Alula watched the half-elf for his reaction, and she couldn't help but think maybe she chose the wrong choice. He had looked mad, and she could feel that she had hurt his feelings. Her face kept neutral, but there was an argument going on in her head. She chose to ignore it, but her headache and dizziness were increasing. And after a few moments Alula had forgotten about what the voices were arguing over. Something about a voice? She knew plenty of those. Oh. They were walking now. She wasn't sure were they were going, or if she should go too. But after taking one teetering step forward she decided going with them was better then staying alone in a crowd.
She allowed herself to lean on the paladin a few times, and although the touch of armor felt like a searing through her robes she did not fall. Several times while the small group was walking Alula asked where they were going, and every time she got an answer she soon forgot it and asked again. She also asked several other questions ranging from asking "what time is is" four times to questioning why the paladin was wearing so much armor. Walking into the bar was slightly less overwhelming then walking through the streets. It was still many thoughts being thrown at her at once, so many intermingling voices. But now several of them were drunk. And yet it was still a lot to take in.
She opened her mouth, eyes dully glowing under her hat. "A gathering place for people of all kinds, the road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same and yet they end up here."
She already felt far more comfortable being out of the heat, and although the bar was noisier she could barely hear them under the voices in her head. She watched as the gnome ran off to find a table, sitting with a few other people. Alula disliked the idea of having to be close to more people so quickly, and instead found herself wobbling over to a small table near the back of the room. All around her phantoms and hallucinations moved, ranging from the joyous to disastrous. From weddings to war. But she didn't mind, they were faded and quiet under a heavy cloud of alcohol.