Avatar of FallenTrinity
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3893 (1.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. FallenTrinity 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current About to play some Battlefield 1
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Getting ready to move into my new and first apartment. I may be offline for a bit until we get internet in the place but I'll let everyone know when I do
8 yrs ago
If you are interested in a fantasy RP that is about dragons and magic, take a look at Acension. The link will be in my bio.
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8 yrs ago
Might get the Witcher 3


I consider myself an adaptive writer. I've RPed in some high casual-low advanced RPs and some RPs that are nearly one liners but I try to stay consistent at least with my characters I make. Ive been on here for some time (passed the time it claims. Just forgot the name of my old accounts but whatev). I am interested in high casual/ low-advanced rps and have been trying to get a few off the ground. If anyone is interested in Co-GMing with me just drop me a message or something and we can discuss ideas and whatnot

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I'd be interested. Could I be an ancient race of red dragon?
Wondering If I should gather up all the info from the chat and add to the tabs.

A races and airship tab would go far and everyone's been pretty damn creative with them.

Do it. It has expanded the universe quite a bit

"You can run like a rabbit, fly like a bee, but no matter whatcha do you'll never getta'way from me becau' I'm right behin-" Static filled the song on the ships intercoms within one of the cargo holds as a few security members were preparing to make their rounds through Cerberus' corridors. The security was more or less hired guns who had a knack for "keeping the peace". Former vets and shitbirds from various armies and wars, they were some of the best out there. Their job was simple, observe those entering and leaving research level 3 as well as respond to any suspicious activity along its halls. Seemed reasonable, but the catch was why such dangerous individuals were needed to watch a few halls and a room. That was one of the questions brought up yet again by a scruffy man in his early 30s who went by the nickname Gradey. He had taken apart his Kesler 887SR for a routine cleaning. He sat upon a crate within the cargo bay, lip singing to the radio as a small cigarette dangled from his mouth.

"So Sarge, why am I here again? I mean...I could be out there getting puss and drowning myself in Huskler Premium Lager in the port itself then be cramped in this rust bucket..." Gradey finally spoke up. A woman quipped up quickly in response as she watched over the security video.

"Why? Well if you want credits to get beer and puss then you need to stay in here with the rest of us." She said with mild irritation. He smirked as he sat up and patted his lap.

"Clare, why don't you come sit on daddy's lap and help hi - oof!" Another female sat down upon him with seduction and leaned in, tempting Gradey to kiss him. As he did, she leaned into his ear and turned on his comms headset.

"She would, but you have small cock syndrome. Most humans do. But yours...extra small." Her seductive yet broken common broke the silence amongst the others who went milling about their mundane duties, causing the others to laugh, much to his chagrin. His response was to push her off, embarrassed and angered by her remark, but being the most agile and flexible one of the group she gracefully cartwheeled away.

"Oh shut the fuck up Kae'lis! Yo Mo'wok, it aint that funny." He barked at the only one still laughing hard, a large dagger, if one could call it that, held in his hand. The more Gradey yelled, the louder Mo'wok got until finally Gradey stood and in one quick motion walked over and shoved him.

"Shut the fuck Toad!" The laughing ceased.

"What you call me!?"

"You heard me ugly!" It didn't take too long before the arguing turned to yelling which turned to an all out fist fight most definitely in Mo'woks favor. Mo'wok towered over the rest of his compatriots by an outstanding foot and a half with three times the muscle mass as their strongest member, Reiner. The fight only lasted roughly 15 seconds but it was enough for an old, gravelly voice to pierce the chaos.

"Mo'wok, put Gradey down! That's an order!" Mo'wok looked over with narrowed eyes to an older man who's presence radiated authority. There seemed to be a standoff of dominance in this moment. The raw physically prowess Mo'wok displayed against Gradey in the short bout he had, and the man's sheer presence. One could even assume that at some point in their history, they were enemies.

"You heard Pops...put...me...down..." The demand was ignored until Pops erected his posture more, adjusting the rifle in hand and with that Mo'wok did what was asked. Sort of. Looking at Gradey whose smug look was akin to that of a spoiled child getting what he wanted, the larger memeber of the party lobbed Gradey into a pile of crates before giving the old man a sidelong glance.

