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    1. DR_TRAPEZOID 11 yrs ago


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I might've been more than a bit confused about the size of the towns. Good to know. I'll definitely slow down, I'm glad that's in perspective now. I'll try to edit my post up, because that would be ridiculous.
A cold wind whipped through the tundra North West of Altearx. Flecks of snow blurred almost everything out of view. A nearby small town stood strong under the flurry, a small castle-like fortress topping the 'cake', imposing over any invader. Many of the guards in the city began to shiver under their cold steel armor, rattling about, making quite the racket. They began to shiver even more violently when they saw it happen. Lightning struck, extremely close to them, accompanied by- was that a laugh? Surely enough, they soon saw a man-like figure striding towards them.

Viktor stood at a height taller than many men, augmented by the steel that coated his body. The steel appeared to be armor, however it was rather welded to his very body. Electricity arced across his figure as he strode forward, an air of power about him. As he walked, he began to summon imps, calling six of the lithe creatures from the void. Naturally, by now the guards had soiled themselves, and were blowing a warning out to their fellow guards.

Viktor chuckled as he walked up to their main gates, not once breaking his stride. He was met with many guards, each toting a spear, and each shivering.

"Gentlemen! I come in peace! I simply request an audience with whoever is in charge of your wonderful town!"

Viktor called out over the intense howling of the wind. He raised up his hands to indicate that he came in peace.

"Now, let us drop this foolishness, and enter somewhere warm, where peaceful discussion can be held."

Viktor said, his steel face remaining emotionless. Soon enough, after being frisked, and forced to leave his imps outside, he was given an audience with the mayor.

"My friend. I have only recently been given the pleasure of visiting this great land. I currently am unsure of who I am, or where I come from, but I do know one thing. We both have something to gain here. I request simply that your men build me a fortress, similar to this that we currently stand in, and in return, I shall make your army immortal. Steel will fix their flaws, they will rise above human laws. All will drop to worship at your feet. I will make you forget the shame of defeat."

As he spoke, he allowed magic to influence the mans weak mind. It did not take much after that to elicit just the response Viktor needed. The mayor, a greedy man, suggested that Viktor simply made his so-called 'Dungeon' out of the already existing fortress, rather than leaving.The mayor offered even to make him general, so long as his promises rang true.

And so they did. It wasn't long before the small towns army was more machine and magic than man. That was the mayor mistake. Viktor, now having full control of the towns army, had them slaughter the townspeople, in fact, anyone who wasn't a part of the army. It was rather easy for them to slaughter untrained peasants, but Viktor knew that this tactic wouldn't work in any other situation.Viktor himself cut down the mayor, laughing at how easily he had ruined the town.

"Goodbye, fool"

He said, taking a sword, and decapitating the portly man. Viktor looked around the room, scanning it. The mayors office seemed to be one of the most heavily fortified rooms in this fortress, and as such, Viktor adopted it to be his own, magically augmenting it, so he could use it as his Dungeon Heart.

Viktor sighed as he walked around his new home. It was impressive, but it was not big enough. He needed more than 10 rooms, and more power. Currently, he only had a prison, barracks, and the Heart. Grunting, he assigned some of his men to break down some of the walls in the living areas of the fortess, they were tiny areas, but perhaps combined, he would be able to make a sufficient Summoning room.

While his men began to work on that, he dismissed the rest, making sure he wouldn't be bothered. Viktor had, only a few hours ago appeared, materializing out of the Void, and he now sat in a rather impressive dungeon. He didn't know why he was doing this, but he knew he had to. He also knew that his dungeon would easily fall without an army. So, not wasting any time, he sat down in the mayors chair, still splattered with blood, and began to work on a blueprint for a creature that can actually stand up in battle.

Charlie 'Lefty' Johnson



He has a tattoo of an open palm on his right wrist, just above where his hand would be. It is surrounded by an intricate pattern that spirals up his arm, continuing on to his chest. The palm on his tattoo glows when he uses his ability. He also has a scar running around the circumference of his other wrist.

