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Nope, go ahead and begin posting!
@LivSounds awesome to me!

Interactions : Awaiting @Haeo

Sleep did not come simply, as a future queen, Aamaya had many tasks to perform in order to keep the Kingdom together. The events from the night had caused quite a stir, the whispers of concerned guests enough to drive her mad. However, the young Princess kept her composure. The remainder of her night consisted of funeral preparations as well as events that would take place in order to appease the unsettled guests. Finally, Aamaya was able to sleep although it was only a mere few hours of restless tossing and turning. Morning came with song, birds igniting the Kingdom with a cheery cast. It was a facade, masking the true feelings that hung, lurking in the shadows. Aamaya woke early, likely before any of the other guests. A bath was drawn for her, she was cleaned and prepped before slipping into a mourning gown, a simple black dress embroidered with copper flowers and long bell sleeves. Her hair was done in a similarly simple fashion, half up, adorned with a delicate golden vine, flowers and sparkling gems decorating the hair piece. Her makeup was dramatic, eyes smokey, heavy black kohl framing piercing olive eyes. An incredibly deep red stained her lips, a red as dark as wine, the only color that would find its way on her body. The last piece of the outfit was a veil, placed atop her head and pulled over her face. With her mourning attire complete, Aamaya found her way out of her chambers, a set of guards on either of her sides in case any outraged guests tried something unthinkable. Emotions were high, it wasn't unexpected for people to react in an aggressive or heartbroken fueled manner. Aamaya spoke with a few royals, discussing what had unfolded during the night, she discussed arrangements and even payment for those who had lost loved ones. She had to please those who felt scorned, her Kingdom was to protect her people and guests, last night they had failed and now she had to show her sorrow, apologize to those who felt the tragedy most, and give them anything she could.

Breakfast would be served to guests awake at these hours, no events taking place in the early morning. As the afternoon slowly rolled in, a gathering would be held in the courtyard. Flowers stained black littered the cobblestone, a woman singing opera stood in front of the guests, her voice echoing through the streets. It was a small ceremony for the ones they lost, simple, but so elegant and necessary. Aamaya found herself at the back of the crowd, respectfully observing those mourning. Those who had lost their loved ones sobbed, embracing one another while they listened to the bittersweet song. Each guest was given a candle to hold, lit and meant to stay aflame till night. At night you were to retrieve your candle from the courtyard, place it in one of the lanterns given to you, and release it into the air. Aamaya lowered her head, glancing down at the candle that flickered in her grip. She would excuse herself from the ceremony, placing her candle atop a ledge before finding her way into the palace. There was an assortment of snacks for the guests, a large fountain of wine and other alcoholic beverages sat, used generously by those who needed the numbing. Inside the palace Aamaya gave her condolences, embracing those who needed it, speaking with a few families who felt the incident the most.

A guard would soon approach the Princess, muttering something inaudible to others into her ear, she would offer a weak smile, kissing the cheeks of those she spoke with before exiting the conversation to head towards the study. Here she would await the presence of the man who had slaughtered the beast, she wanted to see this man for herself. He deserved payment, thanking, anything he desired. For he had finished the hell that had erupted, brought it to an end and saved the lives of those who had not yet been torn to pieces. Aamaya sighed softly, standing gracefully by a shelf lined with books. She read over their names but didn't actually take in anything she saw, her mind was elsewhere, cluttered and a mess of worry. But on the outside she was composed, she looked like a true Queen.. Although she was not quite there yet, she knew she was becoming more and more prepared. With her mother and fathers absence, it was her duty to care for the Kingdom, its guests, and the her people. It was a lot for one young girl, it was a miracle she didn't crumple under the immense pressure that pressed so fervently on her shoulders. Part of her wanted to sob endlessly, curl up in a ball somewhere nobody could find her. She had no time to think about a wedding, no time to fall in love. She had never wanted to wed someone she didn't love, but it was beginning to look as if her marriage would be strictly political. This pained her, a deep ache rattling within her. She was devastated by this thought, it only deepened the stress that consumed her. Aamaya closed her eyes momentarily, a rough swallow following, try to choke down the panic that was threatening to rise. No, keep your composure.. Do not succumb to the pressure. Another shaky exhale would pull her seams back together, her posture straightening and eyes opening once more. She could do this..