"Men and their pissing contests." Clare mumbled before Kae'lis glanced at her.

"I...don't understand..." She squinted in confusion. Clare just shookher head and smiled.

"It's nothing Kae." Kae'lis stared for only a moment before looking back at the boys. What urination and primitive displays of dominance had in common to males she might not ever understand. A few minutes went by before the old man looked at the group and subconciously nodded. His gruff voice broke the silence.

"Alright, time for patrols then. Kae'lis, Gradey and myself shall take wings 2 and 4. Mo'wok, Clare and Reiner shall take wings 1 and 3. We will meet in between wings one and two as they intersect and debrief each others' groups before continuing on to three and four. After the last to wings are checked we will go ahead and make our way to research level 3 and do our normal runs there, is that understood? Good..." With that Pops turned around and made his way for the heavy door which slowly opened. The sound of heavy metal sliding was the only indication the lower cargo door opened.

Stepping into the long metal hallways that lined the interior of the Ceberus gate like veins within the body, the two teams separated and begun their patrol. Silence replaced any form of meaningful conversation as eyes scanned the walls, doors, ceiling and staff that they passed. Eventually the two groups met at the intersecting hallways and discussed what they saw.

"You guys see anything new?" Gradey said with a bit of irritation. One could see in his face that he was tired of the same patrol, with the same faces, in the same corridors, on the same ship, in the same port, on the same... fucking... planet. Kae'lis gave him a sidelong glance before looking at Pops.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Dr. Jo'dak just got interstellar call from love. He will be a father soon." Clare smiled. Mo'wok glanced over to Reiner who seemed to still be on edge.

"What wrong with Reiner?" He asked looking to the man. Reiner's eyes had been focused on the nearby ventallation gate with unwavering sight.

"Nothing..." He looked back towards the group and after a moment spoke up.

"With all do respect I believe we should continue on now with the patrol." Pops looked at him with a bit of suspicion before taking a glance at the vent. Knowing Reiner as long as he had, Pops knew that the man didn't act like this unless something spooked him or caught his attention.

"Alright then. Let's carry on with the patrols and we can discuss this later in the elevator to RL3." Pops slowly turned back towards his respectable corridor and continued on, with the other part of his team in tow. As the second team branched off, Clared took a glance back at the vent before bringing up the small wrist size computer closer and began to press a sequence of buttons.

"Lemme guess...Internal Biometrical scan of the ventallation system?" Reiner looked to her with a lopsided smirk, one that she happily returned with a nod. Reiner patted her on the head.

"Good girl."

"Well, I learned to just trust your instincts. You haven't proven me wrong yet." She shrugged before glancing up to him. She did catch the slight jealousy in Mo'woks features but quietly moved over to him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Either have you big guy. You two were the first ones that accepted me in this group you know that? Just a strange little girl abandonded on a nearby planet and you brought me in." Her face was calm but her eyes had a tinge of somber nostalgia.

"If it wasn't for you two I could have been dead."

"But Clare not. Clare safer with Mo'wok and Reiner and Pops and...Sometimes Kae'lis." Mo'wok nodded in affirmation to his own comment, Reiner smirked while continuing to survey the area. It wasn't until the groups were halfway through the patrol did they see a familiar sight. A wall of green that slowly passed through the corridor with the faintest of humming was the only indication that the bioscan was in progress. As it passed over, the laser grid outlined their bodies and continued on towards the stern of the ship where the cargo bay was held. This scan was made every day in three hour intervals and information it would gather would be relayed back to Clare's PCPU with the normal readings. However, as the secruity's main computer wiz she could at anytime override the rountine scan and force an untimed scan if anything was found to be out of place. Only once did she have to do it within their three months span on the Cerberus Gate, and the culprit that they found onboard was a small cat. After another fifteen minutes of walking, Clare's screen flashed red, an indication something was out of place.

Warning: Unidentified Biomass found: Location: RL3 Ventallation

"Nother cat?" Mo'wak questioned. Reiner shook his headand sighed.

"Cats don't where clothing...Hey this is team two. Clare just made a command override of the routine bioscan and came across an unknown mass on the readings in the ventallation tunnels leading to RL3, how copy?" A gruff voice responded.

