Derek paced back and forth, locked inside a basement room of the Governor's Office. This is where they kept those who broke the law, who didn't abide to their rules. It was just one apple, but he knew that didn't matter to them. They had to set an example for their community. The room was damp, lit only by a candle in the center of the room. The air was beginning to have a chill to it, leading him to believe the sun was setting. He heard creaking boards from above him, footsteps pacing back and forth. Muffled voices could be heard along with the creaking. The beams from the electronic lights upstairs could be seen through the holes in the ceiling.. or the floor, depending on your point of view. He sighed and sat down against the cold wall. How was he going to get out of this one? Even if he escaped, he couldn't stay and with it being night, he couldn't risk going past their fences. There was the Chasm, but it was impassable. However, with the sounds he heard coming out of there late at night, he didn't even want to try. He would have to wait and see what they decided, but he knew what the choice punishment would be... and it wouldn't be good.