Something very bad just happened to me. Would some kind soul cheer me up somehow?
9 yrs ago
For my birthday today: One shirt that says 'The dice giveth and the dice taketh away.' And one D&D inspired beach towel, with a huge-ass ancient red dragon on it.
9 yrs ago
Chaotic Neutral: Aim to Misbehave.
9 yrs ago
I have fallen into a dark abyss filled with d20s and D&D.
Alright, I'm not one to prattle one.
My Interests!
Dungeons & Dragons. I am both a player and a DM. Books. I read them. Often. Music. I play violin. Video games. Yes.
As for roleplaying, I enjoy most genres if it involves fiction. Unless it's Slice of Life. I don't see the appeal in writing about real things when I'm already living out that stuff. I'm eighteen, and I am comfortable writing smut.
Hi, I'm Fennec, and these are all my ideas. All of them are 1x1. I always roleplay romance plots, but my other topics can very from fantasy, to sci-fi, to historical, and post-apocalyptic.
Mature content.
An Incubus is a sex demon, plain and simple. They feed off of the sexual moods of humanity. But once humanity found out the Incubi existed, a big war started to get rid of either one species or the other. But there's a problem. Succubi (female counterparts of Incubi) and Incubi need the sexual energy of humans to fuel them, and the men of the human race are dying very fast due to war depleting resources, and everything went to the women. Without men, the human woman can't reproduce and therefore can't supply the demons with the sexual energy needed to keep the demons alive. So some sort of alliance has to be made, between the king of the Incubi and the queen of the humans. An alliance that requires marriage. Now, I've had too many people asking ridiculous questions. Here is the plot but stripped: There's a male character, the Incubus king. There's a female character, the human queen. Obviously there will be challenges in this arranged marriage because the humans think Incubi are disgusting, and inappropriate, and just much too uncivilized. They aren't, but you know. Humans can be morons. MOST IMPORTANTLY: This is set in a Steampunk kind of setting. Women wear dresses with corsets, men wear trousers and poofy shirts and weird vests, and there are advanced machines but no over-advanced weaponry. The most advanced tech is low-tech plumbing.
It’s the year 2285, and the world is in turmoil. The U.S. Has been shunned by the rest of the civilized world and has become a dictated union. Global warming, world wars, and economic collapse have turned the States into one of the most dangerous places to live. Only 1% of the population is wealthy enough to have homes, cars, decent food and clean water. The rest of the country is living in half-homes and has to scavenge every meal. This dictatorship locks away dissenters, the sick, the old, and the mentally unstable in concrete prisons underground. The food is poor, the living conditions are nowhere near humane. One girl among these prison outcasts is treated especially terrible. At a very young age, she developed a power that made it impossible for anyone to touch her skin. The government didn’t know what to do with her, so they tossed her in prison to let her rot. Now, ten or more years later, the government finds that they need information about a certain Resistance group. They can’t torture it out of the prisoners in any traditional way… so what if they use her? They send their young, up and coming general to collect her. He enters her cell to find a mad creature, incapable of speech and the most basic human interaction. He thinks her a beast, a monster for her curse and the job she’s given. But will that change in the next few weeks as he wipes away the grime and teaches her how to be human again?
Mature content
Girl: You wake up in a castle, and you don't know where you are. There are so many things out of place, and your memory is blurry, so you really just have to connect the dots. It's not that hard once you notice a few key things: Your clothes are gone, replaced by terribly revealing underwear. Oh, and there's a man sleeping beside you. After learning that you've been gifted to this pervert as some sort of toy, you rebel as much as possible.
Guy: You're the Crown Prince of (some kingdom) and for some reason, you’ve been given a slave girl to do with what you please. You aren’t a very nice person, but you aren’t a monster. You do your best to wrangle this girl into submission but she’s like some wild beast. And things progress from there.
