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    1. Ever 8 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current I finally go my own laptop!!!! Wooohooooo! I'm so excited!
6 yrs ago
I hate putting so much work into a character for the RP to die five seconds later :(
7 yrs ago
I just got married!!!!! I’m so happy right now! Sorry my rp responses will be a little postponed.
7 yrs ago
So. Fucking.Bored....And I just want to go home
8 yrs ago
I apologize to all of my partners! work has been crazy and I've had like a million things to do. I'll respnd to things as soon as I possibly can!
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Hey there. I like the rap idea of a god visiting earth. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. You still looking for someone for that?
I know our GM is on vacation so it might take her a little bit to approve your sheet. I believe this is still open to anyone wanting to join thoug.
Bumping this cause I wanna see it continue and not get lost in the shuffle

Alice: Subject 624

“Why must it be so boring here?”

Alice stared blankly at up at the ceiling of the community room. Her knees were pulled up against her chest and she was curled up in a chair in the corner, holding onto the white dry erase board she used to speak with. She didn’t know exactly know how long she had been staring at nothing in particular, but knew it had been a while. Unfortunately this place didn’t offer much in the form of entertainment, not unless you were an absolute star when it came to your testing sessions. Much to her disliking, Alice wasn’t even a half star in the eyes of the scientists that worked here. Her powers were awesome, as she would say, however her attitude was the farthest thing from awesome. She was known for fighting, hair pulling, scratching, and slamming heads against tables. Hell if she didn’t have the mask she would probably be prone to biting people as well. Needless to say, because all of that she was doomed to live a life of boredom in a room that smelled funny and was full of people she didn’t like. It was a least a little better than being in her cell. Even if she didn’t exactly like most of the people here it was at least fun for her to people watch. With that thought in mind, Alice brought her gaze back down from the ceiling to the rest of the people in the room.

The person her gaze actually landed on made a wicked smile come to her face behind the mask. It was a slender man in a white lab coat, wearing glasses sliding down his face just a little too far. He was walking around with a clip board in his hand and was writing notes as he passed people by. When his eyes met hers an odd look came to the man’s face. It was almost like a look of fear, which to anyone else would have been odd since she was the patient and he was the experimental doctor. Alice tilted her head to the side slightly and wiggled her fingers in the form of a wave. The man’s eyes got big for a moment just before he whipped around and began walking in the other direction.

Alice laughed as she watched him disappear down the hall. The man’s name was Dr. Norman Sears and she always loved messing with him every chance she got. He had been one of her main doctors when she was 15 years old and had stupidly tried to rape her at one point. She had been a little more docile when she was that age and wasn’t required to wear her mask at that time. Alice didn’t even really know how to use her power fully at that time, so the idiot didn’t think much of it when he tried to force her down on an exam table. His buddy in security had cut the camera in the room to give him all the time he wanted. What he didn’t expect was Alice to latch onto him and scream violently in his ear. Luckily for him, the guards were able to get in a rip her off of him before his brained turned to mush. He obviously survived, but now he was completely deaf in his right ear and partially deaf in the left. She did well to leave her mark on him and now he hardly so much as looked in her direction. Apparently he knew just how close to dying he had been. Despite how much she liked to toyed with Dr. Sears she still hated every part of his being. In fact, she always promised herself that if she ever got this mask off her face that he would be the first person she'd hunt down to kill.

“Fucker..You won’t be able to run forever.”
OOOOPPPPS!!!! Wrong section!

Alice: Subject 624

“Why must it be so boring here?”

Alice stared blankly at up at the ceiling of the community room. Her knees were pulled up against her chest and she was curled up in a chair in the corner of the room, holding onto the white dry erase board she used to speak with. She didn’t know exactly how long she had been staring at nothing in particular, but knew it had been a while. Unfortunately this place didn’t offer much in the form of entertainment, not unless you were an absolute star when it came to your testing sessions. Much to her disliking, Alice wasn’t even a half star in the eyes of the scientists that worked here. Her powers were awesome, as she would say, however her attitude was the farthest thing from awesome. She was known for fighting, hair pulling, scratching, and slamming heads against tables. Hell if she didn’t have the mask she would probably be prone to biting people as well. Needless to say because all of that she was doomed to live a life of boredom in a room that smelled funny and was full of people she didn’t like. It was a least a little better than being in her cell. Even if she didn’t exactly like most of the people here it was at least fun for her to people watch. With that thought in mind, Alice brought her gaze back down from the ceiling to the rest of the people in the room.

