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Also Alula needs an adult aka carver
I'm currently at prom, so no posting from me.
Alula growled again, her anger growing despite her fatigue. She looked up anxiously at the setting sun. It would set any minute now, she needed to be rid of the gnome and the others. She needed to out distance between them. She glanced into the woods, which still seemed so far away. She wished that Carver would break through the tree line, he would be able to convince the gnome to cease his questions. She was getting stressed.

And when the gnome spoke again she stopped walking, angrily planting her staff into the ground. She tried to control her apparent rage.

"We are not all...blessed...with your...level of...expression." She growled, repeating his words. "We do not...get to...choose the life we...live."

She started walking again, hoping to leave the gnome behind her.

"And yet...I am myself..."
Okay. If Alula wasn't confused before she was now past the point of no return. When had the party gained such a young member? She would have defiantly remembered picking up such a young child at the tavern. She frowned as the girl walked by, trying to brush her hair over her eyes. She was really missing her hat at this point. A voice reassured her that she indeed wasn't forgetting anything, and that the child had been found by Vis during the destruction of the town.

Oh. How strange. She wondered how long a child would be able to last in their care.

And she only continued to feel more confused as the gnome continued to speak with her. It was as if everything the gnome said was over-complicated and strange. She frowned again, trying to move past him.

“Choice...is a strange...concept...” She muttered, struggling to bend over and get her staff. “I am...not...always...in control...”

She finally gripped the wood, standing up straight. She looked forwards, and the setting sun.

“And stronger then my control...is their control.”

And now she had the support to move from her staff, Alula walked past Furnace, hoping to find a safe spot before the moon came up. But knowing her luck, she would run into more allies.
<Snipped quote by Dragonbud>

It's our child....

is she a skeleton? @Spoopy-Scary
Alula: when did we get a kid?
Alula looked around the open field again before hobbling her way out of the makeshift tent. Vis and Carver were nowhere to be seen, as well as the hooded girl and the punching man. She glanced over towards Kelvin, who seemed to be falling asleep. Perfect. No one would be there to stop her. She nearly tripped trying to get out of the tent, cursing in a strange language as her bad leg took most of the fall. This wasn't going to work. Staff first. And then leave.

She struggled ungracefully towards the middle of the field, where she had dropped her staff. But it was slow moving, and she had forgotten to account for one of their companions. The gnome. She was just about to reach her staff when he suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her path. She growled impatiently, wishing she had her hat to pull over her eyes.

Harvesting? What the stars did he mean? A voice calmed her confusion, explaining that the strange gnome was referring to the destruction of the town as harvesting, as well as the fighting and death that occurred there. Must be a gnome thing. She took a stumbling step backwards, hair falling in front of her eyes but not blocking out their slight, weak, glow. She looked up at the setting sun, frowning.

"Hero's don't die, not before the story starts."

She looked down at the gnome, her voice weak and straining.

"Night is...coming...and I don't...want to...hurt anyone..." She shook her head, frustrated that she was having trouble portraying what she wanted to say. "Night is...unpredictable...I have to...go."
I'm also assuming that a bit of time has passed since she passed out, at least ten minutes or something
Couldn't help but post. Hehe. Alula is going to try and be stealthy and limpy
Tearing flesh, screams of agony, clanking weapons and clattering teeth. Silence.

Hazy blue eyes shot open, cutting the gruesome dreams of the oracle short. She glanced rapidly around the tent she had been placed in, trying to remember what had happened up until this point.

Alula attempted to move, but found that everything was burning and aching. It felt like every vein in her body had been set alight. She groaned softly, forcing herself to sit up through the pain. But she found she was still constructed, she had been wrapped in a blanket. That's odd. The girl ungracefully squirmed her way out of the blanket, wincing every time she had to move. But if she didn't get up now she might never move again.

Her head hurt. A lot. Voices were talking, softly but still there. They were trying to explain what had happened. Her mind felt fuzzy. She remembered agreeing to join a group of adventurers, and then something had happened. Something bad. The rest was blurs. She rubbed her eyes, wanting to pull down her hat. The voices told her that it was long gone, buried beneath the ruins of the burned town, soon to be found by looters.

The cloth that the half-elf Vis had given her lost as well. Tucked up into the rim of her hat for safekeeping. And her staff, that was likely in the field where she collapsed. Collapsed. Somehow she had been broken from her trance. That had never happened before.

The paladin. The paladin. She was silently panicking. Why couldn't she remember his name? She had to remember. A calm voice echoed through her head, shoving other voices aside.

"Carver. Ser Carver. He was the one."

Another grunt as she attempted to stand up, her crippled leg buckling out from under her. With bitter determination Alula got to her feet, leaning all of her weight on her good leg. She looked out of the tent, keeping her eyes cast downward. The sun was setting and she needed to get away.

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