Expat from RolePlayGateway. I did NRP stuff if anyone remembers Ottoman or AzricanRepublic.
Expat from RolePlayGateway. I did NRP stuff if anyone remembers Ottoman or AzricanRepublic.
My sheet and faction is done. Basically Brits, whom have assimilated the neighbors of their area - and are a basic mixture of Japanese xenophobia, British and intellectual elitism, some minor forms of fascist control, socialist policies and a healthy dose of semi-absolutist monarchism.
I can explain anything, if you remain confused about some stuff in my sheet.
Nation Name:
Empire of Lithuania
Political Environment and Government Type:
Lithuania is a theocratic empire ruled by a high priest called the Krivis (fem: Krivė). The Krivis is believed by the local people to be the manifestation of the god Perkunas on earth and as such, his rule is absolute and his word is final. Alongside the Krivis are high priests called the Council of the Vaidilos. Each member is a priest referred to as a vaidila (fem. vaidilutė) who is believed to be a vessel through which their patron god speaks verbatim. Beneath the Vaidilos are a series of lesser clerical rulers who answer to their local vaidila, and enlist the help of military orders to maintain rule in their jurisdiction.
Location On Map:
Lithuania is comprised of about 70% ethnic Balts, who can be found throughout the empire, but cluster most densely in the central area of the country, radiating outward from Dievomiestas. They are divided into various sub-ethnicities, the Lithuanians being the most important. In the farthest northern areas of the empire are the Finns and Estonians, who mostly inhabit the regions of Estonia and the Finnish Isles and rank about 5%. To the east are people collectively termed Russians (descendants of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians) who make up about 20% of the population. To the West are the Poles, who make up the remaining population at about 5%.
Religion is a tricky matter, as the religion of Dievugarbinimas incorporates various religious cults that could be found in the Post-War Baltic. It is known that a small minority of "old believers" who worship only Dievas and his two avatars, Kristus and Dvasia, exist in areas, and this cult is especially popular among the Poles and some Russians. That said, they are not viewed as entirely distinct from Dievugarbinimas, as the mainstream religion also accepts that Dievas came to earth through the avatar of Kristus, and spoke through the avatar of Dvasia, and will return as Kristus to fight the darkness on Earth after the tribulations (which Lithuanians believe they are currently living in) and establish Lithuania as his heavenly kingdom on earth.
Some major religious cults in the Post War Baltic that were incorporated into Dievugarbinimas were:
- The Cult of Dievas: Seems to be a mixture of Christian folk-beliefs from the various people of the Baltic, as well as Poland and Russia. These were synthesized into a new cult focusing on a supreme creator named Dievas.
- The Cult of Perkunas: Perkunas was the Lithuanian pre-Christian god of Thunder, and his memory lived on after the war, with a religious cults appearing centered around powerful leaders and warlords, who claimed to get their legitimacy first from the Christian god, but gradually over time taking on the title of Perkunas, to invoke nostalgic and mythological ties to their claims. Eventually, this came to its logical extreme when the new King of Lithuania proclaimed himself to be a reincarnation of Perkunas. As a result, the worship of Perkunas is the main orthodox state religion of Lithuania.
- The Cult of Dawn (Aušra): The Cult of Dawn was a cult that worshiped the destructive power of the Atomic Bombs that decimated the world. They came to worship a goddess named Aušrinė, who had the title of "Dawn-Bringer" and was associated with the Morning Star and the Wind. Aušrinė was believed to be the goddess who created the Sun, and who stands at the gates of paradise and lights the way for those going there. Aušrinė was tasked by Dievas to destroy the world when it became too wicked, and thus it is believe that she gave the power of nuclear bombs to humanity to destroy them.
- The Cult of Saulė: Saulė was the sun goddess, and her cult was the worship of the sun.
- The Cult of Bangpūtys: The Sea God who is extremely popular among Latvians and Livonians.
- The Cult of Kristus and Dvasia: Believed to be the avatars of Dievas, one used to walk on earth, and the other to communicate spiritually with his followers.
- The Cult of Giltinė: The worship of Death, the Death Cult was a common religion in the Post-War Baltic. Followers of Giltinė operate as bands of nomadic assassins, who kill as an act of worship of their goddess.
- The Cult of Gabija: Gabija was one of the daughters of Dievas and the goddess of Fire. She was also seen as the patron of machinery, and thus her followers became collectors and venerators of the machinery of old.
There are slightly more women in Lithuanian than men, with about 55% of the population being composed of women.
The people of the Baltic began to regress socially and culturally after the war, with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Prussia, and Belarus being the main recipients of the nuclear fallout that was emanating out of Russia. The Baltic was plagued with nuclear winter and rising sea levels that were beyond apocalyptic.
The result was a very clannish and tribal society, where the extended family transitioned from irrelevant to central to society almost overnight. Lithuanians are extremely religious, though their religions have changed over time, with mainstream Christianity largely falling out of favor as "pagan" ideas started to become the norm.
Many Lithuanians are agricultural, with the soil of Lithuania only just starting to recover, and the necessity for farming to surviving. There is also a tradition of semi-nomadic warrior bands, mostly comprised of young men who wander the countryside taking what they need to survive, with their violent existence accepted by their rulers on the condition that they will rally to their master's call when he needs them.
Important States and Cities:
Dievomiestas - The New Capital city, founded by the first warlord in the heart of Lithuania
Vilnius - A major city in Lithuania
Riga - The most important city in the North
Knigsberg - The most important city in the West
Still working on history
Banned for being around way longer than I have.