Posting can begin!

Screams, they echoed through the enormous facility, trailing down corridors
of pure white. Bouncing off glossy floors and brick walls, breaking through
the frigid air that wafted throughout each nook and cranny. The place never
felt any warmth, a tense ambiance leaving you on edge constantly. The endless
chill released by the facilities air conditioning was enough to drive anyone
mad. The relief that darkness allowed was never present, the incessant
buzz of LED lights something that would never cease. The only time
those horribly blinding lights would flick off, was when the scientists
finally called it quits for the night. Sometimes that meant never, other
times it meant a few hours of peaceful nothingness, a curtain of darkness
sweeping across the facility, however this was a luxury that was almost

.̵̩͎̤̗͓͗͌͛̿̍̽͒̐̈́̋̚̕ ̴̢͓͓̯͓̗͙̖̗͎̬̗̥͇͔̖̗͙̀͂͗̏̂̉̈̎̈̏̆̈́̐̏̕̕͘͝.̷̡̬̥̝̣̉̅́͋̌̑̆̅ ̸̼̩̫͊̐̆̋̃̇̓͂̎͠.̴̛̮̰̳͕͕̟̙̳͎̣͖͐̑͊́͛́̂͒͑̀̅̏̐͋̍͘͠͠ͅͅ ̵̨͔̖̭̼̯̫̪̪̬̤̼̜̿̈̓̎̾̿͒͊̐̆̓͒́.̵̢̪̠̞͖͙̭̲̩̖̰̥̺̊̀̏͊̊̀́̇̚ͅ ̵̢̥͖̬̞͚̩̣͙̗̝̺͇͕̱̰̂͗̐̋̀̿̽͑͛̓͝.̷̹̺̲̫̼̺͉̱̯̠̎̄̒͋̑́̈̓̿̿͜
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Today wasn't unlike the rest, the subjects blessed with time
alone, slept or paced their rooms like wild animals. Each door was unlocked
at exactly 5:00 AM every morning. Allowing the subjects to either be taken
for testing, or given the time to wander the "social" areas. They were not
permitted to eat, only given "special" food at specific times. It was a dull,
devastating existence. The only comfort to be found was provided by the study,
there you could find a subject snuggled up in a blanket, reading some forced
literature. While the books were quite lackluster, it was like a movie for
most of the entertainment deprived subjects.