"This is team one. Understood. Enroute to RL3 now. We'll meet you there." With that the radio went silent and the teams began to converge on the elevators leading up towards RL3, Research Level 3. Kae'lis looked to Gradey and Pops.

"I'm hopping into vents, see if I can intercept. Let you know what I see." She turned towards the nearest vent and crawled in with the only indication of her location being the sounds echoing through the vents themselves.

As the group converged on the research level, Kae'lis responded to the group.

"Its a fucking space rat. Squatter or a stowaway. He's heading your direction! Hey stop!" The sounds of yelling and movement within the ships vents could be heard through their recievers and was only amplified by a similar sound in the distance as what could only be assumed to be a pursuit of the individual through the vents which grew louder and louder as Kae'lis grew closer and closer. Pops raised his gun towards the vent as did the others, but Mo'wok, as tall and as big as he was, simply grabbed the sides of the vent shaft and yanked down. The whining of metal as it bent indicated that the chase would soon end. The stowaway fell from the now open vent shaft with a heavy thunk. As expected, the man, definitely in his younger years, showed a bit of frustration and fear when he looked up to see multiple barrels in his face. Pops gave the slightest of smirks and glanced up to see Kae'lis, now laying in the vent, pistol out and pointed at the man.

"So what were you doing in the vents boy." Pops questioned now the now tied up stowaway who remained silent. Guns still remained on him but not with as much fevor as before. What's the point in shooting someone who's tied up, right? The group had not bothered to move him from where they found him, not yet anyway. They had questions, mostly so the captain could be informed in what they found. Clare however decided it was best to make a secondary scan incase there was another.

"Hey shitbag, this ain't the time for playing the silent game. Answer the question or else Mo'wok here will start practicing his ciropratic...cyropractic...fuck it...he'll break your fucking arm." Gradey stated as he stepped forward. Reiner and Pops both looked at him with irritation but strangely enough the last thing this boy wanted was to be physically harmed more than he already was.

"I've been moving around, trying to find a comfortable spot in this ship to just relax. Get out of the blazing sun of the port." He managed to mumble out.

"How long?"

"Since this ship got here."

"And how exactly have you managed to avoid detection, especially from the bioscans?" Clare asked more intrigued than anything else. From what she was told, this ship was state of the art and one of a kind. Human ingenuity with alien technology. Perfection from a technical standpoint. The boy rubbed his face against the coat he wore.

"I took this in one of the Cantinas in the port. Some Kepler's jacket. Recognized what kind of jacket it was. Stalker 401. It helps hide and camoflauge your bodyheat, core temperature, vitals and other things from any form of scanners or radar. An infiltration jacket." He smirked.

"I thought it would be helpful traveling from one planet to another without being seen." He looked down to his side where he saw a tear in his jacket.

"Thats until-" Reiner chimed in.

"Until I caught you on my five in the vents." The boy nodded.

"The moment you saw me I turned and moved quickly. Guess I didn't see the fact I cut myself on the metal as I left."

"Stalker model jackets are great for infiltration but the moment the fabric is destroyed it just becomes a jacket." Clare pointed out and Kae'lis nodded.

"She is right. My race, we use this. They work, until rip or torn." The sound of a 'Shunk' Caused Gradey and Mo'wok to turn towards the research door with guns up before hearing the voice of an old man yell "Don't shoot dammit!". This caused Pops and Reiner to glance over towards the voice. Pops nodded to the man.

"Hagersfield. How are you today." The old man rubbed his balding head before looking down at the boy with a stern look.

"I was off to get some coffee before starting my shift but I think I'll be making my way to the head caus' I just shit my pants thanks to him." He chuckled as Gradey smirked.

"Just doing my duty sir." The old man patted Gradey on the shoulder before looking down at the boy.

"Whose this?"

"Some stowaway we found in the vents."

"I have a name you know." He glanced up with anger. Kae'lis looked at him with a cocked head.


"Jason" She sounded out the name and nodded.

"Well Jason you do understand that this ship isn't going anywhere soon and has been considered Class 1 Security Objective by the Naomi Incorporation? Meaning-" Pops began before Reiner chimed in this time.

