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    1. Ever 8 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current I finally go my own laptop!!!! Wooohooooo! I'm so excited!
6 yrs ago
I hate putting so much work into a character for the RP to die five seconds later :(
7 yrs ago
I just got married!!!!! I’m so happy right now! Sorry my rp responses will be a little postponed.
7 yrs ago
So. Fucking.Bored....And I just want to go home
8 yrs ago
I apologize to all of my partners! work has been crazy and I've had like a million things to do. I'll respnd to things as soon as I possibly can!
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Sounds good thanks for the info. Nice post. I like it. I did want to ask that since our characters will no doubt be doing a lot of talking in this bit, would you like to do a collaboration post instead of individual?

Also wanted to warn you that I will be going out of town after today for a few days. I come back on Sunday and wont have too much internet access, but I should be able to respond a little.
Okay awesome! Look forward to it. Hope you don't mind that I described Hunter a little bit. I can change it if needed.

Saphira Ducane

“What have I gotten myself into?”

Saphira stood in the middle of her cell, taking in her surroundings to see if there was any route of escape. Her face was as cool and collected as it normally was despite the situation she found herself in. Even though her face showed no signs of displeasure, the feathers upon her wings gave her true feelings away with how they were ruffled up like an angry bird. Her expressions were always an easy thing to control, but her wing feathers weren’t as easily controlled. This had not been the first time she had been captured in the many years she had been an angel, but it certainly was the most humiliating capture being as the whole thing had started with just a few weakling vampires.

She groaned angrily remembering the whole encounter. It started off easily enough, they seemed to be young vampires, who had yet to learn the full potential of their power and strength. They were certainly surprised by her attack and as she fought them off she was almost having fun toying with them. Their attacks had been weak, not thought through and filled with hungry rage, making it easy to tell that they had never encountered a seasoned angel like herself before. She was dealing with them easily until a well-dressed vampire appeared in the alley with them. The moment Sara saw him she could tell he was different from the others. He had a look of arrogance and wisdom in not only his eyes but his posture. Older vampires always held themselves differently than their younger counterparts. The younglings backed off when they saw he’d arrived and left him to deal with her as they ran back to their home with their fangs tucked behind their lips in embarrassment.

If anyone had watched the two fight it would have certainly been a hard one to follow. Their movements were so fast it was almost as if everything they did was a blur. All the human eye would have been able to see was the flash of fiery red hair and the white of his dress shirt. To them it was an elegant but deadly dance in the dark. In the back of Saphira’s head she wondered how old he must have been to move as fast as he did. Most angels of her age would have already been beaten within a few minutes of his arrival. Her only saving grace was the fact that she had been trained by one of the mightiest warriors within heavens golden walls, but that training only helped her for so long.

There was a point in their dance when she was able to jump on the vampire’s back and stab him with one of her hidden daggers. The blond vampire let out only a small groan of pain before starting to force himself backwards towards one of the brick walls. As she saw herself getting closer to be crushed against the wall Sara’s wings snapped out and gave one hard flap. She burst up into the air from his back and flipped herself forward back to the ground in front of him. When she landed she had planned to try and stab him in the heart, but he quickly grabbed her by the throat before she could. Sara expected him to attempt to kill her, but instead he head butted her hard in the face. The power of the hit was so strong that it surprisingly knocked the angel unconscious. When she awoke she found herself in the dark cell, her weapons of course gone and hanging on a wall across the room.

“Michael will look at me with such displeasure when he hears of this. “ She said to herself as she began to walk around the cell. It looked like a normal prison cell you would see in a jail, but she knew it had to be stronger than that if they placed her in it. No normal prison cell could contain an angel. It had more than likely been bound by a witch or demon to contain creatures such as herself. Wanting to test it one of her jet black wings quickly shot out from where they rested comfortably behind her back. The edge of her feathers hit hard against the metal, creating a loud booming sound to echo through the room. Just as she thought the metal didn’t even so much as dent against the force of her wing. She sighed in annoyance and pulled her wing back from the metal. “To be expected.”

The last time she had been captured had been almost 50 years ago by a coven of witches, who had tried to remove her wings. Sara didn’t know at the time, but witches found angel wings to be very valuable. They would cut them off and sell them for a good penny to fallen angels who had lost theirs after their fall. Losing one’s wings hurt almost as much as the decent to hell itself, which is what made some seek out a way to get them back without begging God. Many unholy angels also thought to it as a slap in the face to God, as if He cared about silly things such as that. At first Saphira didn’t think it was possible, but with the right spells it could certainly be done. It by no means made them divine again, but it helped them rebuild their pride and made them feel stronger than they really were. Thankfully for her she was able to keep her wings when Michael himself showed up to save her just as they were slicing into her back. That capture had been slightly less embarrassing than this. At least then she has been cornered by multiple witches of an ancient coven that had been in that area for over a century. Most of the witches had been trained in the ways of magic for quite some time. They had also specifically targeted her. The fallen angel that had hired them had been sent to hell due to her and was out for personal vengeance. This time she had been taken out and captured by only one vampire, which was an embarrassment that would stick with her for a lifetime.