.̴̢̛͈͚̞̘̭͔̮̙̤͉͕̦̯̬̩̖̘̫̖̞̱͙͈̜͕̦̜̹̼̞̺͒̓͛͂́͒̀̔͐̊͌̓̏̒̚̚ ̵̛̬̍͆̎͂̃͋̌̈́͆͋͌̐̓͆̍́̈́̍̅̒͒͋͋͑̈́̀͒̐́̀̀͐̕͘͝.̵̢̡̛͇̲̫̫͔̖̪̻͈͇̺̟̙̜͎̹̬̜̦̼̦͚̜̓͆́̀̀̃̀̅̍̀̔͋͆͘̕͜͝ͅ ̷̧̨͍̗̬̪͎͙̱̮͖̜̹̖̱̻̩̱̖̣̭̭̲͙͈̞̘̲̈́̄̒̃̈̆̕͜͝ͅ.̴̟̦̜͕͔̲̟̙̗̽̋͂̈́̒̔͊̓̈́̀̂̾̊́͗̒́̃̈́͆̔̂͠͝͝ ̶̨̧̛̛̛̳̟̼̙̖̜̞̰̝̥̺̦̥̯̙̙̲̱͙͙͓̬̳̫͎͙͛͑͆̈̃̈́̔͂̍̓̓̈̓̽͊͂̈͑̾̓͐̀̈́͘̚͜͠͝͝.̴̛̟͈̟̟̫̫̮͙͉̗̱̠̣͖̮̳̳͕͈͓̋̔͒̒̓͋͌̌̆̇̋̌̉̉̌̌̃̋̌͐̍̈́̄̓̿̃͗̓̕̚͘͝ ̶̨̨̢̟̰̖͕̗͕̻̮͍̬̥͚͔̝͚̱͈̯̞̜̦͍̤̗̟̞̑̃͐̑͐̋͜͜ͅͅ.̸̨̢̡̭̣͓͈̱̫̖͔̜͇̫͎̱̳̟͔̼̦̩̹̬̩̳̤̺̗͗̓͗̍
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The facility had many accommodations, an indoor pool, outside area for those
who were successful on their tests, gyms, and simple areas that provided
seating for the subjects to mingle. While the place seemed more like a prison,
there were a few "angels" within the staff. Scientists that offered goodies,
trinkets or books that usually weren't allow, providing a look into the real
world. Giving the subjects their time of day, listening to them, comforting
them, telling them stories that to anyone else, would sound flat and boring.
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This was the life of a subject...
.̷̢̨̢̛̛̼̯̰̮̟̈́̈́̋͆̂̆͌̈͆͛́̏͊̄͛̇͂̉̈́̏͊́̃̑̂̇̈̏̈̈́̄̀̔̍̈̃̉̀̈́̈͊̍̇̍̓̇̃̆̓͂̑̐̒̎͊̎́̓̽̄͗̒̌͊̄̚͘͘͘͝͝͝͠͝ ̶̢̧̧̨̨͍̤̻̩̫̲̞̩̤̱̳̦̠̰̩̪͍̖͎͕̞̬͖̗͍͓̦̹̦̦̥͈̱̫̭̭͈̺̭͇̦͇̮̣̯̩͓̃̋̏̾̂͛̈̊͋̑̄̈̃̐͑̇̕̕͜͜͠͝͝ͅ.̴̨̢̢̢̨̢̡̧̢̛̼̻͎̳͓͙̯̜͈̫̤̹̜̟̯̪̠̝̬͕̼̦͍̝̜͕̼̪̱͉̥̠̠͓̜̼̖̲̜̙̩̙͕̗̯̟̭̩̺͍̟͎̬̪͍̥̝͎̤͖̼̳̟̜̳̫̣̝͇͓̗͙̠͖̙̆̓̓̓̐̈́̀̾̎͑͊̂͐́͒̀̓̉̓̍̊͐͛͒͊͆̀̔̏̈́̋̍̉̾̿͛͑́͂̂̿͌́̄̓͒̕͜͜͠͝͠͠͝͠ͅͅ ̴̧̡̢̢̨̢̡̛̛͕̜̪̘̰̙͎̬̘̱̞̪͖̹̥̦̖̤͇͉̻͈͓̙͔̣̲͎̞͚͚̼̟͍̘̱̲̰̯̳̪̖̮̭̥̟͈͙͙̻̣̠͓̘̹͈̦̫̺̪̦͎̤͙̩̭̈́̃̎̅̽͆̀̈́̓̓͋̊̿̑̀̾̾̔̃̓̈́̔͊͌̈́̋̈́͋̆̉̃͑̀̋̅̆̌̀̀͋̈́̈́̆̊̇͗́̚͘̚͜͝͠͝ͅ.̴̧̢̧̢̛̛̮̙̫̹̞̝̦̜̳̠̥̝̮̺̪̣̫̜̤̯̬̙̯̟̘̖̱̜͕̱̏̇̂̾̐͒͑̈́̒̾̄̓̾̈́̐̔̋̅͋͐̎͐̊͒͑̊͒̋̔̾͑̈́̂̃́͗͛̏̃̔͂͒̈́͋̈̀̅̄̈͒̀̊̓̇̉̎̇̏͂̈́̓́̀͐̒͌͒̃́̓́̌̌̀̄̀̉̈́̕̚̚͘͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅ ̶̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̛̦̳̞̟̤͔͔̝̦̥̯̘̺̻͔͍̱͉̯̤̼̼͈̣̮͕͕͕̤̠͙̝͉̙̭̬̭̯̼̥̜͇̩̯̜̟̯̪̞̺͕̦̗͎̙̝̰̲͎̪̅̈́̀̽̈́͆̐̈̇̏̈́̔̈̉̍̐̄̏̈́͐̅́̄̂͋̑̀̈͛̒̌͆̇̈́̐͋̒̑̃̐͌̓̿̎̈́̄͑͂̑̈̆̚͘̚͘͝͝͝͝͝͠.