I haven't been here all that long, so I apologize if this is stupid, done wrong or not what you're looking for.
Name: Atara "Rook/Rookie" Havelock
Age: 21
Gender: Female
personality: Atara is quite smart actually, as well as dedicated, determined and loyal. Some call her determination "stubbornness". She is often quiet, she isn't shy really but rather reserved and just not a chatty person. However, she can be kind and friendly when she feels like it. She likes to think she's brave, but that can lead her to doing stupid things. As far as the group goes, she has only been in the group for two years, hence her nicknames of Rook and Rookie, so she tries not to get in anyone's way and unless she has any bright ideas, she usually defers to the older and more experienced members of the group. Also, because she knows she's young and inexperienced she doesn't like showing weakness in front of her team or asking for help.
species: Tanithian (as in from my made up planet Tanith). Skin tones vary from snow-white to scarlet-red to jet-black and every shade in between and in build are similar to humans/terrans. At age 13, Tanithians choose their vocational path, and until 18 years old they train for their vocation. Atara chose military.
Relation: Atara has parents and an older brother. Historically, Atara's relationship with her mother has been strained due to Atara being interest and eventually choosing a more militaristic path rather than following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a healer. Just how much ebbs and flows. Atara's relationship with her brother is also strained because he chose to be a soldier as part of Tanith's military while Atara chooses not to be tied down to her home planet and it's rules and regulations. Atara has a wonderful relationship with her father though, who is a Tanithian ambassador to another planet.
Weapons: She has a rifle, machine gun, and a pair of pistols. She also has small throwing knives that can be shot from her gauntlets and a larger knife for close quarter fighting.
gear: She has a pack in which she carries everything. Though she is not that skilled in healing, she carries a basic first aid kit. She also has mountain climbing ropes and tools, an energy powered lantern, and if you dig down deep enough, a novel or two from the Intragalactic Library.