Zav Unhul
Zav dreamed of himself running around with his brothers and sisters, and an albino tiger running out of the forest, his teeth bared. But then-it vanished. “Come, brave soul, I have something you must see.” and then promptly vanished.
The voice in his head made him jerk. He stood, and walked to where the hand had been, and was then transported to the interior of a cave. Zav's eyes lit up when she saw the egg. It had been a long time since any egg had hatched. He'd never seen it happen. But his initial delight turned to dread as the voice returned.
“Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury.”
The egg is taken by someone, and the parchment with it.
"That day has come."
Looking at the scene before her, Zav's heart sinks as he notices the blood moon. But his attention soon focuses on the young couple standing in front of the egg from earlier.
A booming voice sounded in his mind. The words of the ancient prophecy roared in his head, causing him to moan slightly, and bring his hand to his staff, primed to summon a wolf. He listened to the words of the prophecy that he had heard for years, but never given it any credit, believing it to be a folktale.
It was then that the dragon, now hatched, changed to human. Zav was puzzled. Never had this happened before. Never in the history of Valeroma. Shifters were always born as their "lesser" being, either human, elf, or dwarf. Not the other way around. And on top of that, never had a shifter changed that early. It took years....Zav's first shift was at 49! Then he spoke. "I am Vaeros....die."
As he changed back again, he had tripled in size. Terror flew through his veins like fire-and he knew the feeling-he'd been thrown into a volcano.
“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”
Zav watched as the scene changed. Vaeros, now at his full size, attacking villages. Children, Women, Men, everyone was dead. Only a few wailing cries remained. Tears were streaming down his face.
“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”
As the scene around her changed, Zav drew his staff. The sound of metal ringing through the air, Zav turned to see....five others? By the looks of it, there were all confused and scared. While Zav had a vague idea of what was happening, he was indeed terrified.
"But not all is as hopeless as it seems." A young girl appears. Red hair, green eyes, and very spirit like. He listened as she spoke of a second half of the prophecy. Her brow furrowed, for she had never in all his 112 years heard of a second half. The girl met his eyes as her voice grew in power once more.
“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”
“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since birth, Calit, Vivian, Zav, Odran, Kassandra, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.....If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?”
As the being named everyone, a picture of each person appeared in his mind to match the name. A giant human assassin. A dragon-elven shifter. A dwarven military engineer. A water dragon shifter. An elven pyromancer. When she got to the haunting part, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. An obnoxious, thinks-he's-the-smartest- being was to guide them? Of course.
When the being showed them where to go, and the time, Zav nodded. He already knew his choice.
As soon as the Vision ended, Zav woke with a start. He was surprised to see the lantern, and his robe was covered with sweat. He never sweat in his sleep.
Knowing what he must do, he packed what he could carry in a small bag, put it on his back. He went outside, sneaking out of the house, so he wouldn't raise suspicion. He went a decent distance away, put the pack on his back, and turned north. Her wolf form, about 4 feet from nose to tail, ran to the Forbidden Grove.
The voice in his head made him jerk. He stood, and walked to where the hand had been, and was then transported to the interior of a cave. Zav's eyes lit up when she saw the egg. It had been a long time since any egg had hatched. He'd never seen it happen. But his initial delight turned to dread as the voice returned.
“Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury.”
The egg is taken by someone, and the parchment with it.
"That day has come."
Looking at the scene before her, Zav's heart sinks as he notices the blood moon. But his attention soon focuses on the young couple standing in front of the egg from earlier.
A booming voice sounded in his mind. The words of the ancient prophecy roared in his head, causing him to moan slightly, and bring his hand to his staff, primed to summon a wolf. He listened to the words of the prophecy that he had heard for years, but never given it any credit, believing it to be a folktale.
It was then that the dragon, now hatched, changed to human. Zav was puzzled. Never had this happened before. Never in the history of Valeroma. Shifters were always born as their "lesser" being, either human, elf, or dwarf. Not the other way around. And on top of that, never had a shifter changed that early. It took years....Zav's first shift was at 49! Then he spoke. "I am Vaeros....die."
As he changed back again, he had tripled in size. Terror flew through his veins like fire-and he knew the feeling-he'd been thrown into a volcano.
“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”
Zav watched as the scene changed. Vaeros, now at his full size, attacking villages. Children, Women, Men, everyone was dead. Only a few wailing cries remained. Tears were streaming down his face.
“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”
As the scene around her changed, Zav drew his staff. The sound of metal ringing through the air, Zav turned to see....five others? By the looks of it, there were all confused and scared. While Zav had a vague idea of what was happening, he was indeed terrified.
"But not all is as hopeless as it seems." A young girl appears. Red hair, green eyes, and very spirit like. He listened as she spoke of a second half of the prophecy. Her brow furrowed, for she had never in all his 112 years heard of a second half. The girl met his eyes as her voice grew in power once more.
“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”
“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since birth, Calit, Vivian, Zav, Odran, Kassandra, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.....If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?”
As the being named everyone, a picture of each person appeared in his mind to match the name. A giant human assassin. A dragon-elven shifter. A dwarven military engineer. A water dragon shifter. An elven pyromancer. When she got to the haunting part, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. An obnoxious, thinks-he's-the-smartest- being was to guide them? Of course.
When the being showed them where to go, and the time, Zav nodded. He already knew his choice.
As soon as the Vision ended, Zav woke with a start. He was surprised to see the lantern, and his robe was covered with sweat. He never sweat in his sleep.
Knowing what he must do, he packed what he could carry in a small bag, put it on his back. He went outside, sneaking out of the house, so he wouldn't raise suspicion. He went a decent distance away, put the pack on his back, and turned north. Her wolf form, about 4 feet from nose to tail, ran to the Forbidden Grove.
"Time to shift." Zav willed himself to transform into a wolf, and his wolf fur robe melted into him. His white hair became white fur on his head, and his grey robe became grey fur. He winced as his metal hand became a metal paw. "Always head North, Zav. Always push forward, no matter what." He remembered his mother telling him that. So, his metal paw clanking, his wild eyes awake, he ran north. He bounded through roads and through towns. "I'M GOING TO KILL A DRAGON!"He yelled.
-Two Days Later- Zav trotted into a grove, and shifted back to his human form. "Another reason... the stamina... of a wolf... is above... any other." He moaned. This was supposed to be the meeting point. He saw a silhouette under a tree. An elf one. Sleeping. He saw a sword. Still, he moved towards the tree, realizing the if she was in the Grove, she was Chosen and would not hurt him. He shifted, and went to the edges of the grove, wanting to remain hidden until all the Chosen Ones were at the grove.