The person her gaze actually landed on made a wicked smile come to her face behind the mask. It was a slender man in a white lab coat, wearing glasses sliding down his face just a little too far. He was walking around with a clip board in his hand and was writing notes as he passed people by. When his eyes met hers an odd look came to the man’s face. It was almost like a look of fear, which to anyone else would have been odd since she was the patient and he was the experimental doctor. Alice tilted her head to the side slightly and wiggled her fingers in the form of a wave. The man’s eyes got for a moment just before he whipped around and began walking in the other direction.

Alice laughed as she watched him disappear down the hall. The man’s name was Dr. Norman Sears and she always loved messing with him every chance she got. He had been one of her main doctors when she was 15 years old and had stupidly tried to rape her at one point. She had been a little more docile when she was that age and wasn’t required to wear her mask at that time. Alice didn’t even really know how to use her power fully at that time, so the idiot didn’t think much of it when he tried to force her down on an exam table. His buddy in security had cut the camera in the room to give him all the time he wanted. What he didn’t expect was Alice to latch onto him and scream violently in his ear. Luckily for him, the guards were able to get in a rip her off of him before his brained turned to mush. He obviously survived, but now he was completely deaf in his right ear and partially deaf in the left. She did well to leave her mark on him and now he hardly so much as looked in her direction. Apparently he knew just how close to dying he had been. Despite how much she liked to toyed with Dr. Sears she still hated every part of his being. In fact, she always promised herself that if she ever got this mask off her face that he would be the first person she'd hunt down to kill.

“Fucker..You won’t be able to run forever.”
I’m pretty sure we are just posting away. I don’t believe she planned on making another post.
Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Was a bad day yesterday. I plan on writing something up for Alice today.

| Alice Tallet | | 28 | | Female |

| Subject | | Bisexual, though prefers women at the moment|
| s ᴜ ʙ ᴊ ᴇ ᴄ ᴛ # : #624 |

ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ᴅ ɪ s ᴄ ʀ ɪ ᴘ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ
Much to Alice’s dismay, she is made to wear the same thing every day. A strong mask that keeps her jaw locked down and a jumpsuit with 624 on the back. Sometimes she dreams about wearing other clothes since the ones she always has to wear are a drag, but there is really no getting around that. Alice is actually quite pretty, it is just really hard to tell most days. The mask she is forced to wear actually hides her beautiful features. They're have diminished slightly due to life is basically a prison, but they still remain. She has short blond hair that is almost pixie like and sticks out in different directions. Her eyes are a bright green color. Her skin is rather pale from never going outside, which helps make her eyes just that much brighter. They show the true insanity that has developed in her and rarely ever have any nice kind of expression in them. She stands about 5'3 and has an incredibly muscular build do to her boredom in prison. Alice also has quite visible scars on her neck from when they replaced her vocal cords.

ʜ ɪ s ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ
Alice has been at the facility she calls home since she was 5. This is why she doesn’t really remember much about her life, not just because they wiped it from her memory. She was the daughter of quite nice people who loved her and her twin sister, Seraphina. However, one day when her parents had taken both her and her sister to he park for the afternoon, her life went into a downward spiral. While she was playing on the swings a man who was desperate for money and got paid by the facility to bring in children, grabbed her while her parents weren’t looking. He tried to grab her twin sister as well, but she screamed and ran away the moment he touched her sister. Not wanting to be caught, he left Seraphina and only took Alice instead. He took her to the facility the next day to collect his money and has not left since that time. On rare occasions she will sometimes remember bits and pieces of her sister and parents, but it disappears from her memory just as fast as it comes.

ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ / ᴀ ʟ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s
Alice's alteration was that they replaced her entire vocal cord system with robotics. This has made her power extremely dangerous if she was not contained. Her vocal cords can amplify to a point that it will destroy everything around her. Depending on the amount she focuses she is able to go from destroying an entire building to destroying a whole city if she get's loud enough. Being in range of this when it happens can cause someone's head to literally explode. That is her strongest power.
Along with that power she has the ability to attract people with the sound of her voice Whether it be a beautiful hum or just seductive speaking. Because of this she can manipulate people into doing what she wants, though she hasn’t learned how to use this power fully yet, especially since she is barely allowed to speak. This ranges from talking people into say kissing her or jumping off the side of a building. Almost like a form of mind control, but not quite on the same scale. When gagged or jaw clamped down her power is completely useless

