Vragas the imp continued the angry chatter that he had kept up his entire journey. His muscles ached, as he neared his masters kingdom, with his prize in tow. The massive hairy beast had not been easy to drag across the tundra, but he knew that his work would be rewarded. So, he proudly presented his work to the ogre standing guard at the front gate, who easily hefted the dead beast over his shoulder, and trudged slowly towards the masters dungeon heart, Vragas slouching alongside.
As they neared the room, they expected to be stopped by Stamrad, but instead were met with something they had not expected in the least. Stamrad was present, but stood far behind, sorting through a pile of rotting corpses. Stamrad looked up for a moment, before going back to his work, allowing Viktor to deal with the dead beast.
However, it was not Viktor that confronted Vragas in the hall. Instead, the imp was met by a creature seeming to have sprung from some form of drug fueled nightmare. The skeleton shivered, creating a chattering noise. The stiff bones clanged against the metal sleeve that encased his right arm. The bones no longer retained the ivory sheen that they once had, now a deep black. The black did not reflect, instead it seemed to absorb all nearby light, giving it an eerie feeling.
Atop the creatures shoulders sat no skull, in its place was a simple helmet of metal, slightly masking the magical glow emanating from deep inside. It tilted it's head as it gazed upon the ogre and imp, confused by the creatures. In its metal sheathed arm it held a spear, which it raised as if to strike. As it raised the crude spike of metal, the thin arm shook uncontrollably.
Before he could bring down his arm to strike, an iron hand reached out, snagging the skeletons hand. Viktor sighed deeply, before speaking in a rather disappointed tone. [i]"No, my child. These are your friends."[/b] He said, forcing the skeleton to lower his spear. Viktor, not letting go of the monsters hand, led him to the summoning room, where Stamrad had moved the other 30 bodies.
Viktor was soon standing proudly before a squad of 30 skeletons, with one by his side. These were a deadly force, capable of striking out with terrifying speed. Though the warriors were weak, with bones easily shattered, they had been coated with an enchanted mix of the black powder, making them even more lethal in death.
Vragas looked curiously at these creations, talking in his strange chatter. One of the skeletons looked down at him, responding in what wasn't as much of a voice as it was a hollow whispering. The skeleton was a bit confused. At this point, he knew nothing but following orders, so was confused when Vragas asked him his name. "Naaaame...?" Asked the skeleton, searching his scarce amount of memories. "I... am... Hydl..." He said, a slight hiss in his voice, as the name came to him.
"Vragas... I am Vragas." Said the imp, a gleeful tone in his voice. Hydl reached down to the imp, gently patting the gray creatures head. "Frieeeend?" Asked the echoed voice, slowly lifting Vragas to eye level. Vragas nodded, a giggle slipping out through his mask. The Hydl quickly put Vragas down when Viktor shot them a confused look.
Viktor, ignoring the strange happenings, looked down upon Vragas.
"I have been told that you brought me good news, young one. What have you found?" He asked, having already sent the ogre to leave the dead animal in the Dungeon heart. Vragas looked up at his master, having almost forgot how imposing he was in person. With a bit of hesitation, Vragas began to speak up, before going with Viktor to look at the fresh kill.
"The beasts travel in pack. Big pack... not far north. Moving at us. Very strong, tough skin. Not smart. Big scary leader-thing, bloody horns." Stuttered Vragas, speaking in a manner that his master could understand.
"Perfect. You have earned your place in our ranks, and you shall receive rewards beyond your imagination, all in due time. Now go, enjoy peace and rest, for you have earned it." Viktor said to the imp, dismissing him. He then turned to the matter at hand, namely the animal on his desk. A vision ran through his head, one of the perfect soldier. So, Viktor went to work, knowing that his top priority was expanding his army.
3rd Minon: 8/8
Location: His castle, North-West of Altearx
Dungeon: A small stone castle, armed with a summoning room, barracks, Heart, and prison.
Minions: 3 Imps, 9 Humanoid husks, 16 Ogres, 30 Skeletons, and Stamrad, the armored general.
Resources: Seemingly endless supply of stone, large amounts of steel, and a large vein of coal dust.
Compendium Update: Skeletons-
Skeletons sporting pure black bones, and a single arm augmented with metal. These creatures are designed to strike quickly with their spears. Though weak, they combust upon death, making them lethal in close quarters.