Avatar of DSquiggs
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Azuriel
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 166 (0.04 / day)
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    1. DSquiggs 10 yrs ago


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Klank nonchalantly paced in a tiny circle around the tiny room. He couldn't be sure how long he was in there, but it was enough time to cause him to duplicate his All-tool in his other hand. He was humming the vocals that Isaac and Sasayaki sang during the bizarre concert they'd been forced into. He threw in mimicked sounds of Sierra's gnarly guitar skill, unable to produce the icy screech. His two All-tools were bouncing to the beat he played along with the band. He might not admit it to the rest of the crew, but after a while, he enjoyed himself for the most part. He'd never done something quite like that, and it was definitely among the top ten events he's witnessed or even been a part of. He continued reminiscing for a while. He payed no mind to his current predicament, lost in failed attempts to recreate tunes. Then the door he couldn't open, slowly creaked. Light overwhelmed the dim candle.

"Well it's about time," he said to no one. Before he started pacing like a loon, Klank had a decent amount of time to think about the situation his crew found themselves. He thought about the wheel that Wiggs and Bedge had to face after their defeat. The only thing he could think of was The Pirate Games. He had never watched, but heard rumors about it. The man running things was hard to impress and even harder to beat. The unbreakable rules, after all, are said to be enforced by the GM's devil fruit powers. He thought about the Judge that sentenced the two marines to their fate. "Got off easy, they did," he remarked. Ah well, wouldn't be a true adventure if we didn't go through some weird shit." He approached the door and stepped into the light, but not before thinking of his ship and saying, "But if they so much as touch my ship." He paused to look ahead. "I'll kill them all."

The sun was almost too bright after being cooped up in the room. He shielded his eyes, looking around and seeing four other people doing the same. They were separated by thin rivers. In the water, wooden posts were randomly placed, each with a Den Den Screen that allowed the world to see each contestant. Klank could see that on the closest screen to him, was himself, hand over his eyes. He raised his hand, smiled, and flipped up his middle finger for the world to see. Cheers and boos echoed into the air. This startled Klank and the other contestants.

"And a feisty one we have here, folks." The voice was familiar. It belonged to the third judge from the concert, GM. "Let's just see if the holds up in our next game."

The sun finally became bearable, and when he peered further out, he could see a large huddle of people, all jumping up and down. They looked kind of hazy, like some kind of barrier was separating them from this games boundaries. Ahead of him, were baby sized islands with no specific pattern. It was the same for each contestant, each path littered differently. The area was mostly sea water, and this had Klank a little nervous, but hopefully nothing he couldn't handle.

"There's only one rule for this game, contestants," the voice said. "You can choose one object on your person, and only one. You have thirty seconds to decide. When you have chosen your item, place it on the pedestal located at the starting post. All other possessions will be confiscated until the game is complete. And the name of this game..." the voice paused. "The Mad Dash." The crowd beyond hollered in excitement. Apparently this particular game was a hit. "Your thirsty seconds start... NOWWW."

Klank immediately produced a cigarette into his mouth and lit. With no time to waste, he dragged the whole thing while he looked around. He noted the other contestants scrambling to choose an item. He walked up to the pedestal, instantly laying his precious all tool onto the post. The moment he did, everything disappeared. His goggles, poof. His fanny pack full of traveling necessities, blip. The wooden plank on his back, Swish. Even his beloved cigarette blinked out of existence. This set him off, but he kept his cool on the outside. "How the hell am I supposed to think straight, now?" he cursed. Luckily he had devised a plan before hand and all he had to do was stick to it.

The moment his items disappeared, Klank abandoned his post and walked back to the shack he came from. As he looked at it, only the door and its frame could be seen. The rest of the shack seemed to be hidden behind some kind of magic, no doubt the result of GM's devil fruit. Why he left the doors was beyond Klank.

"One of the contestants seems to have already given up," the voice echoed. Klank smirked.

"Nah, just exploiting a flaw in your games," Klank thought to himself. The others, finally chose their items and placed them on their respective starting posts. The man to the far right had decided to go with his sword, mostly because it was all he had. The next contestant, a girl, set down a surf board, no doubt thinking it would help her cross the long journey across the many gaps of water. The fourth contestant, a fishman, set down nothing. Klank worried about him. He was sure to be the first one to the finish line. He payed no mind, though, thinking that second place had to offer some kind of safety.

When Klank finally reached the door, the voice echoed once again with a five second count down. He stood there waiting. He didn't want to lead anyone on to his plan before the race started. And then it did. With the official start of the game, Klank watched the others. The man with the sword leaped into the water and began swimming like his life depended on it. Still, it was slow going. The girl jumped back with her board and got a running start. She threw it down just before hitting the water and glided across. It was a much faster approach. The fishman just stood there peacefully. Klank waited a moment, but when there was no sign of movement, Klank made his.

