Avatar of Draconis Nevyn
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Draconis Nevyn
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 588 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Draconis Nevyn 11 yrs ago


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Two posts, bitches!
Can't find any decent Male Klingons. Female it is. Even then, not many in Federation uniform
The dark skies seemed to stretch endlessly into a dark infinity with the howling winds around him echoing all along that great distance, Parasimon observed as he set to work.

The thick, obscuring veil of fog prevented him from seeing more than perhaps a hundred meters in front of him: even with his power focused on strengthening his vision, it remained a near-impenetrable curtain. With the baleful deadlights of Moon=Millenniummon floating over the bay in the distance being all that he could see from where he’d awoken, it seemed it was up to him to clue out his surroundings again.

And, as he weaved out to find the others, it seemed it was up to him not to attract unwanted attention from the aberration in the skies.

“God damn it, wake up!” Lying prostrate with his wings still stretched out from when he’d come crashing down, Examon was the first of his allies that he found still-trapped in Moon=Millenniummon’s temporal prison. It seemed that his early escape from that hell wasn’t going to be of much help to the others: though Parasimon could sense vital signs from the Dragon Emperor, there wasn’t even an instinctive reaction on his part as the last of the Knights yelled and prodded at him. Even the Hazard link seemed to prove less than worthless as he fired off numerous messages over it, with Examon remaining prone and helpless as the winds screamed and raged.

“Shit.” Remaining crouched as he gave up on waking Examon, Parasimon contemplated what to do. Resolution or no resolution, rushing Moon=Millenniummon seemed an utterly unappealing option. He remembered enough of what he’d lived through in the timequake to know that would end up with him dead for nothing and the others even more helpless.
Fortunately, however, it didn’t seem that that helplessness was universal.

Elle, was having slightly better luck with sight, and with a relatively clearer head in terms of temporal distortion as it seemed that Wizardmon’s unique abilities staved off a miniscule amount of Millenniummon’s awful, reality-destroying, powers. With his help, though feeling as though she was moving through honey, Dynasmon began to move. Launching himself with his greatest speed towards Rodendramon, He was the first one that the pair had noticed. Not that it was difficult to hear or see him as he had thrown a large attack upwards, only for it to miss and fall to the ground.
Dynasmon watched the rodent rush towards Examon, who as of yet wasn’t moving, and altered his course to attempt to meet him at that point. It seemed that slowly, but surely, the group of tamers were awakening. But they needed to be a little faster, they didn’t have much time. Or did they? Dynasmon shook his head, time was a mess, as was reality itself and he was no physicist.

Elle made a mental note, if she survived this she would go to university to try and better understand everything about what was happening. Hey maybe she could even teach it? She didn’t let herself get her hopes up, but it was a pleasant thought. Keeping an eye on Rodendramon, who was fairly fast and Dynasmon did wonder if he had speed comparable, though he remembered that he had fought alongside Ulforce for a long time and though horribly outpaced, he had enough to keep up with a rat. Out of nowhere, Dynasmon heard BanchoLeomon’s roar and it made him smile. Though internally, Elle felt a chill run down her spine, she had seen many of her team, almost all of them. One important person was missing… where was Ulforce? Where was Leon? She wondered to herself.

When she threw this question inwards to Wizardmon, it took him a moment to respond. The fact that he was from another time, existing in this time and space for the second time. It was disorienting. He took a breath and spoke;

“I wish I knew where he was. With everything as it is, I can’t remember much of anything about anything before this moment.” Elle grimaced, things must have been worse than she thought

“Let’s just get to Examon then, shall we? We’ll work it out then.” They nodded to each other and picked up speed, flapping their wings and gliding through the air and what felt like time itself. It took a while (or did it just seem that way?) but eventually Dynasmon reached his old companion Examon.

If only he was in an actual state to do anything. Even in the dull, misty atmosphere of Moon=Millenniummon’s cocoon, it was clear as day that the spark of consciousness was gone from the Dragon Emperor: life signs persisted if one looked close enough, or tuned in to his palpable vitality, but faint enough that they might as well have not been present.

On the other hand, hunched in a crouch over the prone Digimon and giving up on trying to shake him back to reality-

“You’re up?” Parasimon didn’t mince his words: if Examon’s unconsciousness was plain as day, the terseness and tension in the other Knight’s voice and manner blazed through like the summer solstice.

“Kudos on not making as much noise as the rat.” Gently lowering Examon so that he now lay on his back rather than face down on the ground, Parasimon turned his attention fully to Dynasmon: a light emerging from behind him to light the murky air enough for them to see each-other clearly. “I guess we should count ourselves lucky that we’re in a timeline where that didn’t blow up in everyone’s faces.”

“I am up, yes.” Dynasmon flapped his wings a few times in order to slow down and allow him to land, “Quiet isn’t what I am known for but when necessary I can do it, and don’t talk to me about timelines, Wizardmon here is.. Different” this statement caused Dynasmon to shiver briefly as he eyed up Parasimon. Though the giant insect didn’t seem hostile, that did little to mitigate his grotesque appearance. Dark grey flesh with the consistency of a Raremon’s hide made up most of what Dynasmon could see of his body, throbbing and rippling as if it were more liquid than solid. Jagged, jet black crystal perforated that flesh at odd points all over; rather than the icy, glassy shell of Moon=Millenniummon, these crystals radiated an unpleasant heat and light, as if they were alive. The back of his upper body in particular was almost completely coated in them, stretching down in uneven intervals down his arms, lower torso, and even up his too-thin neck to brace and frame his face.

