A cold wind whipped through the tundra North West of Altearx. Flecks of snow blurred almost everything out of view. A nearby small town stood strong under the flurry, a small castle-like fortress topping the 'cake', imposing over any invader. Many of the guards in the city began to shiver under their cold steel armor, rattling about, making quite the racket. They began to shiver even more violently when they saw it happen. Lightning struck, extremely close to them, accompanied by- was that a laugh? Surely enough, they soon saw a man-like figure striding towards them.
Viktor stood at a height taller than many men, augmented by the steel that coated his body. The steel appeared to be armor, however it was rather welded to his very body. Electricity arced across his figure as he strode forward, an air of power about him. As he walked, he began to summon imps, calling six of the lithe creatures from the void. Naturally, by now the guards had soiled themselves, and were blowing a warning out to their fellow guards.
Viktor chuckled as he walked up to their main gates, not once breaking his stride. He was met with many guards, each toting a spear, and each shivering.
"Gentlemen! I come in peace! I simply request an audience with whoever is in charge of your wonderful town!"Viktor called out over the intense howling of the wind. He raised up his hands to indicate that he came in peace.
"Now, let us drop this foolishness, and enter somewhere warm, where peaceful discussion can be held."Viktor said, his steel face remaining emotionless. Soon enough, after being frisked, and forced to leave his imps outside, he was given an audience with the mayor.
"My friend. I have only recently been given the pleasure of visiting this great land. I currently am unsure of who I am, or where I come from, but I do know one thing. We both have something to gain here. I request simply that your men build me a fortress, similar to this that we currently stand in, and in return, I shall make your army immortal. Steel will fix their flaws, they will rise above human laws. All will drop to worship at your feet. I will make you forget the shame of defeat."As he spoke, he allowed magic to influence the mans weak mind. It did not take much after that to elicit just the response Viktor needed. The mayor, a greedy man, suggested that Viktor simply made his so-called 'Dungeon' out of the already existing fortress, rather than leaving.The mayor offered even to make him general, so long as his promises rang true.
And so they did. It wasn't long before the small towns army was more machine and magic than man. That was the mayor mistake. Viktor, now having full control of the towns army, had them slaughter the townspeople, in fact, anyone who wasn't a part of the army. It was rather easy for them to slaughter untrained peasants, but Viktor knew that this tactic wouldn't work in any other situation.Viktor himself cut down the mayor, laughing at how easily he had ruined the town.
"Goodbye, fool"He said, taking a sword, and decapitating the portly man. Viktor looked around the room, scanning it. The mayors office seemed to be one of the most heavily fortified rooms in this fortress, and as such, Viktor adopted it to be his own, magically augmenting it, so he could use it as his Dungeon Heart.
Viktor sighed as he walked around his new home. It was impressive, but it was not big enough. He needed more than 10 rooms, and more power. Currently, he only had a prison, barracks, and the Heart. Grunting, he assigned some of his men to break down some of the walls in the living areas of the fortess, they were tiny areas, but perhaps combined, he would be able to make a sufficient Summoning room.
While his men began to work on that, he dismissed the rest, making sure he wouldn't be bothered. Viktor had, only a few hours ago appeared, materializing out of the Void, and he now sat in a rather impressive dungeon. He didn't know why he was doing this, but he knew he had to. He also knew that his dungeon would easily fall without an army. So, not wasting any time, he sat down in the mayors chair, still splattered with blood, and began to work on a blueprint for a creature that can actually stand up in battle.
1st Minion: 3/3
Location: North 60° West 5° (If I still know how to read maps)
Dungeon: A small stone castle.
Minions: 25 Human Slaves
Compendium: Viktor was only recently spawned from the Void. An old body of steel armor was left buried in the snow, only to be possessed by his spirit. He uses magic to augment steel, creating abominations of magic, metal, and man. He is currently in a weak state, able to succumb to anything that a mortal in armor would.