for anyone to interact with it. Same is happening now with Western Mesathalassa, I made sure to leave huge chunks of time where much can happen, but the next a hundred years of the continent are set, and then I will be free to leave it be.
-Not many heroes and gods interact with other civilizations
Which seems to be again a result of the cordiality, it is a bit better than having a dragon god crashing in mid-plot, but it has its own issues. Collabs can fix that.
So, down to it, I see two issues:
Regions are more malleable than they look, a lot of people seem intimidated to act in regions where others are active, but the distance between say, the northmost to the southmost harbor kingdom is the same as Lisbon-Baghdad I think, so there is room for even someone outright deciding to build up a town in there. The big issue seems to be history wise, which can be quickly solved by asking the player who is working the region.
Collabs too, collabs are always good but there aren't many that don't involve a god, inviting players to interact with your region could work. It's an issue I have myself, even with BBeast having a character next door.
What I don't think will help is to make the world too small or giving everyone impossibly fast boats and horses. It makes sense that all the average MSTLS noble knows about Vetros are distant stories because that is a distant region.