Her eyes suddenly snapped up when she heard the door in the distance opening up. She slowly brought herself to the front of the cell to greet whoever it was that was coming to speak with her, more than likely the leader of the coven, or at least his or her second in command. If they had wanted to kill her they certainly had had the chance to do so back in the alley, meaning they had some form of use for her. What that use was she would only learn in time.
Damnit, posted in the wrong damn section again. Sorry!
@Euphemia I added a little detail about Sara’s wings on the bio. Just wanted to let you know. Almost done with my post.

Saphira Ducane

Name: Sara or Saphira

Age: 317


Sara certainly doesn’t look as old as she truly is. Upon her human death, she was somewhere in her late 20s. Many have described her as beautiful when they set eyes on her, but she feels everyone says that about angels. She has longer red hair that goes down past her shoulder blades, and has a slight curl to it towards the bottom. Her eyes are rather large and look up at people through long, dark lashes. They are a sea green color that often get mistaken as blue. In all honesty, they do change color depending on her mood. They stay the normal green color most of the time, but when she is frightened or sad they will turn a beautiful shade of blue. Sara has very high cheek bones and a slight indent on her chin. Her lips are rather full and have a rose red color to them. There is a certain glow that comes off of her that is easily noticed in dim lighting. Most angels have a glow such as this, but her somewhat pale skin seems to make this glow a little brighter than others. The wings that rest upon her back are completely black in color, but give off the faintest hint of purple when the sun shines on them. They are a bit longer than most angel wings, making them extra helpful in battle situations, though they are often more used to shield things from her person.


One of the daggers she has hidden on her person at all times. Usually this is strapped to her lower, left leg. She has another one, which looks identical, on her left hip as well.

These are her two main weapons that are strapped to her back in a crisscross formation. She calls them an extension of her own arms when she fights.

Her wings are also a weapon of sorts and not only used for flying, though she mainly uses them as a shield these days. To most her feathers would feel soft and almost silky, but on command they can stiffen to a point where they are as sharp as a blade. She uses these as weapons when she is facing multiple opponents. During times when Sara is out in public she is able to hide her wings from view of humans. To any mortal that looks upon her, her wings look like nothing more than a tattoo if she is wearing clothing that reveals her back.


Sara is both a kind soul and a deadly weapon. If you are an angel or a human she will be the nicest person in the world to you. She would even fight to the death for said people without even knowing them. If you are a demon or other dark creature then it is a whole other story. She will fight to destroy them until they die or she does. It is very dangerous to try and go toe to toe with Saphira. She has many talents as an angel, but the biggest one is her talent in combat. While she was in heaven, Sara was personally trained in battle by the archangel, Michael. He’d seen something in her that made him just know she was a fighter he needed to focus on for a time. She is now able to take on several fighters at once, be it angel or demon, and is usually known for winning said fights. She likes to get up close and personal when fighting. Taking someone's space in battle makes it harder for them to fight, but also exposes her a little more, that is, if they can catch her. She is extremely fast and moves so fluidly it almost looks as if she is dancing. It is nice to watch, until you are the one she sets herself upon.

Saphira has a very calm demeanor to her, even in stressful and dangerous situations. She is almost always calm and collected and very rarely loses control of her temper. This can sometimes irritate people when they are trying to get a rise out of her or scare her. Very few things frighten her, though that can be said for most angels in existence. Like all of her kind, Sara is unable to lie about anything. She is able to bend the truth to her needs at times, but is not able to full out lie about things.


Sara has the enhanced abilities like all angels do; super strength, speed, and healing ability. However, she doesn’t heal as fast if she has been wounded with a demonic weapon. Wounds caused from man-made weapons heal within minutes. She is also able to hide her wings from the eyes of mortals.

Angels are given a few other gifts by God, such as Empathy. Sara can feel the emotions of humans and some other species as well, though demons she is not able to do this with. She can feel what they feel whether it be love, happiness, sadness, or even pain. She is also able to project her own feelings on people.

Angels also have a touch of telepathy. They can hear a person’s thoughts if they focus hard enough. They don’t hear thoughts constantly, but if they are focused on a person the thoughts will eventually reveal themselves.


