Name: Jack 'Dodger' WIlliams
Age: 31
Occupation: Sprayer
That is a good impression of him when he is out spraying, but he does have an appearance outside of that as well.

That is the man under the mask. He is almost exactly 6' tall, and loves the colour of dark blue, which he commonly expresses in his attire.
Gear: As far as spray paint goes, Jack always keeps with him a rainbow of colours. Not too many, but enough to get the job done. He is always armed with plenty of molotovs, as well as his trusty lighter, quite obviously. He does keep a handgun with him, but he never has it loaded, it's simply a threat, as he doesn't wish to actually cause any harm. He also has a climbing pick, used to assist him in his ascent of buildings, and escape of law enforcement. All of these things (save the handgun, which is kept in a holster) are kept in a small-ish duffel bag that he keeps slung around his shoulders. It is small enough so as to not impede movement, however this does require him to have to stuff his gear in rather tightly. In his duffel bag he does keep a bit of food and drink, and various utilities for everyday life. That duffel bag means a lot to him, as it is has essentially been his home ever since he left his life as a Northgate prison guard.
Personality: He plays himself off as a violent, dark badass, but in all reality he is a very gentle, kindhearted person who puts everyone else first, and hates resorting to violence.
Background: There wasn't much that went his way when he was young. Father left when he was 11. Mother drunk herself to death when he was 17. His uncle, who he went to live with, had a heart attack. His aunt got violent after that. Naturally, he did what most 18 year olds do when they don't have the means to get a decent education, and are stuck in a small town with an abusive guardian. He left. Someday, somehow, he found his way into Northgate, and eventually nudged his way up into the prison. This wasn't what he wanted, but it paid the bills. Then, something life changing happened.
It was a bleak day, the sun covered by gray clouds. Jack had just been forced to sit through another interrogation. He hated having to watch people be tortured so badly for insignificant crimes. He was thinking of resigning, when suddenly, a phone call came in. Most of the police forces had been diverted into stopping a riot, and they needed someone to act on a call they had received. A sprayer was out and about. He and a couple of others had been sent to stop the crime.
When they arrived, Jack saw something that changed him. The sprayer stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the law enforcers. He turned, revealing the face of a kid no more than 14. He dropped his spray paint, and put up his hands. There was no warning. No reading of his rights. BANG. BANG. BANG. Jack's fellow Northgate guards gunned the boy down, with no mercy or remorse. "He tried to run." They all agreed. All except for Jack. The next day, Jack had disappeared, and was gone off the radar, now a sprayer, to honor the kid, spite the police, and liberate the masses.
Extra: Having been at the spraying game for a couple of years now, he has set up quite a few stashes around the city, places to lay low while being chased, store suspicious gear, places where he essentially lives. Each of these stashes are marked with his signature simley face, in the hopes that fellow sprayers will benefit from them. He gets the nickname Dodger from how he always tends to bolt at the nearest sign of danger, and does so using various free running tactics, so as to outrun police, and others encumbered by a lack of training.