"And I'll just take this," he grunted as he ripped the lone door from its hinges. Door held tightly to his back, Klank ran to his All-tool. Once he snatched it from the post, he let the door fall to the ground. He looked to the sky and once again raised his middle finger. The only rule was to choose ONE item on ONE's person. He tapped his foot on the edge of the door and in moments, six more appeared laying flat on the ground. The first man hadn't made it to the first baby island. The girl was on her third, but running out of gas. She had an effective approach, but not very efficient. With how small each island was, she required more and more strength just to get the speed she needed to get to the next. The fishman, peacefully stood at his starting post. The crowd was silent now, waiting for Klank to make a move. He wished he had a cigarette, but he was use that anger he now felt to fuel his actions. Suddenly, in a chaotic frenzy, Klank began sawing and hammering and building. On the screens dedicated to his lane, the world could only see of cloud of smoke. It concealed his work. "HaHA!" Klank yelled as the dust quickly settled. Before him was a small canoe and two ores locked in with wooden rings. The many planks that made up the tiny vessel were connected by a technique he learned from back in his apprentice days. He carved squared hooks at the edges of the planks. These hooks allowed him to interlock the planks without the use of nails. He pushed the canoe into the water and stepped in. With a devilish grin, he rowed, conserving his energy.

The crowd went wild for the Master Crafter, a title he held in his hometown. The first man was busy trying not to drown, the sword he stubbornly kept weighing him down. The girl was far ahead, but her motivation was dying with her strength. The fishman, peacefully waited. The crowd continued and all screen focused on the smiling Klank.

"Row Row Row your boat," Klank sang loudly. "SAFELY through the GGAAMMEE." He quickly passed the gassed girl, bypassing all the stepping islands. He desperately wished he had a smoke for the laughable occasion. "Warily Warily Warily Warily..." He paused to choose his next words carefully as he reached the final island with the finish line. "He WATCHED as his rules were OUTBRAINED." He ran to the finishing post as he yelled the last word. His intention was to piss off GM for disappearing his cigarette. Which he might regret now that the game was over and all his possession blinked back into their rightful places. He immediately duped a smoke into his mouth and took a deep breath after the first drag. His mind was clear once again. "Shit"

The crowd was still raging, though some of them were waiting for a reaction. The surf girl, winded to all hell, finally completed her coarse. The first contestant laying on his back atop an island way back, and the fishman was still standing peacefully. This confused Klank, but it was in the back of his thoughts. He waited for the judging.

"Impressive!" the distinctive voice appeared. "I admit I did not see that coming, and by the reactions of everyone watching, neither did the viewers. For that alone," The judge and creator of The Pirate Games suddenly appeared suspended mid air. "I CHOOSE to allow you into the next round of games. However, you'll get a special game. One I've been waiting to introduce to the fans. You'll find there are no rules to exploit." He turned to the screens as they all changed to display him. "BUT WE"LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE," he yelled to amp the crowd even more.

"As for the rest of you," he pointed to the three other contestants. "There's only one winner for The Mad Dash.

A wheel appeared before each of the other contestants, already spinning. The judge announced the results before the world.

"First Contestant Hagen, Chosen item, a sword. I am most displeased with your pathetic display. For that, you are sentenced to," he paused to wait for the wheel and read the result. "Live out your days in the Hall of Punishment." The crowd gasped. "Second Contestant Heidi, chosen item, a surf board. Admiral performance, lacking in conviction." He tapped his hammer in the air. The wheel stopped and GM read. "Death by The Depths. An unfortunate demise." He said it unphased. "Fourth contestant Turok, no chosen item." His eyes pierced. A fishman exiled from the sea." A tap of the hammer and slowing of the wheel. "You are sentenced to... Combat of Second Chances. Maybe we'll see something out of you yet." The creator looked to Klank with an emotionless smile. "You advance, Third Contestant Klank, chosen item, a multi-tool." Klank grunted at the name. "But the Wheel of judgement," he paused. "Will find you in the next game." And with that, Klank was teleported out of sight.

This is where we will post CS's for Islands, so we can better understand the territory we'll be in. Be as descriptive as possible, atleast enough to not give away story related spoilers. This will help cut down post length and sometimes tedious reads.

Island Name: (Self Explanatory)

Picture/Description: (Self Explanatory)

Ruler: (Self Explanatory)

System: (Here, explain how the 'government' system of the island works.)

History: (A brief explanation of how the ruler established what the island is today.)

Important Notes: (Explain rules of the island ((if applicable))(((Not all islands will have this.))) Also explain anything we as the poster should know about the island so we have a better understanding of how the mechanics or people of the island work. Consistency with characters is important.)


Island Name: Jubiltown

Picture/Description: Before Jubiltown, this island sat alone, hidden from the world as a simple Ring of flat land. When a man happened upon it, it was slowly turned into a booming place for others that also found their way. A giant ship was placed perfectly centered inside the ring, with dozens of other connected to it by wooden bridges. Along the ring of land, homes and shops of various types were built.

Ruler: King Jubil - A man with the vision vision fruit. He found the island by accident, his pose never once registering it. He was unaware of the curse of the island, but he felt at home and took it upon himself to establish it in his name.

System: A very basic system, Jubiltown is is run by its Ruler, King Jubil. There aren't many rules, but the ones that exist are law. The many guards he has accumulated over his time as King, litter the main land. His most trusted crew, the original Jubil Pirates, almost never leave the maze of ships surrounding the King's own. For the most part, Jubiltown is quite laid back, its citizens allowed to pretty much do as they please. As a part of his laws, everyone must party who is not tending a shop or not making a permanent hom of Jubiltown; and no one is to fight outside the arena located on King Jubils ship.

