Ifrit woke, to see a shadow looming tall over him. Ifrit was not used to such treatment, more often having the roles reversed. His animal instinct told him to jump to his feet, tear limb from limb this transgressor of the ancient laws. Well, he didn't actually know if any ancient laws were broken, or if they had existed in the first place, but he was sure that there was some reason to kill the shadowy figure before him. Though he pushed with all of his might, his splintering bones refused to support him- sending him crashing back down. Now that he was fully conscious, his fire raged almost high, more of a natural response, an intimidation tactic.
Accepting the fact that he would be unable to physically confront the shadow, he surveyed the surroundings. More than anything, he was confused, unable to tell much about the surroundings simply by looking- but then, sight was never really his strongest sense. Ifrit took a deep whiff of the air, his pupils dilating as the scent filled his mind. Magic. Though it was not uncommon to smell magic in these times, this was different. The magical capability of this creature must rival, if not surpass that of his previous master. With that sweet scent filling his thoughts, it was rather difficult for Ifrit to focus on anything but the shadowy figure.
In a rough growl, Ifrit spoke, no real emotion behind his voice, echoing through the spirit realm.
"Who are you... Why are you here..." Though crudely put, Ifrit knew no way to actually show his thankfulness, so he skipped straight to the point. He felt an ominous presence from this figure, and needed to know if... it... was hostile, or if it could be trusted- perhaps it had dragged him here for naught more than a peaceful feast. Ifrit was hopeful that he could make a hasty escape, should his situation turn sour.
Viktor emerged from the almost trance-like state he went into whenever he crafted minions. Patience was not something he had much of, and looked up at the red sky more than a few times, in his impatient worry. He knew this was a bad sign, and he needed to craft his army faster, if he were to survive, and continue with the glorious evolution. His new minion followed suit of those that preceded it, being a strong creature with little mental capacity. It stamped its feet impatiently, sending shudders through the stone floor.
The castle walls had been stripped of the armaments that adorned it, which supplied the resources for this monstrosity. Like the ogres, it stood upon legs stitched together haphazardly, creating thick pillars of flesh. Upon the four blistered legs resided a ballista, like a massive wooden head. The calloused flesh was wrapped around the wooden stock of the ballista, making a rather brutal combination of monster and machine. The heart and brain of this creature laid encased in glass, a rather sloppy design flaw. However, the creature would have to do, as Viktor was not patient enough to recreate it.
Quickly enough, four more were created, before Viktor realized that he was out of ballistae. Viktor did not send these five minions out into the town to be trained, as they would simply be operated by skeletons, his smartest minions currently. As he turned away from the gargantuan monsters, he began working again. There were debts to pay. Monsters to feed. It seemed that he would get no rest, unless he kept improving. An errant thought ran through his head, making him question the whereabouts of Stamrad. He made a mental note to berate him on his inefficiency later, before he went to work.
2nd Construct: 0/3
Location: His Dungeon, North-West of Altearx
Dungeon: A small stone castle, armed with a summoning room, barracks, Heart, laboratory, and prison.
Minions: 2 Imps, 9 Humanoid husks, 31 Ogres, 76 Skeletons, 1 Minotaur, 5 Walking Ballistae and Stamrad, the armored general.
Resources: Seemingly endless supply of stone, large amounts of steel. The village was equipped with sa couple of farms which feed the army. He has a pile of assorted organs, bones, and other various body parts, as well as 76 skulls.
Compendium Update- Walking Ballistae:
The walking ballistae are naught more than ballistae resting upon thick pillars of meat, allowing them to move around. This makes them wonderful tools of war, though they are not very bright. They need to be operated by skeletons, and are extremely vulnerable to magic, as is most of Viktors army.