Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

If there is still room I'd like to join.

Sorry if CS is little rough, I did while half a sleep with very little time. I think for the most part it's ledge able. I'll tidy it up if needed later after work.


To know she had a confirmed kill under her belt. Stroked Valéria’s ego greatly, feeling a pang of satisfaction. Even if it had only been dumb luck she had hit the best in the right spot to put it down. A kill was a kill and provided she survived the battle she’d mark her the kill in a tally and twist the lucky shot into an epic tale to share over a drink or two. Well at the very least she’d try.

As much Valéria would have liked to savour the kill there still many Cruxi to put down and now having put down one Cruxi Valéria was sure she could kill many more Cruxi before the battle was over. Valéria now itching to test out Judgment on a few Cruxi to see in the simulations where right as to how much damage it would do.

Sure enough the mace did not disappoint Valéira. More than pleased with how sent a Cruxi CMW flying in one strike. Valéria again feeling a pang of satisfaction as she manvoured her werk to attack the next CWM. The woman wanting to see more Cruxi sent flying and doubled over. Valéira feeling herself grow just a little excited. To surprise the Cruxi and engage them in close combat was a rush and something Valéria knew she should not enjoy but could not help it.

Valéria was about to order Redeemer to rush the next work when the cockpit filled with alarms and her werk stumbled forwards. The woman surprised to see a Cruxi had gotten behind her and mounted her werk.
“Get off!” she shouted as she fought to keep the werk upright. The extra weight put Redeemer out of balance and threatening to fall over. The werk quick to notify it’s pilot it was now dangerously overweight, and its legs were starting to give out. Unable to take the strain of both Redeemer and a Cruxi in high gravity for more than a few minutes before the servos became severely damaged and werk potentially crippled.

Seeing as she had no other choice much to Valéria’s annoyance she quickly took aim at CWM’s head in front of her and Redeemers laser repeater. Before attempting to throw the werk backwards. Hoping to land of the Cruxi and crush it under Redeemers weight ideally killing it or at the very least doing some sort of damage. Valéria could only hope as she knew of no other means to damage the Cruxi on her back as Redeemers design stopped any of the werks weapons reaching the Cruxi on werks back. She also hoped she had not done to much damage to Redeemer trying to throw it backwards with so much extra weight.

Another day another bump
I reckon I can handle one more RP so bump.
Giving this a bump.
hey folks I had one of my new partners disappear on me so I'm looking for one more to take there place.

In Katya’s mind the battle seemed to be going so far watching her radar as she commanded her werk. Although she knew was far from over and the tides of the battle could quickly change to favour the Cruxi. Knowing she needed to be aware of everything going on across the battlefield so she could bark any needed commands. As she watched battle form her cover, she was surprised to see the power of the Cruxi turtles.
“Ancestors” she muttered seeing crater not too far from her.

When Elise's voice appeared into the comms, Katya was a little surprised but overall was happy to hear her voice and listened carefully. Nodding in agreement thinking it was a good idea. The more solid cover they had against those turtle Cruxi, although she was unsure if they’d be able to move Ariin up given the wall of CWMs Even if Elise’s idea was a good one Katya was unsure with how the squad positioned right not if it was in fact possible.

Katya was about to bark out a set of orders. When she heard Elizabeth say she had hit the beast with an EMP. Katya not liking the idea of leaving a beast behind them that could awake at any moment. To her, that was a recipe for disaster, but she’d address that problem in a moment.
“Alright squad we need to push forward. Advance and engage any Cruxi in range. But if possible engage those turtles they are top priority. As for that beast, I’ll deal with it.” She spoke into the comms.

Sticking to cover Katya moved Caretaker till it was near Yeager. Katya activating her combat drones and ordered them to attack the Beast that had been hit with EMP. Commanding them to latch on to the beast and use their cutting beam on beast’s neck. Katya thing it be the quickest way to kill it. Although she’d watch the drones and if needed merely order them to shot the beast at range. Although she questioned if her drones would be able to put down the beast by firing at it.