History: Jubiltown, which was a nameless island before the Jubil Pirates made an appearance, was an island with a terrible curse. It remained hidden from the world since time immemorial. Over the millennia, in all its loneliness, the island seemingly developed the ability to sing a song that could not be heard with ears. It sang to the heart of those who sailed close enough, and while it had many visitors, none stayed for long. The island grew more sorrowful and with that, the unheard tune became more powerful. After some time, A large band of pirates sailed unknowingly into it's grasp. It killed the pirate Captain's will to leave, and thus began the era of Jubiltown. It didn't take long for the island to change. Its tranquil song changing to match its new found liveliness, in turn, forcing its dream into King Jubil. From then on, the party raged and those that hadn't the will to really challenge the New World, felt the islands dream.

Important Notes: N/A
"I'm gonna swim all the seas," Phin said when Bighead looked at him. He was still rubbing the numerous bumps on his head.

"A bunch of adventurous dreams aboard this fine vessel," the imposing man noted. "It'll be a fine crew to head, if I do say so myself. Been a long while since I was a captain, but like riding a bike, right." Something had caught his attention, but he didn't let on. He simply walked to the back of the ship while he continued speaking. His pet Sea King, Blade, Slowly came out of the water, noticing the same thing his master did. The beast remained quiet. "With me at the helm of this ship," he caught himself as Klank shot out an objection and chuckled. "With me as the Captain of this ship," he said as he flicked off his long black coat. "I will make your dreams come true, for that is now my dream." It had been a while since Bighead followed a dream. He had seen many things, fought many enemies, and achieved many goals. He couldn't help feeling that this new crew might offer new adventures.

"And how do you plan on..." Klank was cut short when Captain Bighead raised a finger demanding silence.

All of a sudden, the man grew to double the size as before, wood bending beneath his weight. Klank took notice to the creaking sound. Bighead leaped into the air. That's when the shipwright caught sight of black dots flying through the air and growing as they did. Cannonballs were on a precise path to the ship. The new Captain, in the air and spinning, forced his fist to the size of his already large body. It was an awkward scene to behold, but the crew watched on. A large explosion sounded off when Bighead punched the first cannonball. Another punch, another explosion. And again. Three black dots were now fading into the distance. The next two hunks of metal that approached were almost directly next to each other. With one swoop, they were caught, and Bighead landed on deck. He juggled the two balls in the one hand, looking like marbles in comparison.

"I've sailed many seas and been to more places than I can count," he said, answering Klank question. "I am learned in more martial arts than people you could ever fit on this ship." He turned around with the balls, still juggling. As he wound up, he caught them once again, and launched them with a fraction of his true strength. In only a few moments, they couldn't be seen any longer. And just as they had faded, a feint sound was heard, followed by a puff of smoke where they landed on the horizon. "BULLSEYE!" he yelled as he pumped his oversized fist. "And I'm a great shot."

Klank crossed his arms, convinced that Bighead might just be the best Captain for the ship. He smirked at the cloud of smoke that he could barely see. He knew it was the Jubil Pirates, and with this new Captain, they would have a much tougher time. Klank turned to face the wheel of the helm and said "You'll get no objections from me. I've stated my one condition." He stroked the smooth, wooden ring.

"Indeed you have, Shipwright."

"It's Klank."

"Indeed!," Bighead joked. "Now for my end of that condition." He posed. "My figurehead. I want the body of blade, scales perfectly chiseled to match Blades, jutting out from the ship, but the head," he said as he grew his head and put on face. He looked like a bobble head. His face resembled that of a comic book hero, with a confident expression and one brow raised. He finished with "Will look like this."

Klank turned to look at what the Captain wanted, and he somehow wasn't surprised. It would be a rather simple figure head to craft, he thought. He wasn't sure what message he was trying to get across, though. It definitely wasn't along the lines of fear.

"And the flag design?" Klank questioned.

"A skull," Bighead said as he approached Peanut with calm excitement. "With this little guy on top of the head, haha. I would also like you to put some kind of symbolism for each member of the crew. It will be a grand."

"Gods be damned, that's gonna be a big flag." Klank fussed.

"That's the point, my boy."

Klank snickered at the name. He put himself at ease, though, ahppy that the crew was growing and finally somewhat established as far as he could tell. He looked ahead, Blade blocking the way forward. His eyes squinted as he made eye contact. He shot his thumb up and to the left, demanding the Sea King move out of the way. Klank didn't notice Bighead mimicking the move. As soon as the beast was clear, Klank set the ship in motion, putting more distance between them and the Jubil Pirates, who had unknowingly met the new captain.

"Where to, Captain? Klank asked, the words feeling natural.

"Now you listen here, bub," Klank demanded. He didn't like the idea of a man he barely knew claiming the ship as his own. "You wanna be Captain of this crew? Good, cause we need one. You wanna be the one to choose this ships path? Fine! you won't get arguments from us." Klank produced a cigarette out of thin air and lit it before it hit his lip. A long drag ensued. He walked up to Bighead, hands on his hips, and said, "You wanna call this ship yours? Fuck that. I designed this beauty. I built it, and I alone am the one who steers it." It was then that he shot a piercing look at Isaac. "That goes for you as well. Don't think for a second," He finished the smoke and lit another, pausing mid sentence. "That I believe your weak excuse. Are you even trying to hide it?" He put it aside to readdress the newcomer.