̶̢̡̨̨̡̧̢̪͔̣̠͕̤͖̤̦̙͇̰̝̜͍̘̖͉̜̪̙̪̭̣̱͇͖̖̤̘̜̹̪̙̦̩̼͍̞̝̪͉̼̥̻̥͇͓̰̦͉͓̩̗̦̜̱͙͓̤̰͙̦̝̟̙̗̳͇̬̯̮͎̜̤̦̽̓̔̆̎͛̐͐̾͊͑̕͜ͅͅ ̶̧̡̥̳̮̮͎͚͕̪̪̝̮͕̙̜̰͙̯̲͓̰̠͇̯̣̖̙̥̤̫̻̦̺̦̮̺̞̼͔͖̖͓̬̘̖̮̳̝͇͕͈̊̄̈́̈́̈̅̏͛̈͂̽͆͌̄͌̇̀̎́̄̓̉̋̀̇̅͛̑̐̓̿̎̑͒̾͒̄̇͆͗́̔̑̔̏͊̄̊̉̍̏̓̋͆̉́̃͂̃̾̌̽͌̎̕͘̕͘̕͘͘̚̕͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅ.̴̧̢̨̨̨̡̢̢̨̡̖̱̦͔̥̦̖̮̙̼̳̯̲̤̪͙͎̯̳̣̟͎̻͕̘͔̜̖͖̖̥̪̣̮͚͔͍̯̯̖̱͈̣̯̼̮̳̤͈̜͙̟̥̮̳̣͈͍̮̻̫̬̘̬̰͓̣̗̱̘͕̬̪̘͎̘̑̈́͌̾̑̉̄̽́̃̽͒̀̾͋͆͛͋̐̀̀̌̀̌̌̍̑́͐͛͒̿̎̊̒̇͆̅͌̋̈́̀̊̃̆̃̓̾͂͆̈́̎͒̈́̈́͊̈́̆̎́̀͋̒̕͘͘͘̚̕͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅ

Night would go on, a tense cloud hanging over the Kingdom of Exodus.
Sleep would likely be a difficult task for most, the earlier events
of the night enough to keep someone awake for days. Guards, maids,
and healers would find no time for rest, spending the entirety of
the night cleaning the mess that had painted the streets. The bodies
of those deceased would be placed in graves, becoming apart of the
Kingdom's ever-growing graveyard. By morning, the streets would
appear as if nothing had ever happened, a stain here or there but
nothing that would lead one to assume a monster had come in and
ripped men apart. A warmth would roll over the Kingdom, bright
sunlight drying the leftover puddles of rain, a scene that was
nearly beautiful enough to make one forget the atrocity night had
held. The chipper melody of birds welcoming the new day would ring
out, waking the world. Notes would be left at each guests door, sealed
with the Kingdom's insignia. The note explained the mishap of the night
and where the bodies could be located. It also explained the events
planned for the day. Guests were welcome to get breakfast, spend their
evening wandering the Kingdom, and at night a large feast would be held
where the Kingdom would mourn those who had fallen to the beast.

It was an understatement to say the day would be a long, strenuous one...

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