Avatar of Dragon Witch
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  • Posts: 20 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Dragon Witch 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Always seeking femslash


I have 15 years of role-playing experience under my belt. I've rped through various mediums over the years from AOL chatrooms, passing papers back and forth between irl friends with my "posts" and "replies", rping in MMORPGS such as World of Warcraft and Star Wars the Old Republic, even the good ol' days of rping on the Neopets RP boards.

I rp various genres from fantasy, sci-fi, historical, historical-fantasy, mythology and a long list of fandoms that continues to grow. My post lengths vary depending on the people I rp with. At bare minimum my replies will be a paragraph but can go up to 5 or even 10 depending on the situation and my fellow role-player(s).

My RP style has a bit of variation to it. I like to think of my RPs as well-written (to the best of my ability) movies or television series. I want there to be character development, intriguing plots, chemistry between characters and so forth. I can make or keep the mood light and fun or go dark and gritty if i find it appropriate to the story. I try to have a little bit of everything but will still keep to a major theme of the story.

I do group rps and 1x1 rps. The 1x1 rps do not have to be romantic but it is preferred. If romance is involved my characters will 95% of the time be lesbians and bi-sexual for the other 5%. As I, myself, am a lesbian, the probability of me doing a romantic rp with a male character will be very small but not entirely impossible.

If you have any questions for me or want to propose RP ideas, please PM me. My inbox is always open. I do work and go to school online so I apologize if my casual replies are not speedy; but my RP replies do take a certain level of priority to me.

Most Recent Posts

@Flamme Verte I'm actually looking forward to our characters interacting. Depending on how things go, it would be pretty fun if they wound up becoming BFFs in the long run. If you're okay with that of course and if they have the right chemistry for it.
I'm interested ^_^
Okay, after a lot of review and comparison, I decided to go wit the second idea. *firm nod* Finding herself on a boat with fellow adventurers would be a dream come true.
Greetings! I would definitely love to do a Star Wars FxF RP. I can also do something in either a Fantasy, Steampunk, Post-apocalyptic or Supernatural setting.

Out of your list of pairings, these were the ones that intrigued me (sorry there are so many to choose from, but all of got my brain pumped):
Bounty Hunter x Outlaw
Witch x Paladin
Witch/Cleric x Demon
Jedi x Jedi
Jedi x Sith
Adventurer x Adventurer
Vampire x Hunter
Mentor x Student
Germanic it is then, already looking into the Pre-Roman Iron Age of Northern Germany. I'm thinking she will be like a scout for a newly settled tribe. She is seeking new and unique resources for her people (or is supposed to be), but finds herself enjoying the freedom of being out on her own. She'd mostly pray to Wodan (Odin) to protect her on her travels.

Or, I was thinking of making her a slave who survived a ritual drowning. She was an attendant to the Goddess Nerthus and as is tradition, after 2 slaves wash her and her chariot at the end of her roaming feast, the slaves are then drowned in Nerthus' lake. My character would have escaped through trickery on her part and then left to travel the world.
Understood. I'll keep thinking of other character ideas just to help fluff up the character list for potential story points in case there aren't very many people joining. I'm aware of the kind of treatment my clone character will go through. I may even make a second one. They could start off in similar environments and then go on very different paths depending on their nature and whether or not one chooses to revolt and the other does not.
I'm thinking of making a "clone" character for sure. Another idea I had is dependent on Darkseid's influence on Krypton. I've always wanted to make a Female Fury character. So would it be possible that at least one would be stationed on Krypton as a sort of liaison and law enforcer? Law enforcing in the sense that she makes sure no one leaves the planet or makes any plans to do so. She's be more like a guard dog really. She'd mostly be there for show and to use her presence to put fear into the kryptonians so they abide by Darkseid's law while she made reports back to Darkseid or Granny Goodness or whomever it is she reports to.
Now this is an RP I've been wanting to do for a very long time. The inclusion of so many cultures makes it difficult to decide on a character, however. At the moment I am leaning towards someone Norse, a female explorer perhaps. But I may set my eyes further east for my character's origins.
Ooooh, this sounds very interesting. While I am a D fan, my knowledge of the Superman fandom is rather small by comparison to my collective DC Universe knowledge. I will be wanting to create a character for this one, for sure.
Name: Lyn Nooka
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Repunlic
Weapon: Anold warrior dagger and a light shield
History: Lyn was born into one of the ruling council families on Ryloth. One day she, and 4 others of her generation, will one day take their seats on the council that rules over their city. She was raised to speak multiple languages, negotiate and compromise with others and present herself with dignity and grace. But when she was a child, her connection with The Force started to show. Lyn was told by her parents, to hide her gift so she would not be taken by The Jedi and fulfill her duties on Ryloth.

In her early teen years, Lyn witnessed her grandmother and other council members as they were banished into the harsh wastelands of their planet; which is tradition when any council member dies. Before her banishment, Lyn's grandmother encouraged her to leave Ryloth and the possible grim fate she could face as well. Lyn spent the next few years trying to figure out a way off planet while also securing safe living conditions for herself. When she became of age, Lyn snuck herself in with a group of slave women that were being sold to the highest bidders. With the jedi having been all but wiped out, Lyn seeks to find people she can aide to fight off the Dark Side; choosing to help her people by helping the galaxy.
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