A whole load of people suddenly charged into the room, with words over their heads and bow and arrows and all sorts of crap. Simon glanced around at the group, bewildered. Where had all these people come from? How many other people were in this thing? What was going on here?
The guy by the wolf yelled some kind of instruction as the girl blasted the wolf and a third person threw out some green light. Simon looked back and forth, before looking back down at his sword. How was he supposed to use this? Did he have special abilities or was he just supposed to swing a big blade around and hope for the best? A menu popped up. Simon looked it over; it read he had two skills. He could draw aggro with attacks or charge things.
That sounded useful. He had more armor than anyone else so presumably if the wolf bit him he'd be less likely to get mangled. Also killing it might be helpful, so there wasn't much downside to attacking. So Simon hefted the sword, and decided to try this "Forward Charge" ability. With a loud yell, he propelled himself forward towards the wolf, bring the sword up to slam it onto the creature.