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@KahleenCuthaldAs did I! Very excited as well, perhaps they could strike up conversation during the tournament. Princess Eve, Princess Valeri, and Princess Aamaya haha.
@KahleenCuthald@RaylahExcellent collab btw!
Also, wanted to let everyone know that there is no rule against replying immediately to a post mentioning your character, even if you've recently posted. (:
@JinxerLooks good!

The live instrumental would come to a fading halt, music being replaced with overbearing chattering that would soon fall to curious whispers. A guard would present himself before the thrones, standing atop a makeshift wooden step to raise himself above the people ever so slightly. He would clear his throat before announcing the tournament and that it would be beginning very shortly. After his short speech explaining that it was merely for fun and that nobody would be injured, he would go onto to giving the rules of combat. No attacking of the head, all weapons are dulled to prevent fatal wounds, and anyone who inflicts damage that could prove to be deadly, will be prosecuted. He explained the warrior to deal the most damage, would be the victor. After the informative ramble, he would throw out a list of names, each warrior to be partaking in the battle and the Kingdom they represented. His words would stop, a bow following before the roar of trumpets would sound. Multiple guards would swarm in, motioning the guests to follow. They would lead the crowd of attendee's out of the gardens and main event area, through an archway and into a large arena very similar to what the Greeks used. The arena seated hundreds and hundreds of guests, its size enormous. There was an area with a sun-cover where anyone of royal blood was permitted to sit, the guards assuring each royal got to the designated area. The royals all sat among one another to discuss politics, the tournament, and anything else they saw fit. Once the guards had seated every guest, the trumpets would sound once more before two large doors that allowed access from the armories into the arena, would be heaved open. Warriors from each Kingdom would spill out, hyping the crowd with dramatic gestures and shouts, waving their weapons and shields about before lining up side by side in the middle of the arena to face the royals covered seating. The crowd was roaring with cheers and shouts, each Kingdom shrieking for their warrior or warriors to be victorious. Another set of Exodus guards would filter into the arena, setting up racks of weapons for the warriors to grab if their weapon were to break. Once the arena was prepared, the guards would exit once more, sealing the door shut behind them. Silence would be requested as the King and Queen of Exodus were introduced and then their daughter, the Princess. It was explained that the warriors would be fighting in order to impress the King, Queen, and their daughter. That each warrior was to put on the grandest show they could muster. The booming introduction would silence and the crowd would come to life once more with applaud and cheering. Platters of food held by servants would be offered to guests, alcoholic drinks served and brought to whomever requested. The arena was alive with laughter and excitement, the warriors below awaiting the signal for the brawling to begin...

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Aamaya found herself being escorted to the arena, eyeing grand, circular mass of stone precise architecture. She was not a fan of the tournament, it wasn't even her idea after all.. If she had a choice, she wouldn't have even thrown the festival in the first place, while she loved the outcome and adored the beauty, she much preferred the calmness her Kingdom naturally had. The festival was all for her, for the opportunity to mend the hatred between Kingdoms, build alliances. She felt guilty not wanting to marry a stranger.. She felt as a Princess it was her duty to fulfill her parents wishes and bring peace within the Kingdoms. It was a lot to have on her plate, one side of her yearned for freedom to choose whomever she wanted to love, to marry someone she had a real connection with. While the more "polished" side of her wanted to abide by the rules and direction she was given. Aamaya heaved a thoughtful sigh, shuffling to a seat within the royal section of the arena. The seats here were much comfier, cushioned. She saw it slightly unfair for the guests to have to sit on stone, but shrugged the thought away, they were used to such things, too wrapped up in the tournament to even notice. She would glance towards her mother and father sat at the front row of the area, closest to the entertainment, another King and Queen from a separate Kingdom sat beside them. There were four rows within this section, six seats within each row. Aamaya chose to sit in the row furthest back, the view of the tournament still good but here, she would likely not have to mingle among the older King's and Queen's as well as her parents.

Her attention would shift to the arena as the warriors pooled in, a small smirking teasing at her features in response to their animated motions and shouting. She would soon be forced to stand, a reluctant groan slipping past her lips as her and her parents were introduced. Aamaya would perform a perfect curtsy, a large smile and delicate wave to the crowd of guests to follow. Once again she found her seat, resting her cheek against her fist absentmindedly. Music would fill the arena as preparations for the upcoming fighting began, warriors were given water and some time to practice swinging, while guests ordered their food and drinks to be brought to them on platters. Aamaya watched the commotion, eyeing each warrior carefully, examining their posture, build, and weapon of choice. Her attention would then move to the guests, now occupied with ordering, laughter and chatter mixing wonderfully with the soft lull of violins and harps.

Aamaya was far from excited, while she appreciated the effort and enjoyed the happiness this all brought the guests, she found no interest in watching these men and women attack one another forcefully, to impress her. Her eyes would flicker upwards as servant handed her a platter, a clear drink inside a flute glass atop it. She would smile weakly, fingers wrapping around the delicate stem of the glass before her lips found the rim. Alcohol was just what she needed, her mind was much too aware, the fuzziness and warmth the liquor offered was precisely what she needed. A half an hour would pass, drinks and food finally served to each guest who were now happily seated and ready for the event to begin. Aamaya would shift in her sit, moving to stand before gracefully sauntering down the aisle to the front of the royals seating area. She would stand at the balcony like edge that looked over the arena, her warriors all lined up anticipating her signal for them to begin. "Welcome, my courageous and strong warriors. I thank you for joining us today, for presenting my family and guests with your entertainment. I do hope you all do well, and please be very cautious of where you strike your opponent... Good luck to you all..." Aamaya spoke with such confidence, her head held high while she motioned towards her guests and fellow royals behind her. Once her words faded, she placed tender kiss upon her fingertips, blowing the kiss out towards the warriors below before smiling sweetly and then returning to her seat.

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The crowd would erupt in cheers, drinks clinking, liquid splattering here and there. The music would shift from the soft lull previous, to a dramatic thunder of drums. A guard within the royal section, would heave a green flag fastened to a sturdy pole, over the edge and into the arena, waving it wildly to signal the tournament had begun. The music would continue to pound on through the arena as the warriors retrieved their weapons, circling one another menacingly, waiting for the first attack. The crowd grew quiet, eyes watching anxiously for the first strike...

@apathyNo exact location in Cali to go off of, if you've seen TWD and how their city, rural, etc. areas look, that's basically what we are going off of. Just used California because it is a large, very populated place.
@RaylahAweee haha! Accepted ! Great to have you (:
I changed the initial outbreak to 5 years ago instead of 2. This allows for more of a decomposed and overgrown atmosphere. Plus it makes for better survivors and groups with more knowledge and skill.
@JinxerI don’t believe anything was started
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