He shook his head, holding the bridge of his nose as he roamed the halls. Wallace Canti was gravitating slowly towards the great hall, holding a sheaf of paper in one hand and his omnipresent notebook. Bothersome little things popping up all over, and all now for whatever reason. Two years of smooth sailing down the drain because of what? Karl Leid? The thought made him laugh aloud as he shambled towards the great hall. Preparations were already being made, he had painfully little to do in the wake of the regular guard. Wherever the king and his Thistle Knights were, they weren't serving a purpose right now and he had the fortune of being acting regent. A misfortune right now, because he had a tribunal to attend when he needed to be burying a corpse. Two corpses, if the news from his guardsmen was correct. Redwyne didn't deserve that, at least, it hadn't come from his offices. The great hall was still moderately occupied, that was fine he supposed because tribunals were open audience. Especially ones where the charges were about to be dropped, something he'd get away with what with the only man pressing them having recently expired. That was too convenient, and it made him uneasy as he took his seat as Regent at the table at the head of the great hall. As if by clockwork, the palace trumpet sounded, signalling the knights to fetch Thomas and bring him before the court. The other court members would arrive shortly, in fact a few of them got up from the tables to take their seats at the front of the room just then.
Outside of Thomas' cell, two soldiers of the guard appeared at the trumpet's sounding. "Your trial is starting, Sir Thomas, if you'll come with us" The lead man announced gruffly, gently slipping the dungeon key to the man's cell home in the lock. They went about their duty with grim faces, knowing full well the aptitude of the man they would be handling and wondering where the Order of the Thistle was at for something like this. His reputation was considerable, but confinement but a particular fight in men. They opened his cell, and made to bring the man out, gently lifting him from his place against the wall and allowing him a moment to gather his legs. Unfortunately for him, they were leaving his manacles on until he was before the court. With Thomas in hand, they made haste for the great hall.