Avatar of Ejected


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Oh Guild, how I've missed you.
5 yrs ago
@Filthy Mudblood; If you need help keying his car just say the word and I’m on the way sis.
5 yrs ago
RIP Kobe Bryant, a legend, and his daughter Gianna, who was a legend in the making. πŸ’”
5 yrs ago
I turned 24 on Saturday. Adulthood is still a big ass scam though.
5 yrs ago
On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was... It’s October 3rd.


My name is Jordan, but everyone usually just calls me Jo. I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Brooklyn, NYC.
I've got a little over 17 years of RP experience under my belt.
You'll usually see me in SOL RPs.
My discord is Ejected#5448

βˆ™ Character Vault βˆ™

Most Recent Posts


1. Every Season - Roddy Ricch - Feed Tha Streets II
2. Nights - Frank Ocean - Blonde
3. Sky's the Limit - The Notorious B.I.G. ft. 112 - Life After Death
4. Big Ole Freak - Megan Thee Stallion - Tina Snow
5. Ready or Not - Fugees - The Score
6. Phoenix - A$AP Rocky - LONG LIVE.A$AP
7. Ms. Fat Booty - Mos Def - Black on Both Sides
8. Overload - John Legend ft. Miguel - Darkness and Light
9. Lions, Tigers, & Bears - Jazmine Sullivan - Fearless
0. Just Kickin' It - Xscape - Hummin' Comin' at 'Cha


While she wasn't completely sure what time it was when Kejirah began to open and close the window curtains, Aulora did know that it was entirely too early for her to even begin thinking about leaving the comfort of her own bed. Aulora Wise had never been a morning person, much preferring to stay up all night and sleep away the daytime. In fact, the young woman had just managed to fall asleep less than five hours prior to her human alarm clock jolting her from her deep slumber; as always, she'd been laying in a heap under her comforter, watching old episodes of Martin and The Fresh Prince on her laptop until she could no longer keep her eyelids open. Her eyes were wide open now, though; the girl slowly turned over in bed and peered up at her roommate through narrowed eyes. Aulora could barely make out what the girl was saying at first, only holding onto words such as plans and include. And it was when the other woman said "you'd better be up by time I get back" as she exited the room that Aulora had to fight the urge to toss one of her potted plants directly at the girl's head.

"Who are you, my mother?" She wanted to yell back to her. But her throat was dry and she just couldn't manage to cough out the words in enough time. Instead, she laid on her back and stared at the white ceiling as she listened to her roommate pound her fist against the door of the next room over. It wasn't until after Kejirah mentioned taking a trip to the nearby Starbucks in thirty minutes that Aulora finally decided to get out of bed, pull her bonnet off her head, and begin her search for a clean outfit.

Less than two minutes later, Aulora was headed out of her bedroom and down the hall towards the bathroom; she held a hanger that contained her upcoming outfit and a shower caddy in one hand, and her makeup pouch in the other. The young woman shot Kejirah a quick glance as she strolled past where she was standing in the hall, flashing her a smirk when their eyes briefly met. "Guess I call first dibs on one of the bathrooms," Aulora said as she continued her walk down the hall, "I'll try not to take too long." But, as everyone in the house surely knew by now, that probably would not be the case; Aulora took much longer than the average person to get herself ready in the mornings.

- moved to char tab -
I'm interested

I don't think that they'd understand

Location: Home
Interacting With: Archer Diedrikson || Mr. and Mrs. Varma || Amoli Varma

Kavan Varma was twelve years old when he kissed a boy for the first time. Michael Callahan was his name; he was a tall and lanky black boy who'd just moved to the area with his single, active duty father and his step mother who drank too often and smoked like a chimney. It happened during seventh grade Physical Education class, right after the young man and the rest of his classmates were supposed to have changed into their gym uniforms. As always, Michael had waited until the majority of the other boys had cleared out the locker room before he started to get changed... something about him not being comfortable with getting undressed in front of large groups of people. And being that Michael was Kavan's only friend at the time, the young man decided to linger behind so that they could enter the gymnasium together when Michael was finished. To keep things brief, it took Michael and Kavan a lot longer than it should have for them to join the rest of their class.

It was Amoli Varma, Kavan's older sister, who was the first to hear about this monumental occurrence in her little brother's life. But it was also Amoli who had initially warned Kavan to not share this information with anyone else, especially not his parents. "You know how some Indian parents can be," Kavan's sister had told him, "Especially ours. Gay, Bi... whatever you plan on identifying as once you figure yourself out... if it isn't straight, they won't accept it, bhaee. They won't accept you."

His sister's lecture was the first thing that popped into his mind when he heard the distinct sound of the front door being pulled open; his eyes widened in panic and his heartbeat quickened as he strained to listen. "Mama, Papa... you’re home early!" Kavan heard his sister say loudly, as if sending a warning to her brother and the boy who lay naked in his bed. After a split second of intense panic, Kavan unwrapped himself from Archer's embrace and shot straight out of bed; in swift motions, the young man began to pull on his clothes and running his hands through his hair in an attempt to make himself look more presentable. It was after he took a quick glance into his mirror that he finally redirected his gaze to Archer; a sharp pain shot through his chest as he noticed the boy's crestfallen expression. β€œI think you better go home for now,” Kavan said hesitantly.

"Oh… oh yeah sure… of course," Archer responded before rising from the bed and fumbling around for his own clothes. Kavan watched silently as the boy walked past him through the doorway; he wanted to say something. He really did. But for some reason, for the first time in forever, he just couldn't find the right words. Instead, Kavan just followed the young man down the stairs, trying his hardest to regain his composure before he'd have to face his parents.

As always, Mrs. and Mr. Varma greeted Archer Diedrikson with warm smiles and kind tones; they even asked the young man if he wanted to stay for dinner, but he politely declined much to Kavan's relief. Before Archer left, he offered Kavan an awkward pat on his shoulder and thanked him for their study session. "I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” he'd told him, and Kavan felt another pang of guilt in his chest as he watched him leave the Varma residence and rush out to his car.

The first thing Kavan did once his parents had finished asking him about his weekend was seek out Amoli. The young woman had ascended the stairs at some point during their parents' questioning; Kavan found her sitting in the center of her bed, her cell phone in her hands and her credit card resting in her lap. "Doing more online shopping, huh?" Kavan said as he entered her room, pulling the door shut behind him. "Don't you have enough makeup palettes and brushes by now?" Rather than shoot her brother a witty response, Amoli simply offered him a small smile and patted the empty space next to her her; without hesitation, Kavan climbed onto the bed and laid his head in his sister's lap. They sat in silence for a full minute before the sound of Kavan's phone notification broke it, and it was then that the tears began to flow down his cheeks.

It was after Kavan had finally made his way back to his bedroom that he opened the message he'd received from Archer. He began to feel an all too familiar feeling well up in the pit of his stomach as he let his eyes read over the text. He stared at the thread for a few minutes before he finally began to type in a response.

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