(I have drawn some maps.) Okay, so a lot of the northern kingdoms (Eskal, Ardany, Essea) worship Twelve Saints and Three Devils. The Saints are all people who once lived, and did great deeds that lived on to teach a lesson. The Devils are the opposite. They're the negatives, people who did horrendous things in life and now control the Abyss, what we might call Hell. We can introduce the deities during the roleplay. Noxus and Ardany have been warring on and off since they began. Ardany has well-protected lands and an abundance of precious resources that most haven't even discovered, while Noxus, to Ardany, is nothing but a boiling cesspit filled with murderers and liars and cheats. Noxans think Ardanians are as cold as, if not more so, than their country and the frozen wastes to the north of it, and they should come down from their high horse. Ardanians are quite content with their territory. Noxans keep provoking them into war. It's safe to say tensions are high. Banti is neutral and will either help both sides in times of war or will help no one at all. Kiba is nothing but jungle, allied with Noxus, and home to slave-worked coal mines. Xiang-Bao is allied with Ardany and are famed for their warriors, making Ardany near-impossible to invade except through Oldwood, which is famously dangerous for misleading armies and sheltering monsters of nightmare. Genta is allied with no one and hates the squabbling of other countries. It's too small to invade any other kingdoms, so the poor Gentans must be content with their freezing cold rock in the middle of nowhere.
Girl: Your parent(s) die. Filled with grief and anger, you are sent to live with your uncle/grandma/some other relative in a tiny town in the middle of a ridiculously dense forest. You are told never to go into the forest at night, and especially not alone. But filled with rebellion from your parent(s) death, you go in there anyways. You run into a man, a man who has the ability to turn into a wolf. He kidnaps you, and shows you his pack. Your world is turned upside-down by this shocking revelation. You're being pulled and tugged in a million different directions, and through it all you fight through your growing attraction- and fear- for the man who took you, even though he's more beast than he is human.
Guy: You're a werewolf. Not the bitten kind, the born kind. Your pack lives in the forest surrounding the town. There's a treaty that basically says that the werewolves will leave the townspeople alone and vice versa. But if a human enters the forest, they belong to the pack. One night, while you patrol, a new girl to the town enters the forest and you claim her before your pack mates. You show her your pack, keep her safe from the harsher wolves, the ones that dislike humans. Along the way, you discover for the first time exactly what it means to be human. Also, I have a thing that must be explained. You know the inner voice everyone has, like a conscience that tells them right from wrong? Well, werewolves have that too, but theirs is broken. They don't have an off switch, and their inner voice is angry, horny, and slightly violent. It's also very persuasive. Depending on how a wolf is raised, that voice can either be tamer or wilder. When the inner voice is wilder, it's harder to ignore, thus creating a werewolf that is moody, easily frustrated, and a bit bipolar. Someone who is harder to control.
Important stuff: These werewolves are, for the most part, just human beings that can shift into wolves. They don't have an extended lifespan or slowed aging. They are slightly stronger, but not to an insane degree. Some of them have a strong enough sense of smell that they can scent things a few miles away, or scent moods and emotions. This is rare, though. They just look like really big, but otherwise normal, wolves.
Girl: You're a princess. In your kingdom, magic is just barely tolerated and your father is trying to get rid of it. But you yourself possess magical powers. You've been kept away from people your whole life, an embarrassment to your royal family. One night, you run away. You travel a nearly impossible distance, even across an ocean, to find the son of a powerful sorceress who you believe can teach you to control your power. But what if it turns out he doesn't want to?
Guy: Your mother was the most powerful sorceress in the world. A true legend. And because she was the best, she raised you to be even better. No child of hers could be anything less than perfect. She treated you cruelly, punishing you with her magic when you made mistakes or refused to learn. You've come to despise all magic-users and magic itself, causing you to never use your own powers if you can help it. Then, a girl comes to you, desperate for your help. She's so young and naive. She won't survive on her own if someone doesn't teach her how. But how can you teach her to control her powers when you hate yourself for having the same gifts?
