Avatar of Ejected


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Oh Guild, how I've missed you.
5 yrs ago
@Filthy Mudblood; If you need help keying his car just say the word and I’m on the way sis.
5 yrs ago
RIP Kobe Bryant, a legend, and his daughter Gianna, who was a legend in the making. πŸ’”
5 yrs ago
I turned 24 on Saturday. Adulthood is still a big ass scam though.
5 yrs ago
On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was... It’s October 3rd.


My name is Jordan, but everyone usually just calls me Jo. I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Brooklyn, NYC.
I've got a little over 17 years of RP experience under my belt.
You'll usually see me in SOL RPs.
My discord is Ejected#5448

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Most Recent Posts

1. Tru Shit - Jacob Latimore ft. Trevor Jackson
2. Chicago Boy - Ari Lennox
3. Go Loko - YG ft. Tyga & Jon Z
4. Fucc It Up - Roddy Ricch
5. Low - Lenny Kravitz
6. Don't Hurt Yourself - Beyonce ft. Jack White
7. I Won't - H.E.R.
8. Unholy War - Jacob Banks
9. Still In Love - Thirdstory ft. Eryn Allen Kane
0. Not Discuss It - St. Beauty

{β€œIf life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”}

When Makyla Jones woke up that Wednesday morning, her limbs felt strong, and her muscles no longer felt rusty as they had the first time she'd started living in the Redwood apartment complex; they felt clean and ready. There was a residue of feeling right. See, most people would complain that the morning after they partake in strenuous body conditioning and half-hour long weight training, they feel like lead. But the mornings after Kyla works out, she feels like quick-silver; she feels alive. Throughout her entire life, exercise was one of the only things that kept her going; it was what kept her sane. There was simply something therapeutic about the sound of her shoes thumping as they glided across the treadmill or the slight burn she felt in her tricep muscles when she did a few bench presses. Throughout these last few months that she has spent in the small town of Silvervale, Louisiana after leaving her beloved home city behind, exercise often seemed to be one of the only glints of light in her lopsided life. Well, that and booze.

Every weekday was the same for Kyla: her cell phone alarm would wake her up at precisely seven o'clock, prompting her to quickly slide out of bed, take a shower, throw on a clean outfit, and shove whatever she needed for class into her over-sized purse. She'd then go on to spend the first portion of her day down at the university; if she wasn't in class, then she was brainstorming ideas for whatever YouTube video she planned on filming later on in the afternoon. Hours would go by before Kyla would begin her walk back to the apartment complex, and even then she would only have a little over an hour to herself before she'd have to change clothes once more and shoot her latest video.

Being in front of a camera wasn't too hard of a task for someone like Kyla; she had the charisma and people skills necessary to keep her targeted audience entertained while earning just enough money from this side hustle to keep her bills paid. And although she loved making others laugh, Kyla certainly didn't have any plans to continue filming these videos after she accomplished her actual career goals; she always reminded herself before pressing the record button that all of this was just temporary. "You'll be out of school and designing clothes before you know it," she'd tell herself as she sat in her stool and peered into her handheld mirror. "This is just a little pit stop on your journey to the stars..."


It wasn't uncommon to find Makyla Jones cooped up in her bedroom after coming home from class. If you just so happened to be the poor soul who was unfortunate enough to live in the room directly beneath hers, you'd eventually grow tired of the thumping of her sneakers against the wooden floors as she did a few jumping jacks. You'd probably bang on your ceiling, yelling at Kyla to cut it out; but chances are, she probably wouldn't hear your protests over the music that blared through her mounted speaker. Exercising was something that Kyla did fairly often to clear her head, which meant that it was all she did whenever she had free time; she especially needed to get in a few reps that night in order to burn off the cinnamon pancakes Junhoe had prepared for she and Nadia earlier that morning. In fact, the only reason she decided to end that night's session off earlier than normal was because of something she'd noticed on the bulletin board a couple of days before.

Of course, Kyla made sure it was known that she'd be attending. There was no way she'd pass up a good party, even if it was just a small one that would be held on the rooftop. After tossing her Air Jordan's into her closet, Kyla hopped into the shower once more. By the time eight o'clock rolled around, she had just finished touching up the makeup that she'd nearly sweated off during her workout session. Once she was sure that everything was in its rightful place and condition, the young woman grabbed an unopened bottle of liquor from one of the kitchen cabinets and made her way up to the rooftop. "I brought some booooze!" Kyla announced in a sing-song voice to the small group, holding up the bottle as she made her way towards the nearest table. Setting the bottle down, she looked up at the rest of the tenants with a smile before adding, "My mom used to always tell me to not show up to a party empty-handed; 'Southern Hospitality' or something like that, even though we're not even from down this way..."

