Avatar of Drekalba
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Drekalba 5 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 5 yrs ago


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I dream in 90s music videos.

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I hate pepperoni.

Same. I dislike both this and bologna. They are both quite gross to me for some reason.
To be honest, I would still be completely down to write Warriors. It's been years though I'm totally down to write again if not completely for nostalgia reasons.
Very interested.
If you wanted to make one, I'd totally help you with it. I've managed a few servers before (I'm currently running an art server) and I'm pretty used to how everything works.

I'm getting to chill out now, so it's all good!

I've managed quite a few servers in the past, so that wouldn't be an issue. It would more or less come down to interest. I don't want to presume that anyone is interested or shove the server onto them, but I would most certainly make one if I knew that interest wasn't an issue. That said, if everyone does want one, then please let me know! I have no problem making one in that case.

My orientation had gone well. Means i am hired likely anyway but won't start until April so there is that. As of now, still a little tired physically in terms of sleep and mentally still not 100% but more of 70%.

It's a start. And I'm a little envious of you since I've been out of work since January. I would do aaaanything for a job at this point (short of MLMs and lewd stuff, mind you). Either way, congratulations. I wish you the best with your new position!
Same. Though, if this thread gets enough people, I might start a discord server for it just to make things simpler. The RPGO server is super intimidating unless you know a few of the people there.

And I'm alright. Tired lol

If you don't do it, then I might. I've been wanting to make a Discord myself, but I'm too shy nervous for that. I've considered making briefly advertising it in the status bar so that we can get a sizable amount of people, but not enough to upset Staff or anything. I just really want more friends, lol.

I'm sorry to hear about your exhaustion too! And I can also completely relate.
Anyways, good morning you guys! I honestly didn't expect this thread to go on very long, but hey, I'm not complaining lol.

How are you guys?

I wasn't going to let this thread die so easily. I don't have any other friends on here right now and the Discord scares me, so I need somewhere to talk that isn't the status bar. With that said. . Good afternoon! I'm alright and I'm just lazing about at the moment. I should really motivate to do more work on my resume do laundry among other things.

How are you today?

well good morning. I can say the same for the thread not going on as long as it has so far since i did not have high hopes for it when i put down my idea right now.
Well I'm a bit tired physically and mentally but have a orientation in 16 minutes as i type this so i am okay.

I'm sorry to hear about your exhaustion, but I hope that your orientation goes or already has gone well!

Well thanks if you want to. Though I feel it qualifies as more of a rant than anything positive here.

My inbox is open if you need to use it. I'll warm you that I'm dangerously close to passing out though.
Chatting is good i suppose, I was not one for gifs using them persay as I was unsure of the use of them but at the same time I just wanted my side of things to be looked at seriously since i have been on here.

I'll look at your "side" seriously. What's up?
Well I went away and this thread is somehow rolling. I did not expect this.

It died down about four hours ago, but yeah. We all like to chat and share gifs, it seems.

Have I told you want Arbonne can do for your skin though?

HEY HUN. 😘😘😘😘 sorry if this is completely random, but I have the opportunity for you! Let me know if I can send you more details! #bossbabe
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