“If you don’t mind, I’m not going to ask.” Said face stared at Dynasmon with an odd number of eyes, reflective black with red and orange shooting through them, jaws not even moving as he spoke. “The less said about timelines, the better.”

“I’m glad we agree on that.” replied the dragon-esque digimon, who was busy folding his wings and ensuring that Examon was indeed, alive. He knelt down close, keeping his head low and placing where his ears would be near Examon’s body. He managed to catch a slow breathing pattern and a slow but steady pulse. Or whatever passed for that in Mega digimon. Why hadn’t the pair separated like he had when he’d died. So how was he here? Was he here?

“I wouldn’t even bother.” Once again, Parasimon cut straight to the point as Dynasmon examined Examon. “Whatever he’s seeing in there, it has him stuck fast. You can try all you want, but I’m sure you know what it boils down to. Either he makes his own way out, or he doesn’t.”

With that, Parasimon rose from his crouch back up to his feet. The light that had appeared moved with him: now it was clear that it was coming from the crystalline structure on his back. Something about the crystals and their pattern of growth seemed different from before: but Parasimon was too preoccupied and Dynasmon too unfamiliar with him to notice.

“Who else besides us is awake? The rat is obvious, and I’m sure I heard that damn cat making enough noise to wake the dead.” This elicited a small chuckle from Dynasmon, and within him Elle and Wizardmon both,

“I believe it is just us, we need to gather everyone we can, those awake and those asleep. We need a battle plan” he said, giving a very serious look to the crystalline entity and pointing upwards towards the near singularity “We need to take this thing down, and fast.” Dynasmon paused to get to his feet, stretching to his full height before continuing “Any ideas?”

“Nothing more than that.” The light on Parasimon’s back cut out. A moment later, it flared back up at a nearly blinding intensity for a brief instant before settling into a softer, yet still searing orange luminescence. Rather than a single burst of light emerging from the crystals on his back, it now formed into six seemingly-solid structures, each thrumming with a great concentration of power. As if the Knight had become weightless at their formation, he began to rise into the air; more than simple structures of light, they seemed to be a new set of wings. “As long as Examon’s alive, Avalon should protect him. Spread out, find who you can and bring them here. It won’t be easy, but I know full well that it’s possible to carve out a victory here.”

Parasimon’s jaws hadn’t moved an inch all the while he spoke to Dynamon, but for a moment as he spoke, the austere shape his mouth had twisted into smoothed out into an expression of rumination. “On my vows, I’ll make sure it’s possible.” And the very next moment, an even fiercer expression than before took its place.

Dynasmon gave the best grin he could considering the circumstances and with a quick, curt, nod he had launched himself into the air, feeling the pressure of Milleniummon and air ripple around him. Taking a breath, he began to look around for a glimpse of anyone or anything that could help them, besides those he already knew about.
Ah okay. Yeah Ferengi weren't Starfleet and it was a big thing for Nog to join honestly
<Snipped quote by Draconis Nevyn>
The picture. I can’t get a CS going without the picture. Don’t know why, just can’t. Takes fucking forever sometimes. I prefer photos not drawings but none of those were to my liking so I settled on a drawing I found.

I am playing a female Caitian.

Had another idea in mind which would require less species specific picture, but found no lore says that the species is a member of the Federation and I didn’t want to get into (read research) how it would have gotten permission. I know it came up in DS9 with Nog (or whatever that Ferengi boy’s name was).

What race was it? and I know the feeling. I've been having a hell of a time finding a good picture. Dunno if I should go male or female yet either. I'm letting the image decide at this point. When I find one I love, that's the one I'm using.
@Draconis Nevyn

Ah the SCA and Pennsic Wars

Nah I'm Scottish. 14c British reenactment.
@Draconis Nevyn

As I said I am a Geek Goddess and it was my dad's fault that I began my journey down the Rabbit hole

I learned about Doctor Who and know who the first implied female Time Lord was and who the first confirmed Female Time Lord was (Susan Foreman / The Rani)

Next came Red Dwarf and my love of Cat

Battle Star Galactica, Space Above and Beyond, Ark II, Max Headroom, Babylon 5, Sliders and so on

Then I began working at my uncle's comic book store doing Cosplay in the booths he had at the three cons a year

Cat's fun in early seasons but in the later seasons it's all about Rimmer.

Used to be only Star Wars because my only experience with Star Trek was TOS which I found boring. It was... 2 or 3 years ago I found TNG and fell in love with Star Trek as a whole. Other loves include: Halo, XCOM and hell I even liked Event Horizon. I'm a massive nerd but still a noob to Star Trek in some aspects.

I am also a medieval reenactor. It's so much fun despite the bruises!
I'm working on mine, but the thing I need first I can't seem to get it.

What do you need?
I'll get mine up before I go to sleep then. Though i planned on Simia being a recent transfer anyway. The Indy is being decommissioned. Sad face.
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