Avatar of Eyeruption
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    1. Eyeruption 8 yrs ago


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Faction Name: Throne, The Corpse-City

Motto: One Man, One Vote(One Guilden Entry Fee, No Refunds, Enjoy Your Stay, Remember To Visit The Flesh Pits And Gutburster's Eatery)

Alias: Sitty Offa Fouzend Sure-Praises, as written in the official guide by the Guild of Beggars, Street Vendors and Bonepickers

Government Type: Meritocratical Tyranny(sic)

Faction Specie(s): All and any and all of them. Throne opens its gates to all who ask - even armies of foreign conquerors.

Location: Thought about having it situated between the two rivers left of the Sea of Glass.

Faction Religion/Ideology: Everyone is permitted to believe anything they want - as long as those believes do not conflict too much with others'. In case a conflict escalates, the parties are ordered to settle it through a personal public duel to death, without any other variants. As such, most problems are often taken care off quietly, quickly and without alerting the authorities.

Faction Description: There is too much to describe in a few words - one biggest common factor that unites the people of Throne is the great desire for every new day to be exactly like the previous one and readiness to defend this and many other of their interests with swords and purses in hand.

Faction History: Too tired to write out a long thing rn so short version - some travelers happen upon a side of a gigantic beast sticking out of the earth and discover that it's rotten eyes and blood are pure Ichor, it's tissues are as soft as the day it died, it's meat whilst petrified becomes chewy and tough but nutritious snack if heated and shattered - and decide to settle. Time goes, city grows, bridges are built, in comes Mister Glitter who turns a ragtag bunch of people trying to make a living into ruthless and savvy merchants and moneymongers. City grows even bigger and more advanced by the minute, eating people, goods and resources and churning out Civilization.

Important Characters: Mister Glitter - Supreme High Tyrant of Throne. An ancient spirit personifying the best traits of Old World's commerce and capitalism and trying to mould this world into the form he remembers. His usual form is that of a man of solid gold dressed in 19-century England's White Tie clothing complete with cane, monocle and a cylinder. His true shape however is a gigantic whirlwind of razor-sharp precious gems like rubies, sapphires and diamonds and leaden and golden coins spinning at incredible speeds. He possesses powerful magic, a cunning mind for business, psychology and negotiations and rules the city with a golden fist, ready to sacrifice all that he has for his vision and peoples' stability. It was he who came up with the "One Man, One Vote" words - the catch is that HE is that One Man and it is His One Vote.

Theresa Garcia-Sciavolla Cassini - Lady Whore and mistress of flesh pits. Greatest rumormonger and socialite in the city.

Gutbuster Gob - Head of the Charnelworkers, Butchers and Skinners Cabal, tasked with carefully exploiting the Corpse's innards and digging it's nigh-infinite carcass out of the earth.

Grand-Greater Slaymaster Deathlord Warking Krestislav - lord of the High Arcana Society.

Whip-It-Quick - minor spirit, mascot and patron and head of the Thieves' Consortium.

Suffer-Not-Injustice - Mr. Gitter's personal one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed and sixty-seven-eared(he amassed a really big collection of those in his active duty days) hound and the city's Marshall-Provost. He and his guardsmen are tasked with rooting out the REAL crime - that which is wrought for evil rather than good of the city and can topple the Throne. He realizes the irony of his job but also knows just how vital it is.

More to come.

Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions: to be done

Relation to other Factions: WE love everything about our neighbours - but most of all we love their gold and their water. Please tell us what do you want for those and we will give it to you. And if we don't have it we will steal it for you. And if we can't steal it for you we will at least make it up.
muffled CSI "YEEEEEEEAH" in the distance
Huh. So we are all kinda servants of like, Tzeentch or something. She doesn't even need the money from that bank, we need to rob it because it will have long-lasting and subtle consequences for a thousand of little things all around the world, some of which probably fit into her other plans.
We ain't even pawns in this game, we are fucking molecules pawns are made of.
Who fucking cares about identities when they rule over a whole city where no electronics work?
In case the answer is "oh, she will know about that beforehand and won't let Metallia and PF do that":
If Presence is such a mighty and all-powerful diviner/precog and has THAT amount of superintelligence, why does it even bother with collecting a team of rowdy unique snowflakes? A team of simple and very loyal mortals under her command will complete any imaginable task.
Also, a hypothetical question:
Metallia and Phone Freak make an EMP/Neutron Bomb.
They blow it up and put all of the city into a permanent blackout zone without electronics and filled with interference that makes any tech except what that Metallia and PF have, them working on completely closed circuts without any wireless signal stop working or unable to be controlled.
The city is concrete jungle in which the team rules like fucking kings.
What will Presence do?
Can she at least understand HOW EXACTLY is Presence blocking her ability?
We got that she can SOMEHOW predict where LL is going to teleport to, though I've got no idea how.
But Freak probably CAN understand the way presence denies her the ability to commune to doors.
LL shrugged.
LL flipped off the ceiling turret.
LL went off to take a seat as was suggested and plopped into a chair right before the screen wall with his legs spread wide open.
LL took the milk with him.

"Somebody has self-esteem issues." He thought to himself, whilst faintly hoping that Presence can read minds as well as scream at the microphone.
Aw man. I understand yeah, the size is kinda overwhelming. But most guys will flake off eventually and we will be left with maybe 7 guys max. Don't leave if you are interested in the game.
>his razor-teeth curled up in a smirk
NOW IT fucking scarred me
For life.
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