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- N A M E -
ββββββ Venus Yuri Alexander
- A G E -
ββββ 19
- G E N D E R -
βββββββ Female
- S E X U A L I T Y -
- H O M E T O W N -
ββββββββββ Atlanta, Georgia
- S T Y L E -
ββββββ Venus wears articles of clothing and accessories that a lot of people would deem too flashy or, in some cases, vulgar.
- D I S P O S I T I O N -
βββββββββββ She'll usually approach a new situation with hesitancy, but keeps an open mind and ultimately adapts positively.
- M A J O R -
ββββββ Film and Media
- D O R M R O O M -
ββββββββββ Dorm 4
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- L I K E S | D I S L I K E S -
βββββββββββββ β Photography
β Crunkβ Smoking Weed
β Socializing for long periods of time
β Alcohol
β Drama
- I N T E R E S T S | H O B B I E S -
ββββββββββββββββ Β» Vlogging | Venus has been vlogging for a few years now; as a result, she has gained a bit of a following on social media and YouTube.
Β» Videography | In her hometown, Venus was known for shooting the music videos of several local artists. It's something she plans to do professionally after she graduates and earns her degree.
Β» Roller Skate Dancing | Ever since her dad first brought her down to the local skating rink as a child, Venus has been big on Atlantaβs roller skating culture and the "Atlanta Style" of skating, which basically combines roller skating with energetic, hip-hop dance moves.
Β» Thrifting | Venus wasn't the most fortunate growing up, so once she finally developed her own style she began to take to thrift shops in order to piece together outfits for affordable prices.
Β» Self-Care | She believes that self-care is necessary to produce positive feelings, as well as improve her confidence and self-esteem. This includes things such as daily face masks, drinking lots of water, eating healthy foods, exercising, etc.
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- B E L I E F -
βββββββ βWe are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.β
- D R I V E -
ββββββ Growth
- F E A R -
βββββ Failure
- R E G R E T -
βββββββ She regrets calling her father to pick her up from her friend's 13th birthday party.
Maybe if she hadn't made him get behind the wheel that night, he'd still be alive today.
- S E C R E T -
βββββββ Ever since Venus's father died, she's had to endure a lot of verbal and emotional abuse from her mother.
In fact, one of the main reasons why she decided to move all the way to Alaska was so that she could finally get away from her.
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- I N T E L L E C T -
βββββββββ [
3] Venus was smart enough to keep her GPA above a 3.5 throughout high school, which lead to her earning scholarships and grants that allowed her to pursue higher education without having to take out a bunch of loans. Nevertheless, she is a tad more "street smart" than academic thanks to how she was brought up and the general area she lived in.
- S O C I A L -
βββββββ [
1] Venus typically gets along with
most people, but this all really depends on the type of setting she is in. Spending too much time around other people often leaves her feeling drained and irritable; when she gets to that point, a lot of what she says tends to come off as a bit blunt or rude.
- N E R V E -
ββββββ [
4] To keep things simple, Venus is a ballsy and confident woman who isn't easily intimidated. Growing up in her neighborhood and around her old group of friends ultimately molded her into someone who isn't usually afraid to do or say whatever she feels is necessary.
- E N D U R A N C E -
ββββββββββ [
4] Venus is physically fit thanks to her constant dieting and daily exercise habits. She also has a pretty high pain tolerance which can be attributed by numerous roller skating related injuries and multiple trips to the tattoo and piercing parlor.
- A W A R E N E S S -
ββββββββββ [
1] Venus tends to be a bit ignorant of her surroundings at times; when she's deep in thought, daydreaming, or simply focused on whatever task is at hand, it's hard for her to redirect her attention to or take notice of anything else.
- R E S O U R C E S -
ββββββββββ [
0] When Venus moved away from her city for college, she was quick to cut off the toxic people in her life, her mother included. As a result, she doesn't have much but the clothes she brought from home, the camera she had saved up for when she was younger, and the money she's collected over the past couple of years. As of right now, her only source of income is what she earns online from her videos and the pocket change she collects from photoshoots.