The man stood there in his pose, just smiling. "I'll even hand carve you a masterpiece of a figure head, design you a symbol for MY Flag and MY sails. But this area right here," he pointed to the helm. "And everything it controls... is mine." Klank took a long breath after a violent puff, and exhaled. "Can you deal with that?"

"Sure, Little Guy," Bighead said while patting him on the back. "I recognize a dream when I see one. Like I said, a ninth sense about these things." He immediately walked over to the helm and rested his hulking hand on the large wooden wheel. He dwarfed it. "Now," He said looking to each of the crew once again. "What are the rest of your dreams?"

Klank couldn't believe the audacity. "That's my line," he thought to himself.
"You're so beautiful," Klank mumbled in his sleep. He was laying to his side, awkwardly entwined in the large wooden wheel. His hand glided across the finely polished ring as he said, "I love you." The serenity didn't last long. Without warning, he bounced violently between the ceiling and floor. He tried to recover, but with how the ship was bouncing, it wouldn't happen. Klank, in the middle of face planting on the ceiling for the fourth time, instantly knew what was happening. Mid tumble, he produced a cigarette and took a long, angry drag. There was no way for him to to make it to the door on foot, not with the room now spinning chaotically. He was on the floor now, looking for his All-tool, but it to was all over the place. He had no choice but to wait it out. It only took a moment for the ship to come to an abrupt stop. He didn't have a lever for a halt like that. "Someone," he said as he lit another cigarette. "Is gonna die." Once he was half way through his smoke, Klank shot up to his feet, walked over to grab his weapon, and charged for the door.

The Sky was a gorgeous shade a blackish-blue with glaring dots scattered throughout. As nice as the scene was, it wasn't enough to suppress his surprise. A cage seemed to have formed over Klank's beloved ship. A giant, fleshy cage that looked like bulky, scarred fingers. This, more than Isaac's and Sierra's misbehavior, angered him even further. Another cigarette popped into his mouth. He lit it as he headed to the edge of his ship. "What the hell kind of sea monster has human fingers," he said as he jumped onto the wooden railing.

Klank unfolded his All-tool and hit a tiny switch in the middle, to which a foot long jagged blade snapped up. Suddenly, it was a bulky spear that doubled in length from its hammer form. He raised it, winding it up behind his back and yelled, "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SHIP." With all the strength he could muster, Klank forced the weapon forward. "ALL-TOOL SPEAR," he said as he channeled his rage. The short blade pierced through, and a bellowing yelp filled the air. It sounded much like a man, but what reared its ugly head, was not. The finger cage quickly shrank down, followed by a large wave that sent the ship floating back with it. Klank hopped down and ran to the where the figurehead should be. He held the spear tightly, ready to strike again. Phin ran up behind him, holding his forehead. There were multiple bumps caused by the ships recent thrashing. Still, he was ready to fight, and prepared to take to the water where he was strongest. He was simply waiting for the command.

In front of them, a towering mass of a Sea King stared. It's diamond shaped scales glimmered an eerie blue, reflecting the light from a full moon and illuminating everything. It's head was triple the size of Klank's ship, with scaly looking tendrils draping over the sides. From what Klank could tell, it was a Dragon Sea King and only half of it's body was above water. Anger quickly subsided. For fear of the destruction of his ship, the shipwright darted for the helm. He shoved Isaac and Sasa from the post. He slammed one of the levers to the right, keeping his thump firmly on top of it. At the front of the ship, all the way down the stern, doors opened up and out of them came long cannons. When he heard the sound of the cannons locking in place, Klank pushed the button on top of the lever. One after another, five heavy lances fired with loud bangs echoing into the world. Luckily, these lances were tether-less, so when the Sea King made its inevitable escape, the ship would not be dragged down to the depths. Klank laughed maniacally as they flew. That laughter ended, though, when the lances bounced off the black scales. Klank's jaw dropped to the floor.

The dragon, not seeming phased in the slightest, lowered itself into the water until its head was level with the ship. It's red eyed glare pierced the Klank. Then, there was laughter as a bump started to grow on its snout. The bump grew until it was the size of the ship. That's when the crew realized it wasn't a bump at all, but a head. A giant, thick-bearded, muscular head with a shit eating grin. And it laughed like it was amused. The voice was overwhelming and deep.

"The balls," the voice laughed. "The balls on you to make an attempt on my pet's life."

"Pet?" Klank said to himself. He lazily kranked the same lever to the left, reloading the lance cannons, knowing full well it was useless. His jaw was still hanging, but he couldn't just let the ship go down without a fight.

"No need for that," the head laughed. The man's eyes were a light blue, and they shot glances at each crew member. Isaac was unperturbed, and Sierra, right along with peanut, were in a feisty stance. The ginormous head continued. "You have to forgive Blade, here. He's very protective you see." The man raised his hand, enlarging it so the crew could see. "And when one of you stabbed me," blood flowed smoothly from where Klank stuck his spear. "He got a little pissed. I assure you, he won't attack as long as I'm in charge." the hand went away and shriveled down. "May I board?" he questioned. "It's been quite sometime since I've been on such a fine vessel, and Blade here needs some time to roam. He's unable to do so with me riding."

