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    1. Fearless_2814 10 yrs ago


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The Kid Lantern said
I'll post something in the IC tonight to kind of link our characters if anybody would like more of a team mission. Otherwise I may have Larfleeze/Agent Orange appear somewhere in a sector and just be the badass he was originally intended to be... when he became a joke it killed it for me.~KL~

Ugh, don't even get me started... all that potential- wasted!! DX<
The doors to his private lab slide open with a swish, and a woman in a black and white skintight bodysuit enters, toting a tablet in one hand and a stylus in the other.

“How many times have I asked you to announce yourself before entering my laboratory while I’m working?”

The woman directs her gaze towards the only occupant in the room, a scientist currently engaged in welding something together. The blue hue of the flame coming off of the tool he’s using illuminates the black facemask he’s wearing, and the green slit allowing for limited visual outlook.

The woman saunters over beside him, lowering the pair of goggles set atop her forehead, “And yet your focus never seems to waver when I do enter unannounced.” She points out, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Only after practice; I assumed that after the fourth time you ignored my edict, I had just better give up on you actually listening to me.”

“Well, if I went by your schedule, you’d never let me in.” The woman counters. The blue flame suddenly dies, and the scientist drops the tool, “Personal assistants are paid to assist you, not pretend to assist you and then be ignored by their employers.”

The scientist taps the side of his mask, and the black sheath once guarding his face retracts back into the form a visor set along his eyeline, stopping just short of covering his ears. He runs his hand back through his head of blond hair, his green ring seemingly exploding with contrasting color.

“Did it ever occur to you that perhaps I was working on something dangerous in here and should not have been interrupted?”

“You’re the Lord High Researcher of New Genesis, Crux…” The woman says, directly addressing the scientist, “you’re always working on something dangerous.”

“This is true.” Crux concedes the argument after a moment of thought, the gloves formerly protecting his hands from the open flame now evaporating down his hands and back into his all-black bodysuit, “Alas, you’ve occupied what little time I had left here. I’m running late as it is…”

He rises from where he was seated and makes for the door. His assistant doesn’t fight him, merely following in his wake. The pair weaves through row after row of scientific teams assigned to stations, each team researching a project Crux has deemed to have merit. They don’t bother looking up as he passes by.

“Then I’ll be brief: the Supertown Council is concerned; they haven’t received any finished products from you as of late and every meeting you have on the books is continually pushed back to a later date.”

“I’m still learning to plan around my new duties!” He shouts back to her, “I’ll figure it out soon enough. Until then, assure the council that they have my unwavering support and that good things are sure to come from our endless hours of research and development."

“And if your assurances aren’t enough?” She asks.

He reaches the elevator, stepping inside and pressing the button to allow for roof access. His assistant stands on the opposite side of the threshold.

“Then placate them. I have larger concerns that demand my attention.”

He sees his assistant’s displeased expression. As she turns on her heel to go, the doors closing before him, his hand shoots out and stops them.

“Aquila…” The assistant stops and turns, a quizzical look on her face, “Tell the council… that I’m working on something… big. It’s something I feel will finally turn the tide in the war with Apokolips.”

She raises an eyebrow at him, “…Are you?” He just smirks at her, waggling his eyebrows.

He chooses not to respond further, stepping back and allowing the doors to close. He’s no doubt left Aquila more frustrated than when he just told her to tide the council over, as she enjoys being privy to his plans, but he can’t risk anything with this. This is the big one, the gambit that could change the game…

The elevator jerks to a stop, and as opposed to the elevator doors opening to allow him out, the roof of the elevator dissipates and Crux gazes up into the open sky of Supertown. It was a modification he put in when he first got his… new tool.

He lifts his left hand, the Green Lantern Power Ring beginning to glow. His bodysuit begins to show portions of green, glowing as brightly as his ring. His badge ignites, appearing emblazoned across his chest, and he’s overcome by an ethereal, green glow.

“Ring, clock me in.”

