Avatar of FaithfulMuse


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2 yrs ago
Current After nearly three years, I caught covid.
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3 yrs ago
Someone stole a jar of melatonin from the store that I work at. I hope it keeps them up at night.
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6 yrs ago
Being tiny, curious as hell, cute and incredibly clumsy, I find Meltan surprisingly relatable for a lump of metal with a nut for a head.
6 yrs ago
I didn't know I had a favorite steel-type pokemon until Meltan. Not to be dramatic, but I'd die for that little fella
6 yrs ago
Everyone wants to be special, yet nobody seems to realise that being special isn't always a good thing.


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Most Recent Posts

Sounds good to me
Alright, I just posted my CS bere. I'll probably change the description of her appearance for a picture, though.
Name: Jasmine
Alias: Venom
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Veleno is a young woman with straight, black hair reaching over her shoulders, and deep brown, almost black eyes. Her skin is a pale, cream colour and she has a thin, seemingly fragile build. She has four sharp, almost fang like teeth, two at her upper and two at her lower jaw, her fingernails are equally sharp and pointy.
Superpower: Injecting a very painful venom into the body of her victim through her nails and teeth that also temporarily paralysea the person. As any scratch or bite, despite how small would work, Jasmine wears gloves to jeep her fingernails covered while not in combat.
Biography: When Veleno was young, both she and her parents already suspected something was wrong: At a young age, Jasmine was bitten by a poisonous snake when a trip to the zoo went horribly wrong. She was rushed to the hospital immediately and miraculously enough survived, although the smount of poison had been more than enough to kill her. Instead the girl herself became poisonous, a thing she wasn't aware of at first. Inly when her pets got sick after recriving mere scratches, her parents becane suspicious, but only after ger mother was scratched a second time and died, the reality hit Jasmine and her father. The man was hit hard with the loss of his wife and fell into a dwep depression filled with alcohol, gorcing the girl to live with her grandparents as a decision from child protection services.
"Who you become is up to you. You don't have to follow the footsteps if your father or mother if you don't want to." Ryul told Kalram.
Claire nodded, trying to get closer to the enemy cogs without getting hit.
Sure, just send me a pm
Sure, sounds good to me!
Claire smiled, listening to the AI. "Sure, some help might be nice. Let's start the training program." She answered, curious what the cog would do to help her out.
Ryul shrugged. "Your father might not have a very exciting job, but it's an important one. Thanks to him, things in the village are going smoothly, and people have a place to go to when they're looking for peace." He told the younger elf.
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