OOOOPPPPS!!!! Wrong section!
“Why must it be so boring here?” Alice stared blankly at up at the ceiling of the community room. Her knees were pulled up against her chest and she was curled up in a chair in the corner of the room, holding onto the white dry erase board she used to speak with. She didn’t know exactly how long she had been staring at nothing in particular, but knew it had been a while. Unfortunately this place didn’t offer much in the form of entertainment, not unless you were an absolute star when it came to your testing sessions. Much to her disliking, Alice wasn’t even a half star in the eyes of the scientists that worked here. Her powers were awesome, as she would say, however her attitude was the farthest thing from awesome. She was known for fighting, hair pulling, scratching, and slamming heads against tables. Hell if she didn’t have the mask she would probably be prone to biting people as well. Needless to say because all of that she was doomed to live a life of boredom in a room that smelled funny and was full of people she didn’t like. It was a least a little better than being in her cell. Even if she didn’t exactly like most of the people here it was at least fun for her to people watch. With that thought in mind, Alice brought her gaze back down from the ceiling to the rest of the people in the room.
The person her gaze actually landed on made a wicked smile come to her face behind the mask. It was a slender man in a white lab coat, wearing glasses sliding down his face just a little too far. He was walking around with a clip board in his hand and was writing notes as he passed people by. When his eyes met hers an odd look came to the man’s face. It was almost like a look of fear, which to anyone else would have been odd since she was the patient and he was the experimental doctor. Alice tilted her head to the side slightly and wiggled her fingers in the form of a wave. The man’s eyes got for a moment just before he whipped around and began walking in the other direction.
Alice laughed as she watched him disappear down the hall. The man’s name was Dr. Norman Sears and she always loved messing with him every chance she got. He had been one of her main doctors when she was 15 years old and had stupidly tried to rape her at one point. She had been a little more docile when she was that age and wasn’t required to wear her mask at that time. Alice didn’t even really know how to use her power fully at that time, so the idiot didn’t think much of it when he tried to force her down on an exam table. His buddy in security had cut the camera in the room to give him all the time he wanted. What he didn’t expect was Alice to latch onto him and scream violently in his ear. Luckily for him, the guards were able to get in a rip her off of him before his brained turned to mush. He obviously survived, but now he was completely deaf in his right ear and partially deaf in the left. She did well to leave her mark on him and now he hardly so much as looked in her direction. Apparently he knew just how close to dying he had been. Despite how much she liked to toyed with Dr. Sears she still hated every part of his being. In fact, she always promised herself that if she ever got this mask off her face that he would be the first person she'd hunt down to kill.
“Fucker..You won’t be able to run forever.”