Azarthes said
I think David should be an armadillo
Azarthes said
I think David should be an armadillo
Azarthes said
I don't think anyone would ever ask this question
Overwatch said
It either took you 30 minutes+ to post this, you didn't read the thread, or you are an idiot.I suggest a combination.
8 said
To preface, you guys are strange and have opinions that I firmly disagree with. Maybe I'm just getting to the point where I can create my own opinions and not be influenced by a large mass such as you all. I just started to notice this a few days ago, which is why I haven't been posting much lately, even though I continue to check and read the forum every day. I don't know, maybe Spam is just decreasing in quality. No, I know for sure that it is. It's become a circlejerk of "hey how much more interesting of a person can i be than everyone else", and whether you achieve this by being "randumb" or being overtly aggressive or quirky, you all do it. You all do it.
To be more blunt, you guys are annoying as shit and have stupid opinions. I'm better than you, whatever.