He blasts out of the elevator, blazing a green streak across the sky as he departs his home of New Genesis and disappears out into the cosmos.
Name: Robert Currie
Alias: Thunder
Age: 17
Sponsor: Captain Marvel
Personality: Courageous, Optimistic, & Friendly, if a bit Sarcastic at times.
Powers: An acolyte of Captain Marvel, when Robert speaks his mentor’s name, he inherits all the powers of the famed hero, including:

The Wisdom of Solomon – The wisdom of Solomon expresses itself in many different ways, including superhuman knowledge, a photographic memory, and making Robert omni-lingual.
The Strength of Hercules – A patron of the most famous demigod, when Robert invokes the power of Captain Marvel, he’s granted incredible strength, able to lift over 100 tons with little effort.
The Stamina of Atlas – When in superheroic form, Robert does not need to eat or sleep and does not tire easily.
The Power of Zeus – Chief among the gods, Zeus grants the powers of magical resistance, physical muscular enhancement, a healing factor, and is able to teleport to the Rock of Eternity, home base of the Marvel Family, wherever it may be.
The Courage of Achilles – On top of being granted a degree of invulnerability, same as the ancient Greek hero, Robert is also given supreme confidence and optimism in the face of dire odds.
The Speed of Mercury – Swiftest of the gods grants Robert the ability of flight and as well as superhuman speed while on foot.

Weaknesses: Despite his powers being derived from Captain Marvel, Robert is not unstoppable, nor is he granted all the might of his mentor:

Magic -- Despite his numerous abilities and resistances, magic powerful enough is still capable of harming Robert as it is Captain Marvel.
Magic Word/Lightning – Like any member of the Marvel Family, Robert is dependent on uttering the magic word in order to transform into his alter-ego. Without being spoken, Robert is simply another mortal man. As such, his magic lightning is also capable of stripping his powers, if it’s called down and connects with him.
Captain Marvel – As Robert's powers come from Captain Marvel himself, the hero can also revoke his abilities at any given time should he deem such action necessary. Also, should Captain Marvel lose his power for whatever reason, Robert would also lose his abilities by extension.

Appearance: In his civilian identity, Robert Currie stands six feet tall, broad-shouldered and with honey brown hair and earthy green eyes. When transformed, his stature remains largely the same but his eyes and hair darken considerably, Robert somewhat adopting the guise of former partner to Captain Marvel, Freddie Freeman. His hair turns jet black and his eyes turn chestnut brown, all in the name of preserving his secret identity.

Brief Bio: A teenaged resident of Boston, Massachusetts, Robert once lived what some might call a mundane existence. His city was one of the few major metropolitan areas that lacked any constant superhero presence, metahuman or vigilante. However, that didn’t stop the city from being targeted. During what would later be referred to by Captain Marvel as “a tear in the seal between dimensions,” Boston was exposed to the horror of an invasion of Costellon Goblins from the southern sphere of some unknown world. Captain Marvel intervened, single-handedly fending off the would-be takeover of Boston, but not before he spotted Robert helping others evacuates the immediate area, saving them from harm. Showing true heroism in the face of disaster, Captain Marvel approached Robert later and, with his consent, bequeathed unto him the title of Captain Marvel Jr. and powers mirroring that of Captain Marvel himself. After his training within the Rock of Eternity was completed, he debuted as Thunder, the rebranded partner of Captain Marvel who now calls the city of Boston his home, defending it from all manner of criminal while still hoping one day to earn the Justice League’s endorsement.

• Billy constantly refers to Robert as "Robbie," reveling in the immaturity of it all. However, Robert just prefers "Robert," but has been worn down by Billy's insistence that he no longer fights it.
• Robert absolutely refuses to be called "Captain Marvel Jr," again despite Billy's insistence. However, Robert would not bend on it and took the name "Thunder" instead.
• He has had several dust-up with law enforcement officials, but they’ve ben tolerable of his presence as he at least tries to keep collateral damage to a minimal. That said, not everyone approves of a teenager with the powers of a demigod running around their city.
BlackSam3091 said
before I post I just wanna make sure of something. Who is the Green Lantern of sector seventeen. I've written my bio like Magnar has 'inherited' Jack Chance's ring, so who would my partner be. Would it be this Larvox dude?

