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Stamrad sighed heavily, plunging his blade deep into the chest of yet another of the Northern Giants. When the troop of monsters had arrived to the nearest camp, the savages hadn't hesitated to attack. The battle didn't last long, Stamrad's military guidance, paired with their superior strength and weaponry made it a slaughter. Though a couple of ogres had been taken down by larger groups of the savages, the result of the battle had been inevitable. So, there Stamrad stood, looking down upon the eleven that had been spared, Viktor had requested some of the victims be left alive.

The savages struggles to escape their rope bonds, in a manner almost amusing to Stamrad. He waved to one of the ogres, who proceeded to unceremoniously slam the hilt of his axe into each of their heads, putting them to a very sudden sleep, before they were tossed in the cart with their dead brethren. Stamrad had found it odd that there were so few signs of life in the camp. Surely, this had to be their largest, yet they only had about eighty fighters among them, along with some unknown number of people who had fled in the battle. Still, any bodies were good bodies, as the prime directive was the expansion of their army. If that meant slaughtering a few innocent barbarians, who was Stamrad to argue? So, without hesitation, Stamrad began the trek back to the dungeon, knowing that Viktor would be pleased with his progress.
In the town hall of Pracll, the Righteous Guild of Industry and commerce had gathered, the mass of bodies pressed tightly together at a table, a roaring fire burning in the fireplace behind them. Before them stood a shaking man, with a frenzied look in his eyes. The Guild had been hesitant to meet at such a time, saying that this could be put off until a better hour, but the man had insisted, saying it was of the utmost importance that they speak of this now. So, many of the members looked at him expectantly, wondering what it was that couldn't be put off until the sun rose.

"Beru Bestal- Today you have called a meeting of The Most Righteous Guild of Industry and Commerce. You are aware of the penalties, should we find this be a waste of our important time?" One man asked, not waiting for an answer to continue. It was only protocol, after all. "Now, what is this matter that was so important that it had to disturb our... important business?" Another asked. While they spoke, a pale man in the corner was furiously transcribing the conversation.

"G-g-gentlemen of The Righteous Guild... I come to you with a plea from the people. We have had no protection from you against the barbarian threat for years, yet you still boast of your role in the greater good of this town. We have relied on our own men, humble fishermen risking their lives to protect their lively hood- now today, we are faced with a threat like no other we have witnessed." Beru stammered, slowly gaining confidence in his little speech, standing straight. When he saw the malicious looks that rested upon The Guild members' faces, he cowered back down into a slouch. "Mister Bestal, we will overlook this obvious insult, to humor whatever ridiculous complaint you may have. What exactly is this threat?" Asked one of the younger members, his long face drawn taut in a scowl.

"Today I was out in the Northern lake, as I was assigned, when I was attacked by a troop of Northern Giants- I followed standard proc-" He managed to stammer out, before being interrupted. "Don't call them that. They are no legendary fighters deserving of such a name. They are nothing more than savages, disgusting animals. You glorify them." Beru looked a bit confused for a moment, before continuing. "These savages attacked, so I lit the signal fire, and boarded myself in the house- as procedure dictates. But as they reached my door, they were approached by another group. Monsters- disgusting creatures of flesh and iron attacked, killing the savages with no remorse. A walking suit of armor led them. I was saved only by the heroic few who dared respond to my signal." He said, shuddering as he brought up the terrifying memory. "These creatures are nothing to be trifled with- we need to contact Altearx, warn them- perhaps they will send assistance- Their warriors would be able to-" Beru said, his eyes lighting up before once again being cut off.

It was a woman who spoke now, face wrinkled with years of experience. In a pleasant but strong tone, she made clear that she was not to be interrupted. "We understand your concern, Mister Bestal, and appreciate your warning, but we are afraid that everything you have said today is absolute nonsense. Consider the fact that we have not locked you up yet a miracle." She said, before gesturing to two guards stationed at the door. "Do yourself a favor, and never speak of this again- some might not see your lies quite as clearly, and we don't need a panic on our hands, do we?" She said, her sweet voice dripping with malice. The guards proceeded to grab him, hoisting him through the door unceremoniously. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Mister Bestal!" One of the Guild called after him. As soon as the heavy doors slammed shut, a hooded man emerged from the shadows, looking expectantly at the woman. "I want him dead before the sun rises." She said simply, tossing a bag of coins to the man.
Butch Haroldson



Around 6'2", he is a Caucasian male. Though he weighs quite a bit for his height, most of the weight is muscle, and it shows. His thick muscled build allows him to tower over most others, with scarred skin and broad shoulders. His face is very angular, with chiseled features. His nose is misshaped from many beatings, and he has a distinct scar reaching across his left cheek. Save for the boxed beard, his head lacks any hair. His pale gray eyes are sunken deeply beneath his wrinkled skin. He wears a simple button up shirt, with the sleeves ripped off. His simple brown pants are held up by simple blue suspenders, complimenting the blue bow tie he wears loosely around his neck.

