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    1. Eclipse 10 yrs ago


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The first sound Jakob made since their abductors teleported him into the van was a loud, deep, "umph" as he was thrown up against the side of the van as it tipped over. He felt its frame bend as his full weight was thrown against it, and he was sure he would have broken a rib or two - if he wasn't a freak made of stone, that is. As it was, Jakob could barely feel a thing. He wished he could feel the pain, if only to confirm that, besides his outward appearance, he was still human.

As soon as the gunfire started, Jakob snapped to attention. No stranger to a firefight - although he was never in one of this intensity before - Jakob was able to keep his wits about him and he discerned that, as far as he could tell, there weren't any bullets impacting the van. It seemed only their abductors were firing. He didn't fault them for it - after all, whoever was out there couldn't be too concerned with their safety, having knocked the van over without a second thought - but Jakob wasn't about to stick around and offer assistance to the men who'd held them hostage. Just as he grabbed the back of the van to pull himself out, a cloud of dust billowed out like a smoke grenade. Unable to see, but grateful for the concealment, Jakob couldn't tell if all the other hostages had made it out. He decided that hanging around to find out wasn't a smart idea, and went with the group heading for the thicket, his heavy strides thumping the earth, leaving deep imprints in the dirt and grass out in the woods.

The gunshots still ringing in his ears, Jakob had trouble understanding what the other hostages were saying. They were obviously unsure what to do, and they hadn't moved much farther than the thicket their captors had urged them towards. He had to focus intently to hear and understand one of the women as she asked the group what they were going to do, and who to trust now that they were out in the open, and on their own, for the moment.

Jakob didn't want to draw attention to himself since he was still trying to conceal his affliction, but he knew he had to break his silence now that they were on their own. He was still wearing the heavy, over-sized hooded sweatshirt and his work gloves, so he thought no one would see his face or hands, at least for the moment. Speaking to the group for the first time, he asked, "Is anyone hurt?" He waited for their responses before he continued, "It might be best to head further into the trees, if we can. I don't know who will come after us, but I don't want to make it easy for them." He realized if they did head deeper into the trees that if the police arrived, they would have the same trouble finding them as the others would. Jakob kept the thought to himself - he didn't want the police hauling him in and taking pictures of the "stone giant," so if he could keep away from them, he would.
Kirra said
Oh and just as a heads up, should be having a new person joining us sometime soon. Thier character sheet is already approved so don't be alarmed if a random person suddenly starts to post in the IC.

I'll take it that's my cue to introduce myself haha.

Hi everyone! I'm excited to get involved with the story, I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and I can't wait to get started. On that note, I'll introduce Jakob:

In Hello! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Thanks, Kirra! There are a few stories I'm interested in and some of them are in the development stage, so I hope I'll get a chance to jump right in.
In Hello! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hi there. I've been browsing the site for a few days and have really enjoyed what I've seen so far. I've participated in PbP role-play before, in various settings, and game systems, but most of that was years ago and I've missed it a lot. I prefer playing in science-fiction and fantasy settings, but I've also had great experiences role-playing in mystery, steampunk, modern-world, and historical (e.g., Medieval settings without fantasy elements, World War II) stories. I'm always interested in new games and new ideas. I hope to get involved with a story or two to get acquainted with the community here, but I'll be posting random characters and ideas as well, just further on down the road.

Thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to writing some fantastic stories together.

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