You are correct, sir. I should know, I wrote a Green Lantern in the same sector in the same situation once. Xp
vancexentan said
I'm going to say this now: I did not sign up to do this on another website. I signed up for this on the RPG not titan pad. I'm not going to go to an entirely different site to roleplay and am fully willing to drop out for that exact reason if this is going to be played on titanpad.

Titanpad is a group chat application where you can write and edit pieces together as a group. It's great for collaborative posts and also helps keep everyone on the same page in terms of organizing storylines. It's not the home of the game. It's practically instant messenger.
Hey, everybody! I'm Fearless, the new guy, and here's my CS for the game:

Name: Crux Hesiod [Pronounced like “Crew”]
Age: Undefined [Observably late 20’s-early 30’s]
Space Sector: 0038
Homeworld: New Genesis

Personality: Quiet, meditative, and the only thing quicker than his mind is his wit.

Experience: 8 months

• Nanorobotic swarm
• Energy blast aimed through optic visor
• Hover Harness [Emulated off of Orion] {PIC}
• Source Wall [For defensive posture]
• Takion [A blinding, scorching construct]

Former Occupation: Scientific Researcher

Alien Power: Technopathy [Able to telepathically communicate with and control a wide variety of technology, robotic lifeforms and sufficiently-advanced computers included, though more rudimentary tech often eludes his prowess]

Appearance (Courtesy of K_L)

Brief Biography: Born to the New Gods of New Genesis, Crux seemed to be destined for greatness. Possessing a keen scientific mind, a genius even by the impossibly high standards of the New Gods, Crux was apprenticed to Himon and quickly proved himself as one of the top intellects on the planet and set about advancing the cause of New Genesis against their eternal enemies, Apokolips. As Crux grew older, though, he began to resent his work. There was no real movement on either side of the conflict between New Genesis and Apokolips. Crux began to fear that his research and endeavors were for nothing, all useless. Within Crux burned a deep desire to incite true change, to make a difference regardless of the obstacles before him. His opportunity came with a glowing Power Ring, relinquished by Kraken.

Kraken had been a Green Lantern before Crux, a former dreg of Apokolips who, inspired by the example set by Green Lantern Raker Qarrigat, was rewarded for her hope with her own Green Lantern power ring. She joined Raker in his crusade for a time before being selected as an Alpha-Lantern. This conversion from organic to synthetic-organic hybrid proved to be her undoing, as her mind was made hollow and thus easier to manipulate by those on the other side of the war. It was never made clear to Crux what the fallout was from this infiltration- the information was never freely offered and Crux never felt compelled to ask. What was clear was this: Crux was offered a chance to become a true hero to his people, to take the fight to Apokolips on his terms with his tech and, hopefully someday, free the lowlies from the tyrannical rule of Darkseid.

Crux readily accepted the power ring, and his induction into the galactic peacekeeping force sparked a renewed motivation that resulted in some of the most innovative and powerful technology New Genesis had seen since the Mother Box.

• The subject of his eyes/visor is a sore subject, particularly why he never removes it even off-duty.
• He has been quietly working on a way of integrating Mother Box technology to work in conjunction with his Power Ring, but so far has had little success. This goes against the wishes of both the New Gods and the Guardians of the Universe.
Hi, I'm Fearless. I'm a friend of the Kid Lantern's from across the way, that is to say the Green Lantern Corps Message Board. It's a great place, but the RP-ing scene has kinda died out over there as of late. However, when it was up and running, I actively participated. K_L contacted me saying he was starting up a new game here and asked if I'd be interested in joining up, and next thing I know here I am. I'm looking forward to seeing what this forum has to offer and will be checking out the games going on.

Anyway, thanks for having me!

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