Kyla's voice trailed off as she took a quick glance around the rooftop area. Her eyes almost instantly landed upon Bert, who stood near the karaoke machine with a screwdriver in his hand. Standing close by was someone whom Kyla easily knew to be the new girl from a couple of doors down the hall; while she couldn't recall her name, she did recognize her face. Nick Blackwell stood on the other side of Bert, and he'd just opened his mouth to speak when Kyla decided to focus her attention back on the unopened bottle of booze she'd just supplied them all with. "Guess I'll go ahead and get an early start while I wait for everyone else to show..." the young woman muttered under her breath before picking up the glass once more and heading off to find the plastic cups.

Sky's the Limit

Location: King's Academy
Interacting with: Georgia Fielders

Carter surely hadn't been expecting the young woman from the day before to hand him the small slip of paper containing her name and cell phone number; it usually would've taken a little more effort on his part. And in all honesty, he was just being a little nosy when he asked her about a party. Nevertheless, the boy had accepted it with a half smile and a slight tilt of his head before he watched her stroll out of the grocery store. Of course, Carter never had any real intentions of actually going to Bea's little gathering. Instead, the young man had quickly added the girl as a contact in his phone before paying for his own items and heading back to his home; he'd figured that he would hit her up at another time.

However, Carter assumed that the moment right after the Senior assembly had let out wouldn't be the best time for him to approach the young woman once more. Carter watched through curious eyes from the comfort of his own vehicle as Beatrice interacted with a boy he had difficulty recognizing; he figured that he must've been one of the newer students. Carter only watched the two for a minute longer before grabbing the packed lunch he'd originally left in the passenger seat, exiting his car, and heading back towards the school. Carter didn't stop walking until he reached the overly crowded cafeteria; he only scanned the room for a brief second before deciding against trying to find any of his friends to sit with. Instead, Carter made a beeline for the nearest table with an available seat.

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" Carter asked the girl who occupied the space as he placed his lunch bag down on the table in front of him. He patiently waited for her approval before finally taking a seat, and it wasn't until then that he realized who the girl was. "You're Georgia, right?" The young man spoke up again as he removed his container of beef empanadas from the brown paper bag. "I think we have a class together... English, right?"
β€œYou think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.
It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me
with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.”
James Baldwin

Inside Out

Location: King's Academy
Interacting With: Amoli Varma

It had suddenly become a new habit for Kavan Varma; every few minutes or so, the young man would pick up his cell phone and stare at the screen, as if he were trying to will a response, before tossing it back into its original spot in the cup holder. He'd done this about five or six times as he sped down the road before his older sister finally made her mind up to speak up about it. "He probably just fell asleep before you could say anything back," Amoli said with a sigh as she kicked her feet up onto the dashboard. "And I mean, not everyone has their cell phones in their hands at all times. Let the boy get ready for school in peace, Van." Amoli could tell by her brother's facial expression that he didn't like what she had to say, which was why she decided to continue on. "Look, it happened. You can't change that no matter how hard you want to. You'll probably run into him at some point today, and when that happens... please, for the love of God, don't make things awkward like they were yesterday. That shit was the worst."

"Any word from Mr. Green on when you can finally get your car out of the shop?" Kavan said with an exasperated sigh as he pressed his foot harder on the gas pedal. This had become an everyday thing now: Kavan driving his sister to and from work without much of a protest. Usually, the young man didn't have much of an issue with being his sister's personal chauffeur; she always made sure to give him gas money, and she didn't care to change whatever he had blasting through his speakers. After her last statement, however, the young man had come to the conclusion that maybe it was time for her to get her shit together. "As much as I love being the Joe to your Princess Mia, I do think it's time for you to get your own wheels back."

To say that Kavan was irritated after having to sit through the entire senior assembly would be a bit of an understatement. The boy kept his eyes trained on his sneakers as he quickly made his way out of the auditorium, a baggie full of condoms and lube in one hand and his cell phone in the other. It wasn't long before the young man found himself aimlessly wandering down the halls; although his stomach had been growling since earlier in the assembly, Kavan decided that he'd much rather starve than attempt to eat whatever the cafeteria was serving that day. Therefore, rather than make a beeline for the cafe like the rest of his peers, Kavan made the last minute decision to go to the school library.

Less than five minutes later, Kavan was sitting in his usual spot at a table near the rear of the large room; the sun shined down on him through the window as he started to immerse himself in a newly checked-out novel. The young man only dared one last glace at his cell phone before refocusing all of his attention on the book; he figured that reading would be one of the only things that could keep his mind off of what had been bothering him all morning.

1. Drunk - Schoolboy Q ft. 6lack
2. Special Affair/Curse - The Internet
3. The Pessimist - Wale ft. J. Cole
4. Old Age - Masego ft. SiR
5. Do U Wrong - Leven Kali ft. Syd
6. Netflix & Dusse - Smino
7. Voodoo - EARTHGANG
8. Planet Shrooms - Woodie Smalls
9. Out Of Love - TWENTY88
0. Meditation - Goldlink ft. Jazmine Sullivan
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