Okay, I got a couple girls for characters, I need to do some thinking to add some boys though.
Vanessa should be familiar, Julia may or may not be
Sorry the pictures are really big
Name: Vanessa Goodman
Age: 17

Personality: She’s highly intelligent and has a healthy disregard for what is deemed possible. She spends lots of time with technology and she even counts her favorite devices as friends, as to her they have names and personality like everyone else, even if she only talks to them telepathically. She can be sassy and sarcastic, especially if you’ve made her mad, but can be perfectly polite upon first meeting. She honestly doesn’t care whether a person likes her or not as long as they don’t cross her. She’s determined when she puts her mind to something.
Ability: Technopathy, being able to control, manipulate and even communicate with technology.
Cabin: 2, 4 or 6
Name: Julia Drake
Age: 18
Personality: She is compassionate, and fiercely protective of others. She would do anything for her brother, and hopes every day that he does not get powers or join the army or go to the police academy or do anything that would put him in combat regularly. She can every once in a while, when stakes are high or she's scared enough, panic a little and get this anxious desperate feeling that she can't lose another family member, not when she lost her mother to death and her father to his own mind. She's a reserved, serious person in public but her brother and friends bring out her relaxed, cheerful side, meaning she knows when to have fun and when to be serious. Her pride sometimes keeps her from taking offered assistance. She is used to handling everything alone, which makes her sometimes be frustrated with her dad.
Ability: She is a shapeshifter combined with adaptability (being able to change your body to your surroundings)
Cabin: 2, 4 or 6