ᴘ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ
Alice is what most would call fairly insane. Her prison like home has helped make her this way. She ever remember a time when she was truly happy, not even as a child. Sometimes she wonders if there ever really was a time when there was happiness in her life. Alice isn't the type to destroy the world, but has a thing for punishing others and making them suffer. This is why she has a great fondness for her power. Not only can she draw them in, but then can cause them extreme amounts of pain for however long she chooses. Of course the asshole scientists don’t let her really get away with torturing people very much. She is not one to play well with others, but is allowed in genral population like everyone else. She just doesn’t get to talk very often to anyone. This is mainly due to her being easily set off by things. Even the slightest comment can make her want to break someone’s face. She has a very sarcastic type of nature and is hardly ever serious when she says things. That is unless it is a threat. Always assume she is serious if she threatens you. Alice doesn’t usually like authority and acts out often just to piss people off. It is the one joy in life that she actually has. She has a fear of fire and will become almost like a frightened child when she comes in contact with it.

| Alice Tallet | | 28 | | Female |

| Subject | | Bisexual, though prefers women at the moment|
| s ᴜ ʙ ᴊ ᴇ ᴄ ᴛ # : #624 |

ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ᴅ ɪ s ᴄ ʀ ɪ ᴘ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ
Much to Alice’s dismay, she is made to wear the same thing every day. A strong mask that keeps her jaw locked down and a jumpsuit with 624 on the back. Sometimes she dreams about wearing other clothes since the ones she always has to wear are a drag, but there is really no getting around that. Alice is actually quite pretty, it is just really hard to tell most days. The mask she is forced to wear actually hides her beautiful features. They're have diminished slightly due to life is basically a prison, but they still remain. She has short blond hair that is almost pixie like and sticks out in different directions. Her eyes are a bright green color. Her skin is rather pale from never going outside, which helps make her eyes just that much brighter. They show the true insanity that has developed in her and rarely ever have any nice kind of expression in them. She stands about 5'3 and has an incredibly muscular build do to her boredom in prison. Alice also has quite visible scars on her neck from when they replaced her vocal cords.

ʜ ɪ s ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ
Alice has been at the facility she calls home since she was 5. This is why she doesn’t really remember much about her life, not just because they wiped it from her memory. She was the daughter of quite nice people who loved her and her twin sister, Seraphina. However, one day when her parents had taken both her and her sister to he park for the afternoon, her life went into a downward spiral. While she was playing on the swings a man who was desperate for money and got paid by the facility to bring in children, grabbed her while her parents weren’t looking. He tried to grab her twin sister as well, but she screamed and ran away the moment he touched her sister. Not wanting to be caught, he left Seraphina and only took Alice instead. He took her to the facility the next day to collect his money and has not left since that time. On rare occasions she will sometimes remember bits and pieces of her sister and parents, but it disappears from her memory just as fast as it comes.

ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ / ᴀ ʟ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s
Alice's alteration was that they replaced her entire vocal cord system with robotics. This has made her power extremely dangerous if she was not contained. Her vocal cords can amplify to a point that it will destroy everything around her. Depending on the amount she focuses she is able to go from destroying an entire building to destroying a whole city if she get's loud enough. Being in range of this when it happens can cause someone's head to literally explode. That is her strongest power.
Along with that power she has the ability to attract people with the sound of her voice Whether it be a beautiful hum or just seductive speaking. Because of this she can manipulate people into doing what she wants, though she hasn’t learned how to use this power fully yet, especially since she is barely allowed to speak. This ranges from talking people into say kissing her or jumping off the side of a building. Almost like a form of mind control, but not quite on the same scale. When gagged or jaw clamped down her power is completely useless

ᴘ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ
Alice is what most would call fairly insane. Her prison like home has helped make her this way. She ever remember a time when she was truly happy, not even as a child. Sometimes she wonders if there ever really was a time when there was happiness in her life. Alice isn't the type to destroy the world, but has a thing for punishing others and making them suffer. This is why she has a great fondness for her power. Not only can she draw them in, but then can cause them extreme amounts of pain for however long she chooses. Of course the asshole scientists don’t let her really get away with torturing people very much. She is not one to play well with others, but is allowed in genral population like everyone else. She just doesn’t get to talk very often to anyone. This is mainly due to her being easily set off by things. Even the slightest comment can make her want to break someone’s face. She has a very sarcastic type of nature and is hardly ever serious when she says things. That is unless it is a threat. Always assume she is serious if she threatens you. Alice doesn’t usually like authority and acts out often just to piss people off. It is the one joy in life that she actually has. She has a fear of fire and will become almost like a frightened child when she comes in contact with it.

Oh my this looks good. You create such wonderful ideas! I already have a character drafted that would be perfect for this RP. May I join? I just have to alter the character I have if you allow me?
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