He has the ability to summon a fairly large hand (larger than a human hand, but smaller than a chair) to do his bidding: however, it has many restrictions, as he has learned. The hand has a 8 foot arm span, and the hand itself has 10 inch long fingers. The hand can only be 'spawned', when Hans makes a sacrifice of blood. It doesn't have to be a lot of blood, but he must bleed on the area in which he wishes to spawn the hand. Until the hand is dismissed, it cannot be placed again. It is noteworthy that although the hand can take a lot of damage, any pain felt by the hand, Hans feels as well. If Hans is hurt too much while commanding the hand, the hand will vanish.

A bit cocky, Charlie doesn't believe in the word slow. He needs to have something occupying his mind at all times, he can't stand not being able to do anything. He is rather kind, although his temper is short.

As a child, Charlie was raised by a good, middle-classs family. He was always close with his parents, and his older brother, whom he fought with, but otherwise got along with rather well. Things began to go downhill for him when his parents got divorced. He was still young when it happened, so he didn't really understand why. Something about his dad cheating. Mom always did take board games seriously.
Either way, it was a bad time for the whole family. His mom took custody of Charlie and his brother, however every now and again they got to visit their father again. Charlies mother was stressed a lot, which made Charlie stressed a lot. Eventually, everyone settled back down, but it was quite a few years.

For all of Charlies life, he had loved cars. As a baby, he played with toy cars. As he grew up, he watched NASCAR, and raced go-karts. He was a stupendous driver when he got his drivers license, and made up his mind as of what he wanted to do with his life. After years of practice, he became a professional NASCAR driver. It was his dream come true.

Then, the accident happened. He was racing, in a rather unimportant race. He considered it to be an easy win. But it didn't end well. Some amateur didn't know what he was doing, and flipped his car. Charlie slammed on the breaks, but it was too late. He was engulfed in a fiery wreck of twisted steel and rubber, as well as many other racers. He was awake, but in major pain. The only part of him that didn't feel anything was his right hand.

He woke up to a rhythmic beeping. He squinted in the white glare of the hospital room. He could tell he was on many anesthetics. He looked around, seeing his mother and brother in the room, as well as a doctor. The doctor said some things, but Charlie didn't understand much, other than "You're going to be fine" and something about his right hand. Hearing the comment about his right hand, he looked over at it, only to see it was missing, then proceeded to pass out.

When he woke up again, he didn't remember much, but he did remember that where he was was absolutely not a hospital.

In Paint 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Alright Clarion. Let's go!" Dodger said enthusiastically, still attempting to keep his voice down. He strolled forward to Sass and took one of the commissions. He flicked on his lighter again, just momentarily, to read the paper. "Looks like we get to advertise for a drug dealer." He muttered, shivering. He had seen some druggies in the past, working at Northgate Prison, and it had legitimately scared him, how their lives had gone so far down into the gutters.

Dodger briefly checked everything on him, his mask, his duffel bag, etc., making sure that nothing was loose. As soon as his bag was zipped up, and his handgun was in his hands, he walked casually over to the window. "Well, it won't be long 'till the cops get here, so I think it's about time that we jet. Oh, and Clarion?" Dodger said, turning to him.

"Try to keep up."

He noted in a friendly voice, before vaulting out the window. He looked around for a minute, to get his bearings, as he wasn't in this part of town too often. He slowly stalked through the dark ally, peering out into the street. In the murky light it was difficult to tell, but he was fairly sure that he was alone. He turned to the fire escape on the building, and began to scale it, pulling out his climbing pick to assist him. As he pulled himself onto the rusty old metal, he sat down, waiting for Clarion.
In Paint 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Crap. Has it really been 4 days? That is not alright! *slaps self*. I'll try to post asap, but I'll probably end up having to post tomorrow because [insert valid reason here]
Waewyn manor. A large, elegant mansion, made of a hardy oak base with many glass panes adorning the angular walls. It is a pleasant colour, a deep maroon, slightly faded over time. The manor had many shrubs and trees surrounding it, emerald green vines crawling up the walls. The early sunshine shone through the stained glass window adorning the towers, spreading a pleasant array of colours across the grass. A gentle chime rang through the air, a gentle breeze allowing his wind chimes to produce the lilting noises.

