Avatar of Envay
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 12 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Envay 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current @Iceborne Ah, that makes sense. Not the same author. That's the key, right there.
5 yrs ago
Ren faire? With that profile pic, don't you mean... Rem faire? Pfffthahaha
5 yrs ago
@Iceborne Sword Art? Good? I'm concerned, but curious.
5 yrs ago
Been binging through a bunch of the MCU movies to catch up to Infinity War, and wow did Tom Holland absolutely kill it as Spider-Man.
6 yrs ago
A yearly playthrough of EVERY Kingdom Hearts? Isn't that just, like, playing Kingdom Hearts every month forever?


I'm Envay. I'm a big fan of fantasy and anime based roleplays, have a love for D&D (Pathfinder in particular) and have recently begun dabbling in ryona-based RP and ERP. Shameless fan of 18+ anime/manga videos and have a dirty mind active 25/8. I love cute anime girls, and even more than that I love seeing cute anime girls in pain. Tomboys are the best type of girl, and if you disagree you're wrong.

Despite everything I just said though, I hate forced romance or romance just for the sake of it. Even more so I typically don't do love story RPs. If romance is to happen in an RP for me, it both needs to make sense and not be the main plot. I'd say I'm a hopeless romantic, but really only under those circumstances is that true. If there were a genre of story I'd prefer never to touch it'd be love stories. Gimme something else to work with there, seriously.

Aside from those things, feel free to message me about whatever, whenever. I don't bite. But I might encourage you to.

Current waifu: Chiaki, Danganronpa

Current favorite ship: Kaminari x Jirou, My Hero Academia

Favorite fandoms: Digimon, Fate/, Soulsborne, .hack

Most Recent Posts

While I'm not popping in to say juuuust yet whether I'd like to, since I don't usually play canons, I just wanted to step in and say that it's awesome to see another .hack fan around here. :)
In Yo-Yo 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey! I'm newly signed up after years of not doing text RPs. In the past few years I've mostly done tabletop, but I figured I'd pop in here to see how things are and maybe RP if I find something interesting.

Cheers! ^.^
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