Saphira was born a mortal in the 1700 century. Her family was somewhat wealthy and were the proud owners of the Ducane estate, which boarded the lands of the De Vol family. Because of this the two families were rather fond of each other and were considered great friends. When visiting with her father one time she met what would someday be considered the love of her life. His name was Elias De Vol and they became friends the moment they met one another. While she was always the polite one who was taught to follow the rules, Eli was her bad influence as her father once said. He taught her to break the rules and be adventurous. As the years went on their bond only grew stronger and stronger, at least until he left for school to further his education. They wrote each other back and forth for quite some time. Her heart would soar whenever she received a letter from him and she counted the days until she received another one. Each letter maid her love for him grow more as she became old enough to understand love, but after sometime the letters started coming further and further apart, until finally they just stop coming completely.

A whole formed in her heart as the letters stopped arriving. She felt forgotten about, which was a total surprise to her given how much they had meant to one another. It took a while for her to forget about her feelings for him and move on, but eventually she did. Her parents tried to match her up with many different suiters over the years. She tolerated having to meet them, though always found something about them that made her beg her parents not to accept a marriage proposal. Many parents would have told her to stop her whining and just marry, not caring what their daughter wanted. Sara’s parents were different though. Her father cared deeply for her and wanted her to have a husband she would be happy with. It took a lot of time before they found that person, or at least they thought. His name was Dante Rost, second son of Earl Alfred Rost. They met at a festival that her father dragged her to to try and find a suitable husband. He was handsome and seemed to be a good man, but he didn’t hold a candle to the man he came with. Despite the years it didn’t take her long at all to recognize Elias. He had grown into a gorgeous looking man and it was hard for her to take her eyes off of him long enough to pay attention to Dante.

Life for Sara changed that night with both her family and her love life. Dante courted Saphira in the months that followed their meeting. Unlike many of the other times she was courted by men, her parents were less generous about whether or not she truly liked him, especially her mother. She insisted that Sara accept a proposal if he were to give one, but it was unclear why exactly that was. As the weeks went on she tried to understand why the marriage was so important; if her family owed a debt to the Rost family or if money was the sole factor. Her family wasn’t hurting for money that she knew of, though her parents didn’t really keep her informed about their financials. During all of this there were still times here and there that she was able to see Elias at parties and other minor occasions, but they weren’t nearly enough for her liking. It was hard seeing both men at the same time. She felt as if she was leading one on while falling for the other.

It wasn’t until the night Dante proposed to her that she was finally forced to make a decision. He did it during a dinner meeting between their families, making it hard for her to say no as they all stared her down anxiously. With everyone’s eyes burning holes into her body, she felt forced to say yes. She couldn’t humiliate him in front of not only her family but his as well. The following night as she paced in her room, thinking of a way she could take back the proposal, Sara was given a letter by one of the maids. She knew his writing the moment she saw it and was over joyed with the fact he asked her to join him in the gardens. What other reason would there be for him to ask her to meet him if not to ask her to leave Dante for him.

Sadly the rest of that night has always been nothing but a big blur to her ever since. All she knows is that it was the last night of her human existence. She has been told many human born angels do not remember their deaths, and if they do, it is only by the grace of God. Sometimes she wishes she knew who it was that ended her life that night. Who took her away from Elias before she could tell him her feelings for him, but that was a truth she would more than likely never know.

After her death, Saphira was taken to heaven by the angel of death as all good human souls are. At first it had been decided she would remain in heaven to live her life, but as she roamed the pearly streets, she began to take interest in the other angel fractions. One in particular was the angels of war, the army that protected both heaven and earth from the demons waiting in the shadows. There was something about them that made her not want to be a soul needing protection. It felt like needing protecting was always something she needed as a human, why did it have to be the same now? She was no longer frail or helpless. Michael, Commander of War, soon took notice to her interest in his angels. He spoke to her after a while and before she knew it, she was swinging swords with him. He personally trained her for many decades before God decided Saphira’s true calling was protecting the humans of earth. Since that time she has lived upon earth, pretending to live among the mortals, while also protecting whatever humans she was ordered to by God or his heavenly angels. She still remembers Elias De Vol and thinks of him quite often. Deep down there is still a love that burns for him, but it is one that she tries not to think of often as it does nothing but hurts her.

She has no clue whatever happened to Elias. There was a point in time in heaven where she thought she felt him dying, but the feeling only lasted a few minutes before fading away. Much to her disliking, she has never felt his presence near her again.
Oppps wrong spot
Hey there everyone,

So I’ve had a new plot idea that I would love to write out with someone. A young telepath who is just coming into her powers falls asleep after speaking on the phone with her crush/best friend. As she falls asleep she unknowingly reaches out telepathically to her friend and pulls her into her own dream world of sorts. Not knowing how to pull themselves out of the dream they are trapped in, they wander through her dreams, forced to fight all of her deepest fears. At the same time the best friend’s own fears are pulled into the dream world with her, making them both have to work together to fight these fears off and find a way out of their own mental prisons.