"Lethal engagement to unauthorized personnel is applicable if found trespassing around or within the confines or perimeter of this ship. I.e...We could have shot you on sight without recourse or reprimand to us." Jason cocked his with a squint as he quietly with deft hands began work on his cuffs. Despite the advancement in human technology, cuffs still had a very reliable weakness. They still all used the same key.

"Anyway-" Hagersfield spoke up, wanting to continue on with another topic. Pops looked to him with a quirked brow.

"I know I'm not usually allowed down here but I was given specific instructions by Dr. X9 Fibra Ops to check on Containment Pod 7-438-Alpha's electrical integrity and locking mechanisms. As well as any and all major circuit boards within Level 3. This is my second stop but after here I was supposed to report in with the Doctor and to let her...him?...Them know what the status of the electrical-" As per the usual bullshit, Gradey interjected, annoyed with the long and redundant explanation.

"We get it your the fucking handyman. Jesus...Can we just get fuck boy over here-" As he thumbed to Jason,

"Back to lock up so I don't have to look at his face anymore."

"Learn some respect Gradey, he may have an explanation." Reiner spoke up this time, emulating their leader Pops in both tone and pitch. One could see why he was second in command.

Some time had passed since they initially found the boy within the vents and for the most part everything had been going as expected. Those within level 3 had continued conducting research on pieces of 7-438-Alpha from behind enclosed cases. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until a hooded kid with a heavy pistol came through the doors holding Hagersfield as a hostage. Guns drawn on the boy as the Mercenary/Security Team demanded him to stand down. It was bad enough having Hagersfield enter without proper hazmat gear but now it was contamination en masse. Scientists and other staff began yelling and adding to the chaos that was building already. However, the moment the boy aimed towards the group of veteran soldiers it was over. Gunfire erupted from within the lab and screaming could be heard from down the hall.

The lights in Research Deck A dropped down from the ceiling, spinning red with a never ending Breh! Breh! Breh! Breh! before the ships comms came online.


@Seirei No Hai@ShwiggityShwah

From one of the speakers above the horrific sounds of blood curdling screams and gunfire was heard, the only acknowledgement that this wasn't a dream was the reverberations of the gunfire below them.

"Please for the love of fuck get us out of here!"
"Don't lock us in here with this thing!"
"Open this fucking door! What the fuuuUU-AHHHHHH!" The yell was quickly silenced followed by a sickening squelch and a shriek.

"It ate him....Eh fucking ate....What the fuck....No....Not like this...please...God….have mercy...NO! NOOOOO! NOOOO-AHHHHHHHH!" The coms went silent. A few moments later the power on the research floors went off but came back on as quickly as they went. Only static was heard before the systems' coms took over.


The cameras if they could access them from their position would show what has only been told through word of mouth by soldiers and demonic researchers alike...

Whatever was on that level broke free from its pod and what ever was in that pod...Was now free within the ship.

Nobody take offense to this but about how active are most of you on the guild? I ask because a concern of mine is being story locked with someone due to their lack of posting or availability to post.
Construction of the Eldritch abomination will begin after work tomorrow morning (with that being said I should warn you @ShwiggityShwah I work graveyard so my time to work on CS and posts always comes the following morning so just an FYI for when the ic and ooc pops up

Edit: also placing this here so I don't lose it

I'm planning on making him an angsty Eldritch creature.

Hey we're going to start moving again.

My PC: "ugh...why can't you mortals just stay in one pla-....fiiiiine. but I'm not sleeping in the cargo bay again....you guys know I can turn into a bipedal creature for convenience right?"

You're telling us you could do this the whole time!?

My PC: "did you bother to ask?'
I'm now tempted to make an Eldritch creature as a hero. Just going around the universe with these people like "yeah, I'm an ancient abomination that is extremely powerful and could kill you all. But I got bored and decided to help you all out with whatever the hell youre doing. Afterwards I'm going to sleep for the next few millennia"

Alot of time and effort has been put into this so when I begin making my character I will do the same. I will also over time try to create the family name, crest, history and traditions within the family as well as famous members. I do need to know if there has been any major wars or skirmishes that would have happened in the world. If not any racial tensions that would warrant a "war". Please lemme know the next time you're on
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