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Bump, anyone like VtM?
Escaping should have been easier said than done, his heart was racing and the next thought was jumping through his mind. Erik looked back to where he was once pursued, expecting a grizzled LASD deputy or police officer he quickly found that he would not be a victim of young hick-town justice this fateful night. It washed over him as he saw that he was no longer being pursued, what had happened? Was Jasmine grabbed, the feisty German cuffed up for the actions of a brave and rash investigator? He shook his head before slowing his pace down, he had really carried his ass out here. The track star from Twin Towers remained vigilant for the brief respite as he looked around, he was far from home. In fact, Erik was no longer by the motel but deep in the swamp somewhere.

Just his luck.

It was getting dark out, something smelled and it wasn't him. Someone might make the joke that Erik was in someone else's swamp, the kind that you don't want to trespass in. All that mattered was returning to the town, somehow. With the sun setting and the evil lurking near Quinton finally emerging in one way or another, Erik had to find his way back to the meeting point to brief everyone on what was found. What was left of it, but he was missing one important person.


@Punished GN
If there were an official track team in Twin Towers, Erik would be the best runner in the Asian Car but these cliques and achievements paled to the reality of the situation. As he was helping poor Jasmine out of the motel, the law decided to stick it's ugly, and female head toward the two. Perhaps she just wanted Jasmine but knowing his street sense, the intelligent part of his brain said "Erik, run!" almost as if it mimicked Jasmine.

Erik took off heading into the nearby woods, leaving the scrambling Sheriff to choose who she wanted to go after. He wasn't going to take the fall, hell no. Not again, not like L.A. he took off and the race began. He'd try to lose her if he could but being wanted again was going to be a pain in the ass. No one wanted to deal with a pain in the ass, he just had to navigate back towards the town or SOMETHING lest he meet the fate of the girls he was investigating.

@Punished GN
She was shaken up, almost as if she had seen a ghost. This motel already gave off some kind of 'Bates motel' type of vibe when they arrived but Erik hadn't felt it only up until now. He found himself consoling Jasmine as she reacted to whatever trauma caused her to scream like that. Admittedly his ears were ringing, she was a loud one but he found himself at a loss not seeing what it was. That was a sign that they needed to leave this place, urgently. He went to turn to leave but saw Jasmine talking about an orb... "What, no no. I don't think there was, listen Jasmine it's in our best interest to leave here. Something isn't adding up here, let's go meet up with the group." He said trying to pull her away.

@Punished GN
The room was like something out of a movie, with perfectly placed photos and scriptures of people trying to put a mystery together. Erik could have been impressed if the women behind the stunt were still around. Missing, exploring, or stuck in the adventure they were somewhere but just not here. He watched as Jasmine with ease moved the bed and began investigating, sniffing around like some kind of Malinois. There was a lot to take in, obviously, the Black family had something to do with Eleanor Black. Materially there was nothing that stood out in the vignette that was posted, just theories and comments about the household. It was something to keep in mind but it was clear that there should be extreme caution exercised amongst the members of the family.

It's not like it mattered to him and Jasmine, didn't half the group go running after the family manor? Or was it the.. His train of thought was interrupted by Jasmine and a piercing scream. He flinched, caught completely off guard by abysmal noise from the woman. He turned around expecting to see a bloody knife in his back or a killer revving a chainsaw but saw nothing. He looked back at Jasmine a little paler in the face than he was just seconds before.

"Jesus..- Are you okay!?" He asked, Maybe his was some kind of German thing.

@Punished GN
It didn't seem like there was much of a choice for the duo, knock, break in. They were here with less than legit reasons, this was ghost hunt after all. Would they find Eleanor, the thought swirled in Erik's mind for a moment as he contemplated what to do before the loud thundering booming hit the door. Jasmine was loud, maybe not as direct as he initially thought but time was working against them. Standing around and discussing the morales of door kicking was pointless, he looked down at her for a brief moment but whatever thought came to his mind was interrupted by her speech.

"Alright, alright." He didn't want her freaking out, besides they wasted enough time. Looking both ways, perhaps trying to spot a security guard or local cop he turned his attention towards the door. He brought his right foot up to the door just below the handle, he practiced lining his foot up fully to the area he had carved out. After doing this a few times he went for the grand slam as he began to kick the door in. thump - thump - thump

Would it be enough to give them entry, the last thing Erik needed was another night in a cell.

@Punished GN
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