Here's my CS: The Summoner: A Wolf Shifter, Za'vunhul, more commonly known as the Howler, is a Wolf Shifter and a Summoner mage.
Age: 112
Elven Appearance: pure white hair, and sky blue eyes. He would wear a grey wolf-fur robe, covering his body. A scar running from his left eyebrow to his nose is visible on his face.
Wolf Appearance: His head is white, and rest of fur is grey. His scar can still be seen in his wolf form. He is a humanoid wolf that walks on his hind legs.
Race: Half- Elf, Half-Dwarf. His mother was an elf, and his father was a Dwarf shifter.
Personality: Mysterious, cocky, and sarcastic.
Strengths: He can summon a pack of wolves if he is uninjured and focused, but it can only attack an enemy once, and only stays for 10 minutes, and it takes him 5 days to build up enough mana to summon another pack. He is quite slow when running, but has large stamina. He also is strategic, and what he lacks in close-up attacks, he makes up for in ranged attacks.
Flaws: It's hard for other people to earn his trust, and he only joined the quest to prevent more destruction. He also is a bit cocky and believes he can go into any battle and win, though in actuality, it's far from the truth. He also is slow in his attacks. One of his legs is shorter than the other, which is why he's not good at running from enemies or battling them at close range. In an explosion, he lost the skin on his left hand and the organic parts never grew back, so he replaced it with a metal hand crafted out of a steel and copper alloy. When he is in wolf form, his top left paw is covered by metal. Also, if he stays in his wolf form for over 50 minutes, he is stuck in it until the next full moon.