Klank looked to Isaac, Sierra, and Phin. Then he pulled the lever to the right, causing the lance cannons to retract.

"As long as that beast stays away from my ship." Klank pointed at the Sea King. Blade let out a feint whimper. Klank thought it weird that a Sea King of that caliber might have feelings, and that they were hurt.

The head shrank down, almost disappearing on the dragons snout. In the next moment, the man leaped from his pet and landed firmly on deck. His hair was short, light brown, and faded into a shaggy beard that covered most of his face. He wore a long black captain's coat, sleeves flapping in the wind. The man uncovered one of his arms and pointed at his face with his thumb. It was obvious why he didn't put his arms through the sleeves. They were too big. His calf muscles were bare as he wore black shorts that fit snug on his wide thighs. He was a hulk of a man, with an attitude that didn't seem to match at first impression.

"The name's Bighead," he introduced. "Jesse D Bighead."

Klank had just finished duplicating his last wooden shield to defend his ship against the cannons. The large double wall he built on the docks was still holding strong, though, he would soon realize that's all it was good for. Suddenly, the drunken girl from before had landed next to him, offering help and quickly encased Klank's wall in a thick layer of ice. He glared at it curiously. "Impressive," he said to her. Of course, he wasn't just referring to the reinforced wall. He was amazed at her quick recovery, knowing full well that if he had drank as much as she did, he'd still be out, and useless. Even more, he witnessed what she had done to a couple ships in flashy icicle flurry. It had been a while, probably his last crew on the grand line, since he witnessed a single person cause such destruction. He was sure the girl would have made an escape, not that she was a captive, and was struck with surprise when she came back. He was not mad about the possibility of her and the fiery squirrel tagging along.

"Phin," Klank shouted before looking back. The fishman was already running around deck, freeing the symbol-less blue sails. They parachuted out, creating a sound that resembled a blanket being snapped. Phin never looked back, only continuing his mission to get the ship moving faster. Klank looked out back to Jubiltown and said, "Proceed, I guess." It hadn't been a few hours, but the individuals on board seemed to work in unison. At least for the most part. Isaac, remained up top the highest mast, out of sight from the others, hopefully keeping a look out. He couldn't be sure. It was at that moment, when Klank thought their escape was eminent, when he noticed Jubiltown begin to change amidst all the explosions.

Even at the distance they currently held, Klank could see the monstrous fortress that made up half of the town. It was no longer a single entity as the many ships connected to King Jubil's own, began to separate. Men were running chaotically trying to get to one or the others. Some of them fell right into the sea, where they would stay. The main ship, starting its hunt, created waves big enough to crash over the mainland. Everything, including the wall Klank had built to hold the citizens back, was destroyed. There was enough water to allow passage from inside the ring. Klank chuckled when it was made clear that all those little ships were following King Jubil's lead.

"You really pissed him off," Klank said, referring to Isaac. "Not even a full crew and we have targets on our backs." He looked at Sierra and Peanut. "This is gonna be one crazy adventure," and he laughed as he ran to the ships helm. "It's high time we got outta here." He was excited to really test his new ships capabilities, and even more excited to showcase it to an audience. When he got to the wheel, he took a look at each of his crew, a wide grin spread crazily across his face. Two cigarettes appeared between his lips, and he lit them. His heart began beating faster and faster until the moment came when he slammed a lever to the left of the wheel. It was one of many that surrounded his immediate vicinity, and they all served a specific purpose. This lever, would aid in their hasty escape. "BRACE YOURSELVES," he yelled.

Large wooden doors unlatched themselves all around the side of the ship. Together, they created a loud smack as they hit the wooden body. Without hesitation, gigantic oars shot out and smacked the water below. Once Klank heard the sound, he began spinning a knob with a handle jutting out at the center of the helms wheel. This activated the oars. Eight paddles, all connected to this one knob to be controlled by this one shipwright. The burst in speed with each push of the oars was surprisingly powerful, and Klank himself jumped with joy when it hadn't failed. It took him weeks to work out the kinks in the system, but it was all worth it. Phin, who had never braced himself, fell back and rolled to the back of the ship. Strangely, he was laughing. The explosions began to fade in the distance, and even King Jubil's ship was getting smaller by the second.

"HOT DAMN," Klank yelped. He pumped his fist into the air, celebrating his newest achievement. Afterward, he kicked a lever behind him, activating a small door just to his right. A bottle of rum shot up and landed right into his hand. He popped the cork, took a swig, and lit another cigarette that was gone in a single drag. He lit another immediately after for relaxation. He knew now, for sure, that the new crew would have no worries from their pursuers for some time. He leaned against the large wooden wheel, taking small drags and big sips. "Let's celebrate!"

King Jubil
Of the Jubil Pirates

Jubil was watching yet another brawl at the arena, sitting in his usual wooden chair at the head of its border. This fight wasn't a particularly interesting fight like some of the ones happening throughout the day. Apparently, the tall dark guy was going around snatching everyone else's drinks. He was swaying back and forth with his fists up, ready for an assault from the man across from him. That man was much shorter, if you could call him a man. He couldn't be more than twenty, but his anger and poise was that of an experienced fighter. Regardless, King Jubil was disinterested. The announcer was going through his usual speech. He though it strange that cheers never came from the mainland as they usually do. For as long as Jubiltown had been established, never once did the citizens not cheer. This peaked his interest over the current fight, which had barely even started when the air began to change. A single man's voice echoed throughout Jubiltown, overwhelming the sound of everything. The Den Den Mushi's on all the ships even spoke his words. King Jubil Stood to his feet in search of the familiar voice.