To say Valéria was caught off guard when beast pounced at her would have been and understated. Not expecting the hulking Cruxi to move so quickly in high gravity. Regardless she did her best to intercept the attack. The woman pleased as the laser repeater was lined up and she pulled the trigger watching as red beams were fired and hit the beast and much to her surprise killing it. Valéria breathing a small sigh of relief. Pleased with her werk. She patted the console in front of her. As scanned the beast wanting to make sure it was truly dead. Having made the mistake of thinking she had killed a Cruxi only to be attacked from behind. Last time it cost her an arm so was unwilling to risk it again.

Knowing the beast was without a doubt dead she turned her work to face the Cruxi at I7 seeing Zim was already on the move to deal with one of two groups of CWMs. Valéria not wanting to get in Zim’s way, she decided to go deal with the squad in I7 the woman confident she could handle the squad. Especially since the CWMs where distracted by something that Valéria could have sworn was werk further up the battlefield.

Whatever it was it mattered little to Valéria as she ordered her werk forward intending to capitalise on the distraction, pretty sure it would not talk Cruxi long to turn their attention back to her and Zim. As Redeemer drew closer to the Cruxi Squads Valéria readied to drop the werks shields at last possible moment. Just in case the Cruxi decided to turn around and open fire. Aware in this gravity, redeemers speed was far from fast compared to much lighter werks, but Valéria was confident was she reached the Cruxi the weight of her werk could be used to her advantage.

Reddmerer moved past the body of the dead beast Valéria picked her target opting for the closest CWM. The woman planning to charge into the CWM before she started swinging her werks mace at whatever happened to be in range or she could get in range with as much might she could get the werk to muster.

Looking for one or to new partners so bump.

When the order to drop was given, Katya felt her heart start to beat away in her chest. The young pilot taken in deep breaths as she commanded her werk to leap from the ship. Focusing on keeping her werk under control as it plummeted through the atmosphere. Katya mostly enjoying the intense heat inside her cockpit as for a moment it reminded her of her own home.

The werk landed without incident and Katya was quick to make Caretaker climb out of pod. Katya able to feel the extra weight in her arms and chest and feel it in the way Caretaker climbed out of the pod. Katya doing her best to follow the captain's advice and did her best to remember her high-grav training. Not that she had ever used it outside of the simulations before. Making Katya wonder just how well she’d adjust, but quickly pushed the thoughts aside.

As the captain gave the orders to take out the Cruxi heavy weapons, Katya looked at her map trying to work out some sort of game plan. However, for the moment she could not see anything besides engaging the Cruxi line and trust the squad to work together. Confident that they would.
“Your heard the Captain! Everyone work together push forward! Do whatever it takes to kill these Cruxi quickly.” Katya shouted as she moved her werk forward to join up with Paladin. Having seen the werk on its side when she landed but Arinn seemed to have righted the werk.
“ Hey, Ariin you Paladin alright?” she asked concern lining her words.
“When you can I need you to target those heavy Cruxi.” she quickly added without giving him time to respond. Katya moving to take cover expecting the Cruxi beasts to come surging forward. Katya not wanting pit Caretaker against one in hand to hand combat. As they looked like they’d tear Caretaker apart. So she took cover and readied her rifle the moment something came into range she’d open fire or at the very least wait until something moved closer.


Waiting for the order to drop filled Valéria with a sense of anticipation. The pilot eager to take fight to the Cruxi. To her it was time to earn a little payback for the loss of her home, arm and the family she had lost when Ageis was taken by the Cruxi. Having not fought the Cruxi since the fall of the station.

When the time came Valéria dropped when it was her turn. Redeemer hitting the ground with deafening crash as the heavy werk landed in the middle of a destroyed building. The werk tearing through rubble like it was paper. Valéria taking a deep breath as she began quickly checking the werk systems over. She had not expected to land in building but was pleased she was on the ground and Redeemer’s checks showed the werk in good shape.
“Now let's see what you can do.” she thought taking her controls firmly commanding the werk forward. Clearing the building, stopping to see. The map showed as Blackstar which Valéria knew was operated by Zim. Had was already engaging with the Cruxi beasts.
“Brother Hero, you fight well. I’ve got your back. Let's drive these Cruxi back.” she spoke bringing Remeemders shields online the air around the werk to shimmer. Valéria feeling wary as she brought the werk laser repeater up ready to engage anything that came near the werk.

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