Tearing flesh, screams of agony, clanking weapons and clattering teeth. Silence.
Hazy blue eyes shot open, cutting the gruesome dreams of the oracle short. She glanced rapidly around the tent she had been placed in, trying to remember what had happened up until this point.
Alula attempted to move, but found that everything was burning and aching. It felt like every vein in her body had been set alight. She groaned softly, forcing herself to sit up through the pain. But she found she was still constructed, she had been wrapped in a blanket. That's odd. The girl ungracefully squirmed her way out of the blanket, wincing every time she had to move. But if she didn't get up now she might never move again.
Her head hurt. A lot. Voices were talking, softly but still there. They were trying to explain what had happened. Her mind felt fuzzy. She remembered agreeing to join a group of adventurers, and then something had happened. Something bad. The rest was blurs. She rubbed her eyes, wanting to pull down her hat. The voices told her that it was long gone, buried beneath the ruins of the burned town, soon to be found by looters.
The cloth that the half-elf Vis had given her lost as well. Tucked up into the rim of her hat for safekeeping. And her staff, that was likely in the field where she collapsed. Collapsed. Somehow she had been broken from her trance. That had never happened before.
The paladin. The paladin. She was silently panicking. Why couldn't she remember his name? She had to remember. A calm voice echoed through her head, shoving other voices aside.
"Carver. Ser Carver. He was the one."
Another grunt as she attempted to stand up, her crippled leg buckling out from under her. With bitter determination Alula got to her feet, leaning all of her weight on her good leg. She looked out of the tent, keeping her eyes cast downward. The sun was setting and she needed to get away.