It was obvious through his message, that Isaac, as he so comfortably confirmed his name, did not agree with King Jubil's ways. He listened to the speech, motioning for his crew to find Isaac. Things were made much harder, however, as the voice was replaced by another, more serene and almost intoxicating set of vocals. The song seemed to reach the citizens of Jubiltown in more ways than one. People around the King started dropping to their knees, some even from his own crew. Most of them were beating themselves up over the losses they had endured before crossing the red line, saying things like "I can't go any further," and "I don't have what it takes." This severely pissed off King Jubil, and he walked up to one of those that fell.

"What are you on about?" He screamed. "You've made it this far, have you not?" He picked the man up by the back of his shirt and stared him in the face. He was struck with surprise when he saw the man's face. It was as if all his dreams suddenly died in an instant.

"I'm nothing without my crew," he blurted out, tears running down his face. "I haven't the will to go on."

It was at that moment King Jubil realized something dreadful. His way of protecting the weak willed only suppressed whatever emotions haunted them upon their arrival in this place. What he didn't realize, was that he too, was a victim to a curse radiating from the island itself. It had deterred his own dreams of finding the One Piece, and following a false one implanted deep within him. He would never realize this, though, his anger planting a new dream. He tossed the pathetic man aside and looked to where his crew were running. He remembered that he introduced Isaac to Klank, and though the shipwright did so much for Jubiltown in such a short time, it was all over. Debts were already payed and he was now harboring his enemy, in turn, making Klank the same. King Jubil, not realizing the curse breaking song had reinvigorated him, assembled his men. Every one of the Jubil pirates took their places at the Jubil Ships cannons. Explosions quickly followed. From his perch, he could see a wall quickly being built, and spanning a sections of the docks, like he could see where Klank was running behind them.

"So he really has decided to aid this destroyer of dreams?" He said, not taking a moment to understand that Isaac had only freed everyone from something they could not fight, King Jubil included. "So be it. I'll hunt you both to the ends of this world and the next."

He looked around to the ships connected to his gigantic vessel. There was no helping what was about to happen, but it must be done in order for King Jubil to achieve his new dream. "JUBIL PIRATES," he bellowed. "TODAY, WE LEAVE THIS PLACE. FORMER CAPTAINS OF YOUR OWN CREWS, MAN YOUR SHIPS IN MY NAME. AID ME IN MY ENDEAVOR TO END THE KLANK PIRATES. PREPARE FOR A HUNT."

The Jubil pirates were further invigorated and did as they were told. While the sound of cannons still echoed into the sky, King Jubil motioned them onward. He could see Klanks ship starting to set sail, though it was slow going. Ice flew all over and it wasn't long before a ship was covered and it's crew flying everywhere. He yelled, "AFTER THEM."

Suddenly, there was a series of cracking wood, followed by more cannon fire. All the ships around the leading vessel started to part ways. Jubil's own immediately set sail. Waves forced themselves forward, crashing into the mainland and destroying everything in its path, old citizens included. Klanks ship was now at a distance for them to be safe from cannon fire, and they were only gaining more speed.

"I'd expect nothing less from a Master Shipwright, Klank." King Jubil's arms were crossed. His crew scrambled about to set the ship up for the open sea. "But that is all you are. I will catch you one day, and if you decide to protect the dream destroyer, then you too shall be killed." And so began the Jubil pirates, born anew with an armada to follow.

Klank was hammering away on the main deck, securing multiple wooden chairs in an arc in front of what should be a Captain's Cabin. They weren't necessary, but he liked the way it looked and it would be a fine spot for a Captain to create strategies for whatever reason. Between the chairs and the Cabin's door, was a circle wooden frame, and inside was filled with sand. Long stick protruded out at each chair and where the Captain, when Klank found one, would stand. In the midst of nailing down the last chair, he heard Isaac's voice loud and clear like he was standing right next to him with a megaphone up to his ear. It was then that Klank realized what the modifications for the den den were for. His little speech was nothing short of insulting, at least maybe to King Jubil. Klank chuckled at the thought of Isaac refusing to accept the happenings of Jubiltown.

"Sure will be interesting having that boy on board," he popped a cigarette and lit as he spoke. He walked to the port side of his ship and looked into town. Suddenly, a beautiful voice echoed all throughout, reaching far beyond the bounds of the main land. Klank took a long drag and listened. What happened next made the shipwright peer into town with confusion. The partying came to an abrupt end. People, just as confused as Klank, began acting erratically. Almost half of the citizens dropped to their knees, some crying while others seemed to give in to some kind of depression. The other half were on the other end of the scale, old ambitions and dreams flooding them all at once. It was quite the spectacle. "Well, I'll be damned," Klank said to no one. "The boy was right."