I’m thinking this will include some dark themes, strong language, and possibly some weird creatures.

The person playing the other character is certainly welcome to be super powered as well , but can also be a normal human as well. I’m looking for someone to play a female character alongside mine. I may consider a male, but would prefer another female character. They also do not have to be gay like I plan to have my character if you do not feel comfortable with that.

I haven’t fully thought through a plot so I would like to throw around ideas on the rest of everything with whoever is interested.


No one liners. Must write up to 2 paragraphs per post.

If you lose interest just let me know. Don’t be shy telling me. Though I am looking for someone who will be invested in the story with me. I’ve been bored and really want to complete a story. Haven’t done that in a while with an RP.

Must have a detailed and well thought out character sheet.

PM me or let me know if you are interested on the thread here.
I've been so excited about this. Where is everyone?
So I'm gonna try this out again and see if anyone is interested this time around. I've been mulling over if I should add powers to this or not cause that would make it even more interesting, but I have not decided yet. If anyone would rather have powers involved int his then I would be open to it.

“Ma’am, the players are set and the arena is ready.”

A woman with long red hair sat in a chair facing a large window in the room. There was a skinny man standing next to her wearing a head set and a pair of glasses that hung a little too low on his nose. His expression as rather blank as he looked out the window. The woman at his side looked more excited than he did and an oddly satisfied smile rested on her lips. She took in a quick breath of air before she stood, revealing the tight black dress she wore.

“Wonderful Aiden. Let’s go pay a visit to the bidders, shall we?” She said taking his arm. Aiden nodded in reply and began leading the woman out of the wonderfully designed room they were in. If anyone would have been walking with them it would have been obvious that whoever owned the facility they were in was rich. The ceilings were high, the floors a beautiful grey marble that shinned, and who could miss all the windows with the spectacular few of whatever city they were in. There were what looked like guards lined in front of any door they passed and two of them actually came up behind the pair and began to follow them to their destination. After a few moments they all came to a glass door that looked like it lead into a giant conference room. One of the guards that had followed Aiden and the red haired woman came to open the door for them, giving them access to the room.
“Goo after noon everyone.” The woman said with a bright smile on her face. The room was filled with close to a dozen men and women. They were all dressed in fancy suits or dresses, with champagne and food laid out in front of them all. “Thank you so much for joining me on this exciting day.”

Aiden quickly pulled a chair out for the woman at the head of the table and she gracefully took her seat. “Your chosen players have been taken to the arena and bids have been placed. Please do remember any additional bids can be no lower than $50,000. If you player is…” She paused for a moment and smiled a little bigger. “Disposed of, then you are out of the game and your money will be collected. “ You may also purchase items for your player as well to give them an advantage.”

Everyone in the room shook their heads and turned their attention to a large screen in the middle of the room. It showed multiple camera views of different people on the screen. Everyone the cameras focused on seemed to be passed on in the middle of some room. They were all separated into different rooms and for some reason all of them seemed to be dawning an object or piece of clothing of a certain color.

“Your players should be waking soon. May the bidder with the strongest contestant win.”

Our characters:

Each of our characters have been chosen for a game. The game is simple, survive. The last man standing is the winner of the game. Rules, well there are no rules to speak of really. Anything goes as long as it helps you win. Each of our characters are contract killers. They are the best at what they do and they believed they were being hired for a job, but when they came in they quickly found out they were being used for something much bigger than what they’d thought.

Each of us has someone who is invested in our survival, not because they care about us, but for their own personal gain. They have a lot of money bet on us. These people chose you because you are the best in your area and they think they can make a profit from you. If you win the game, you leave with not only your life, but a good lump sum of money as well. The perks of this game is your investors can choose to buy you things to further you in the game, whether that is weapons, bandaging, or ammo, they can get it to you at a cost.

When we start each of us are given a weapon and a color our investor has chosen for us. This color is either on our clothing or is the color of your weapon. You will gain more weapons over time. We have been placed in a maze of sorts, located on the bottom levels of the facility these investors are in. Each of us have been put into separate rooms. We will quickly find each other, but we won’t know why we are here or what we are supposed to do. This is because our memories have been temporarily wiped due to the sedation we were given. It will all come back to us over time, but we will still have our muscle memory to help us. We are also not the only ones in this maze. There are traps and other beings that will be unleashed on us to help push us. They will push us to either kill on another or get ourselves killed by accident.

There is no certain way this Rp needs to end. We could kill each other until there is one person left or we can team up and try to fight our way out. Just remember our true natures will come out and not all of us are going to be sunshine and rainbows.

Let the game begin…..

Anyone interested? I will build this a little more if I get enough people interested. Warning this may contain dark themes, violence, strong language.

Inspiration is from Hunger Games, Saw series, maze runner.
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