I'm Leaving. I have been neglecting my schoolwork to RP here. I'm leaving, hopefully for good. Sorry to my RP partners, but this is for my own good.
4 yrs ago
I'm Leaving. I have been neglecting my schoolwork to RP here. I'm leaving, hopefully for good. Sorry to my RP partners, but this is for my own good.
Lol I'm in EST same with me but the rona makes me not know what day of the week it is
4 yrs ago
It's Friday?
Hi! I'm Draco. I consider myself a High Casual/Low Advanced RPer. I may be new here, but I'm certainly not new to RP! I like mostly fantasy, some sci-fi, and occasionally superhero. If you want to play with me, shoot me a PM!
I'm hoping for Zav to be able to learn swordplay to some extent because I was thinking about it and a giant sword that he could barely control would be perfect for him.
Are we allowed to have NPCs that we control? Not godmodding, as the NPCs are our characters, but you can't control another person's NPC, only your own.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Zav fights with archery, basic magic, and his lack of skill at close melee actually makes him an accidental slaying machine if he has a GIANT-I'm talking HUGE-sword.
Hi! I'm Draco. I consider myself a High Casual/Low Advanced RPer. I may be new here, but I'm certainly not new to RP! I like mostly fantasy, some sci-fi, and occasionally superhero. If you want to play with me, shoot me a PM!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi! I'm Draco. I consider myself a High Casual/Low Advanced RPer. I may be new here, but I'm certainly not new to RP! I like mostly fantasy, some sci-fi, and occasionally superhero. If you want to play with me, shoot me a PM!</div>