Out of nowhere, Isaac leaped onto the ship while tossing the modified transmitter to him. The boy wasn't wrong about getting a move on. King Jubil was sure to be pissed with what Isaac had done, and he doesn't exactly have a forgettable voice. The King had also known that his dream wrecker was now affiliated with Klank. After all, the King introduced them. Some of his guards were already after Isaac, and it forced the shipwright to act fast. He couldn't have a bunch of angry Jubil Pirates running among his ship damaging it to all hell. He flipped a cigarette into his mouth and went to work.

--Klank grabbed his trusty All-Tool, leaped over the edge and onto the deck. I board, very much like the one always strapped to his back, appeared in his hand. He placed it on the ground and seven more boards dropped from thin air and around the first. He began hammering away so fast that one could barely see the nails forming in his hand. One smash per nail secured each plank of wood. He did this until a single wall was made. When he flipped it up, it was over seven foot tall, and he hammered a back support so it wouldn't fall. Once that was out of the way, Klank ran to his right at full speed, following him was a trail of the same wall, support and all. Once he reached a distance he was comfortable with, he made a sharp U-turn and ran back. A double wall would be sufficient enough to protect the ship from anyone trying to board it. Without hesitation, Klank ran to each of the ropes securing his ship to the dock and released them into the water. He was quick to run aboard. He then yelled out to the fishman, who had returned to the ship minutes before Isaac started with his antics.--

"Phin! Can you do anything about getting us outta here faster?" Klank knew full well that fishmen had strength far far greater than a human. But he was surprised when Phin immediately jumped into the water, swam behind the ship, and instead of pushing the ship with his bare hands, whipped out a six-sided boomerang and started spinning it. It took a single moment for the water to start whirling, but not downward. The weapon was forming a twister and forcing water forward, pushing the ship away from the dock. Its speed wasn't great, being so heavy, but it was a start. Phin then used his speed underwater to shoot himself onto the ship, landing heavily onto the deck. Klank was impressed and his excitement showed. That was until loud explosions echoed from the center of Jubitown.

"Cannons!" Klank noted. "That's not good." He produced another cigarette. "Anyone got anything for that?" The first few shot were a far miss, but more were on the way, made evident by a series of rapid fire explosions. "ANYONE?" he yelled.
Klank spent the last thirty minutes or so adding little gadgets he had acquired to the Den Den Mushi that Isaac entrusted to him. He was getting closer to the goal, but there was lots of trial and error. At one point, when he thought he had achieved what he was after, the snail started screaming multiple conversations at once in a frenzied manor. He heard the announcer at the arena spouting off about some girl destroying her opponents with ice, and a squirrel apparently on fire. In the middle of all that, dozens of personal conversations from all over Jubiltown played faintly in the background. Klank had accidentally modified the transmitter to receive any and all other frequencies. It quickly gave him a headache. He popped a cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Out of frustration, he smoked the whole thing in one drag, producing a drawn out, satisfied sigh as he exhaled.

"I wonder," Klank said to himself. "What does Isaac plan to do with this thing once it's finished." He planted another smoke into his lips. This one he would take the time to enjoy. "I guess it really doesn't matter. It's a decent start to a new crew." Klank leaned back in his wooden chair, interlocking his fingers behind his head. "Certainly better that going it alone." He took a few more drags before stretching his arms and getting back to work.

Twenty minutes later, Klank was done, and had modified the snail to a ridiculous degree. Wires lined the shell, with multiple relays and switches. Atop the shell, harnessed in with little leather straps, was a giant dish antenna. At least, it was giant for the snail. "That ought to do it," he said proudly. "Not very pretty," the snail looked sad at that comment., "But it'll get the job done, for sure. Whatever the job is." He picked up the transformed Den Den and walked out of the cabin and onto the main deck. He placed the transmitter snail up on the railing, facing Jubiltown. He stared into the island and observed the citizens. He understood the appeal of Jubiltown, but for him, doing the same mundane things every single day on the same exact island? He spoke to no one, saying "Nah, I can do all that right here on this ship." Just where he always wanted to be. It suddenly dawned on him that Klank forgot to stock up on one of the most important items a pirate can have for long journeys on the open see. And Jubiltown had plentiful supply. He took out a single coin and flipped it into the air. "What's a pirate ship without alcohol?" he smirked.

Klank approached the ramp leading off the ship and raised a brow when he noticed Phin sitting patiently at the bottom. He produced a cigarette in his hand and walked up to the fishman, taking a seat next to him. "You're better off," Klank said confidently. "Anyone weak enough to abandon their dreams so easily is not fit for what lies ahead."

"You got it all wrong, Captain," Phin said, leaving it at that. "What's your deal with other people's dreams anyway?" Not everyone has one, you know."

"Don't they?" Klank questioned as he took another drag. He exhaled. "I believe everyone does. It's just a matter of whether or not they have the will. And that is something not everyone possesses. Take yourself, for example. You say you've never really thought about it, right?"


"And you haven't had second thoughts about leaving this place? You just want to be at sea?"

"It's where I belong." Phin said.

Klank took one last drag before the cigarette was gone. "That's a dream, my friend. And anyone with a dream and the will to follow it, belong on my ship." Klank rose to his feet and flipped the coin once again. "My ship will take you to the grandest sea of all, because it is the dream of my ship to sail them all." Klank took his first few steps towards the town before turning to Phin and suddenly forming another Cigarette into his hand. "And it's my dream to make that happen."

