Name: Auguste Arazm, most students call him «Oggie»
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Occupation : School guidance counselor. Regarded as the « big brother » of the students.

A general look. His clothes may vary a bit, but you get the idea.
Personality: Auguste is outgoing, charismatic and genuinly caring of others. He puts others first but not the extent of someone with a martyr syndrome. He recognizes his limits and sets them with an iron fist. Humour might very well be his most recognizable trait. When introducing himself, he is known to say « 92% of what comes out of my mouth is a joke ». That being said, his energetic demeanor belies his introspective and empathetic « true self ».
Abilities: An acute understanding of the fundamentals and underlying principles of magic allows Auguste to influence mystical energies already in motion. The most common applications include spell cancellation (very useful when students get rowdy), amplification, attenuation and modification.
Interests: Cooking/baking. Oggie is known for his pastries. He enjoys theater, comedy, games of all sorts but also just relaxing and contemplating life. He is quite the « healthy hedonist ». He has a thing for frozen desserts... Quite the unhealthy obsession, actually.
Dislikes: Conflicts and misunderstandings. Self-pitty. People who admit defeat before trying or sell themselves short. Capers and liver. Oh, and ketchup.
Biography: Auguste was born to a middle classed family of Magistravi. Both his parents were Outsorcerers. His father, specialized in tissue regeneration worked as a healer and his mother assisted with law enforcement, having a knack with confinement spells. Their respective occupations left little quality time to spend with their son, but the home was still a loving and nurturing one. Whenever they could the family would go on outings to explore nature, see art, taste food... all of it with the intention of broadening the boy's horizons.
Oggie was babysat by an older male nanny, Stanislas Korbo. They weren't related, but he came to be known as the third « grand pa ». Stanislas was full of stories to share and wisdom to sow. Mr and Mrs Arazm told their son he was once quite the powerful Magistrava, and their teacher when they attended the academy. Auguste dreamed of spells Stanislas could teach him, tools he might provide so the boy could accomplish anything and answer any whim. The nanny never did though. Suprisingly, Oggie never once witnessed the old man working magic of any kind. « Getting answers should never be your goal in asking questions. » « Always ask yourself how much less you could have done in a situation. » Stanislas filled the boy with these cryptic sayings teaching him that the most powerful magic was a spell never cast. Auguste's favourite saying, by far, was « You can only realize how incompetent you actually are when you've become the best in your field. »
Stanislas passed away during Auguste's second year in the academy. He was never truly sad about it though. The old Magistrava had taught him so much about philosophy and the workings of the world that Death had no reason to be regretted. The boy felt he understood the cycle and thought nothing of it. Stanislas' soul was in his teachings and affection, so the nanny would never leave his side.
Auguste impressed academy faculty with his understanding of theorem. Knowledge seemed to come naturally to him, as breathing would to others. It never once, however, motivated a teacher to suspect him of cheating; the boy seemed to have a « connection » to Knowledge versus possessing it. It was speculated amongst the faculty that he may be a candidate for Akasha-Deviancy. The pursuit of such proficiency never yielded any impressive results. While comprehension posed little problems, execution was never his strong point. In a meeting with the Headmaster, his parents were reassured their boy had no « handicap » in his magical abilities, for lack of a better term. « Auguste... simply has no interest. Not that he doesn't WANT to, but when there are other means of accomplishing tasks he fails to understand the need for magic and therefore won't do it. To him, the purpose defines the act. » Oggie was sent back to a regular curriculum after that meeting and sailed through his studies brilliantly.
While studying many advanced subjects at the academy in his early twenties, Auguste did a lot of tutoring with younger struggling students. Eventually, his extra-curricular mentoring took up so much of his time that the headmaster approached him with a deal... « I know you intend no more than to explore horizons. There is little waiting for someone like you in the world outside these walls. You will be expected to perform and accomplish tasks for the benefit of others, regardless of morality and your own beliefs. You are welcome to stay at the Academy indefinitely. Housed, fed, with access to it's ressources, as long as you continue mentoring and guiding the students. Assisting them with whatever they may need. I might myself have requests once in a while... » Auguste accepted, and has been part of the school's faculty ever since.
Equipment: Other than basic personal belongings, Auguste owns very little. This is by no means an expression of voluntary simplicity, it's just because he has access to most-if-not-all the resources he needs through the school. Being a permanent faculty member and living there even for the school semester has to have some advantages!