Accompanying the ring of bells, was a violent clanging, emanating from the hedge-enclosed backyard of the manor. A warm glow bathed the flagstone coated patio, as Caedes stood outside, a thin rapier in his hand, the golden gem-encrusted hilt sparkling. The steely blade flickered through the air, swiftly disarming a dummy, made of straw. He sighed, turning to grab a piece of fresh fruit from a platter behind him.

He let out a brief whistle, and raised his leather padded glove. Surely enough, a high pitched caw sounded through the air, and a dark silhouette darted across the bright sky. It swooped down, whistling through the air, before unfurling it's rather impressive wingspan, slowing down to a gentle glide, before falling to a rest on Caedes' leather gauntlet. The Wyvern let out a smaller, less harsh caw, an endearing gesture. Chuckling under his breath, Caedes took out a piece of meat.
"Perhaps you need a treat, my small winged friend."

He said, tossing the succulent slice of steaming steak into the air. Skar, the draconide, flapped up swiftly to snag the meat from mid-air. He gulped it down, screeching with satisfaction. Caedes stroked Skar on his head, congratulating him. Taking a deep breath of the crisp, fresh morning air, Caedes made a decision to go out into town. He had very few servants, most of whom simply preformed the deeds of upkeeping the unused parts of the manor. He dismissed those who were working today, as it was such a nice day, and he felt that the manor could go a day without so much attention.

He strolled back into his house, grabbing a cloak, satchel, and money purse, then mounting his rapier back on his wall. He strolled out, headed to town, simply to mingle, and perhaps purchase some more nourishment, as he didn't purchase much food, and not very often. He whistled as he walked out, calling Skar to his side. He knew that Skar attracted attention- almost too much- but Skar loved going for walks, and was rather intimidating to potential robbers. As he left, the nest of Wyverns that had made their home in the spires of his mansion let out a screech, jealous of their pampered brother.
I'm an idiot, and managed to forget to post my old accepted CS for an entire week... That just makes me feel foolish.

Name: Dr. Rigger 'Riggs' Mortez

Class: Medic

The one farthest to the right.

Action Skill: 'Your Own Medicine'
Digistructs a small shield. This shield absorbs damage, and lasts for thirty seconds. Before the shield despawns it releases all of the damage it has collected in one powerful burst.

Assault rifle with a Vladof 2 barrel, Vladof Body 1, Bandit Grip, no sight, and a bandit stock.

Grenade: Transfusion.

Shield: Adaptive

Echo Log:
'Mans voice': "Test 3139. My new 'Health Now!' improvement didn't work. The patients all suffered a serious corrosion of the internal organs. Some may consider this a failure, but I'll be damned if it wasn't fun as hell to watch. Ahhhh, science is fun. Now, let's begin the next test.

Level ups:
50 CC's of Badassery: Melee also does massive shock damage
Do No Harm: Instead of dealing extra damage, headshots restore health.
A Ship of Friends: Enemies killed by 'Your Own Medicine" drop orbs that heal teammates.
Bedside Manner: Heal while you have full shields.
Placebo: 'Your Own Medicine' makes you constantly exude blasts of Slag as long as it is active, as well as making the final blast slag enemies.
I think I'll wait for BB to give us an opening post.
In the mean time, how do you feel about multiple characters? Specifically, a Keeper and a Rogue Being.
ERode said
Is reading Introspection not your forte, Descartes? :<

Speaking of that *coughcough*I sent you a PM*coughcough*
N-n-no CS? *shivers in fear of what some might do with such unrivaled power*
Anyways, dibs on steel-based technology magic keeper.
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