Phin stared at Klank as he walked away flipping the coin while smoking a cigarette. He thought for a moment about what the shipwright said. "To sail all the seas," he said to himself. "I suppose that is quite the dream." Reinvigorated, Phin thought about his own. It was obvious that to be a part of this man's crew, he would have to reevaluate his goals. And while that dream would be painfully close to Klanks, it was still a goal that would ring true to the fishman.

Klank found a shop on one of the smaller ships connected the King Jubils. It was one of the more well known places to buy absurd amount of alcohol. A giant wooden sign that said 'Endless Bottle' hung over the building. It's endless supply came from a brewery that specialized in making booze. And that brewery was just below deck. Klank walked to the counter where the merchant was convincing people to buy different brands. When he noticed the shipwright, he started waving his hand. Klank raised his own and said, "No need to try and talk me up. I'll take everything you got stocked below deck."

The merchant looked at him dumbfounded. "I can't simply sell you everything we have," the merchant mocked. From the look his face, he didn't believe Klank had the money. "What about everyone else?"

"I can pay double the price."

"And I can defeat King Jubil in a one on one," the merchant laughed.

It was then that Klank slapped his single coin on the counter and focused his attention.

"HAHA, What do you tak..." the man's words were cut off when he was instantly buried behind his counter. Klank had filled the entire shop with duplicated coins. The merchant stuck his head out in disbelief, jaw to the floor.

"I also need a few bodies to carry all my alcohol to my ship." Klank, satisfied with how that was handled, walked away.

The merchant exploded out of the mountain of coin and scrambled around to gather the employees below deck. He had never seen so much money in one place and it more than motivated him to take care of a customer willing to part with it. It never occurred to him, in all his excitement, that the coin might be fake, seemingly coming out of nowhere. It was far from fake, however, as Klanks ability duplicates everything about the item in question. Since he was out and about already, Klank decided to walk around to make sure there was nothing else the new crew might need. He would take into consideration the people he would adventure with and buy things he thought they might need. There was only two hours left before setting sail, so he would make the shopping spree quick.

With just an hour left before take off, Klank finally boarded his beloved creation. Phin was nowhere in sight, and neither was Isaac. Nor was the lively little weapon he carried. The snail was also missing and Klank thought weird of it. Perhaps Isaac had come back for it. Or maybe one of the 'Endless Bottle' employees had taken it. He would find out later. The crates, filled with copious amounts of alcohol, were lined up neatly along the starboard rail of the ship. To his surprise, one of the crates was open. Klank walked cautiously to that crate and heard someone talking. Nothing the delicate voice said was coherent, and as he drew closer the air seemed to chill. Short bursts of heat broke the cold aura, but only for a moment. Suddenly a giggle, and then a series of hiccups. "I think we drank too much, Peanut," the voice laughed. A short squeak replied.

When Klank reached the corner of the open crate, he saw a small girl leaning against it. Her long silvery hair was wrapped around her body in a angled mess, and the little black dress had wet spots from where alcohol had spilled. Her cheeks had a rosy tint, obviously drunk beyond her ability to function. She held a large bottle of dark rum that was was nearly empty. Next to her were numerous empty bottles, some of those empty only because its contents had made its way to the deck. Next to all that, lying against the wall was a squirrel. A little red squirrel that held a mini bottle no bigger than one of Klank's fingers.

"Helping yourselves, I see?" Klank interrupted.

The red squirrel, startled, jumped up and took a defensive stance. It started squeaking rubbish and suddenly burst into flames. Klank jumped back in surprise. The girl simply looked up, unable to move without feeling the urge to throw everything up. Klank stepped closer to her, but the squirrel wouldn't allow it. He leaped between them and got on all fours, red eyes piercing through the flames covering his body.

"Easy, little guy," Klank said carefully. "Nothing to fear from me."

"He ain't sacred of NOTHING," the girl said laughing. And not a moment later, the squirrel had a violent hiccup. The moment that happened, the flames went out in a loud poof. This, more than anything, sent the squirrel running around in panicked circles like he was actually on fire.

"Well," the girl chuckled, "Maybe except when his flames go out... 'Hiccup." She tried getting up, but the struggle was real.

Klank raised his hand. "You just sit right there, little one." He knelt down next to her. "What are you doing on my ship, drinking my alcohol?" He was by no means angry, just a little curious.

The girl just smiled and tapped the back of her head on the open crate she was leaning against. "I don't know about you, man," she said with another hiccup. "But when you see a bunch of guys carrying crates upon crates of alcohol," she held in an urge for a moment before continuing. "You follow, and drink. And then you drink some more. And well..." She looked to her partner in crime and chuckled as he fell to the floor. "And well, here we are. Drinking." She took one last swig before her body slid to the side and saying, "Sierra... Signing out." and she, like the squirrel, passed out on the deck of Klank's ship. When she did, the cold aura had disappeared, and loud snoring came from both of them.

"Interesting," Klank thought aloud, and left the duo to sleep it off. There was still a few things to do on the ship before departure. "I wonder if they'll tag along?"

Been wanting to do a GW2 RP. I can work on a purpose once there is enough interest. As far as characters go, we could use characters we currently play or just make one up for this specifically. For those interested, if there are ideas you'd like to see in the RP (dungeons, towns, dragons, what have you,) I can incorporate it into the story and what we'd be doing.
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