Male, last he checked.

Though he isn't the brightest, he is good willed. He is fond of breaking things, especially people. He is protective of those he is close to, and would have very little problem with sacrificing his life to save that of a friend, which he makes rather quickly. He has a certain hatred for Succubi, but he wont hesitate to put his axe in any other ugly creature unfortunate enough to catch his eye.

Raised in a working family with two younger brothers, Butch ended up with a plateful of responsibility. Between the farmwork, watching over his brothers and mum, he had no time for schooling, so stayed at home with his father, to put his brothers through school. Though some might've been insulted, or felt betrayed to be left behind like that, he considered it a blessing. His father hadn't had any schooling either, and Butch looked up to his father like a god. He also believed that his brothers deserved it- they were both extremely gifted when it came to education.

It wasn't long before the children grew up, and left to pursue a life all on their own. All but Butch, that is. His mum had quite the cold, and had been bedridden for years. The doctors said that she might not ever leave that bed, so Butch stayed to help keep the old stone rolling with his father. He didn't understand much of what the doctors said when they came, which they did often, but he knew that it wasn't good. When his mum died, he was almost as devastated as his father, who attempted to fill the void in his life with alcohol, which ended up rubbing off on Butch, who became a regular drinker.

Soon enough, pa came home every night with some new nice smelling lady, and woke up in the morning much poorer. Butch didn't understand that much, either. But, one night, the lady his father came home with was different. The next thing Butch knew, he was with the preacher, who was saying something about a Succubus taking away his father, and that they wouldn't see each other ever again. It was then that Butch's attitude got a bit ugly. He got thrown around from town to town for awhile, hunting and killing those unsavory creatures, without really caring if there was a difference between werewolves, vampires, and succubi. When he saw that Paradise had quite the infestation, he went as fast as he could, considering it a smorgasbord of murder.

His trusty axe, which he takes with him everywhere. It has been at Butch's side for more years than he can count, and has cut down a bit more than trees. He also carries with him a two shot derringer, just for emergencies. His most trusty weapon is a silver spoon, one he has had from childhood. When he comes across succubi, he has a reputation of carving their eyes out with the spoon, and putting them in a pouch he carries around with him. He always keeps them alive for the ritual. He carries a few other odds and ends with him, nothing too out of the ordinary.

He is insanely strong. He takes massive pride in this strength, which is well earned. His strength is almost inhuman, and he considers it to be a better weapon than any gun. With this strength comes a certain tolerance for pain. He was once stabbed twice in the stomach, and simply continued fighting for about twenty minutes. He is extremely skilled at fighting with his axe. However, he is not very bright at all, and has trouble thinking for himself, relying on others to order him around. His will is easily swayed, and his temper is short. He often charges in without thinking anything through first.

Hope you don't mind me popping in. I saw the interest check 8 minutes after you posted the OoC, so I thought I would just jump straight here, if you'll have me.
I'm sorry if I was a bit unclear before. I would prefer to play male, because my female haracers always seem... a bit off. I was just saying that if I had to, I would do my best.
I would say around 3-4+ paragraphs, probably, leaning more towards casual, though it would be rather lenient, as I know how hard it can be to make large posts when conversing and interacting with others.

Well, would you look at what we have here. Its been awhile, Mach. A month, if I recall.

Anyways, I had a question for you, HangYourSecrets. (Love that name, by the way.) As far as useless powers go, I wasn't quite sure if this would qualify. I was thinking something along the lines of the Hulk, but instead of getting strong, he lights on fire. (Not like Human Torch, more like literally running around, screaming as his flesh burns)
Many have heard the tales of Vault Hunters- fearsome warriors seeking fame and riches from the mysterious happenings on Pandora. But surely, you didn't think that there were only eight? From the farthest corners of the universe, mercenaries came to Pandora. Though ultimately, it was Axton, Zer0, Salvador and Maya who put an end to Handsome Jack and the Warrior, they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without unseen help from the others, also working to take down Hyperion. This is their tale.

As you may have guessed already, this will be an RP focusing around the Borderlands series, since the Pre-Sequel is coming out soon. The story will be written around a small group of Vault Hunters, working on their own to dull the edge of Hyperion, and loosen their grip on Pandora. Specifics will be decided, should enough people decide to join. I do plan for this to be advanced casual, and I will only be accepting a few people, probably about 4-5. Naturally, it would be better if you had played the games, or have some knowledge, but I will put some basic lore in the OOC.

Just so you can have an idea and start brainstorming, I'll drop a loose CS, subject to later changes, should an OOC go up later.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know.
Looks pretty full, but I would love to join, if you think that there is room for me. Happy to fill just about any role, but preferably Doctor/Engineer,
Interested, mostly depending on the responses to the above questions. I have quite a few ideas, and can play female, if it should prove necessary.
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