Okay, so basically the zombie apocalypse happened almost twenty years ago. No one old enough to remember First Night talks about how it all happened. There are fenced-in settlements all across the ruin of America, some of them large and some of them small. People lock their bedroom doors at night in case of death, because no matter how you die, you become one of them. The world outside the fences is called the Rot and Ruin. Most everyone pretends it doesn't exist. They're content to live inside the walls, like cattle. They're in denial about how the world is now. Except for a few. Bounty hunters, souls so damaged by this new world that they just don't fit in with everyone else. Killing their targets- not always the zombies- is all that gives them peace. And not all the bounty hunters are good. Most are corrupt, evil. But there are a spare few, those who call themselves 'closure specialists' that hunt zombies that people knew in the world before, and putting them to rest in the most humane way possible. Then there are Loners, those who live in the Rot and Ruin and carve out their own niche of hell. They're territorial and vicious, and often kill on sight.
Aleksandra didn't know what she'd been expecting. Of course he wasn't going to kiss her just because she asked him such a thing. She just watched him for a moment, frustrated enough to want to tear her hair out, before shaking her head in defeat. It was a horrid idea to express any sort of romantic interest in him. She was an assassin hellbent on killing her brothers, and he was a warrior prince determined to conquer her homeland. He'd only ever use her for his own gain.
There were hundreds of perfectly nice men out there, all with mostly honorable intentions. She reassured herself of all this as she entered the washroom for a lukewarm bath. Plenty of kind, courageous, sweet men who'd dote on her every need if she asked. All perfectly honest. All perfectly... boring.
She sighed and let the water fill the basin as she pulled off her dress. She wanted to tear the thing to shreds for all the good it had done her. She didn't want to love someone who was nice and gentle and boring as the abyss. She needed someone who knew the thrill of the fight, who understood the scent of sweat and blood and the sound of someone dying. She needed someone with a heart very nearly made of stone, someone who knew when to show their feelings and when not to.
She needed Aulfr, and it killed her.
She spent an hour in the bathroom trying to hide from Aulfr, but the water began to freeze her. Which really only made her think of how warm she was each morning, tangled up with him. It was maddening how much she thought of him, and she needed it to stop. Maybe she had to kiss him. To convince herself she couldn't really have feelings for such a brute. Yes, that was it! One kiss and she'd put such thoughts out of her head.
She climbed out of the water and dried off quickly, pulling on her nearest set of clothes. She paused just before she opened the door, gathering her courage. Then she mentally slapped herself. Courage? She wasn't going to fight her brothers, she was going to kiss someone. She didn't need courage for that! So, before she could talk herself out of it, she exited the bathroom and strode over to Aulfr, a determined look on her face.
Saints, he probably thought she was coming to kill him, finally.
Before he could act, she grabbed his face in both hands and leaned in, kissing him in a way that made it very clear she hadn't ever tried to kiss anyone before. Too much spit, kissing too hard. She was scared. She had to stop and take a breath. She wiped off his lip, too hurried to say an apology, and kissed him properly. Gently, only brushing her lips over his. Her grip on his face loosened until she held him gently.
And then it was over. She pulled away, her face about three thousand shades of red. "You said you wanted to kiss me again. Well, if you don't mind my saying so, I think the reason you haven't died yet is because no one can crack that thick skull of yours. I wanted you to kiss me. Though I don't know why I expected you to realize that," she sighed.
Aleksandra stood beside and slightly behind Aulfr's chair, as she always did, eating what little bits of food he handed her so she could actually enjoy some of the dinner. She covertly loosened her daggers and scoped out escape routes and such, completely tuning out the dinner conversation. It was never anything she had to pay attention to, because foreign affairs and women whispering mean things about her height were nothing special. If she needed to know anything, it was whom to kill, and Aulfr would tell her that after the feast.
And it was this tuning out that became her disadvantage, because Aulfr motioned her closer. She realized most of the conversation had died down and three Jarls were standing there, the smallest with a crafty look on his face. Everyone was looking at her. She made sure her confusion was hidden away behind a mask of impassivity as she turned to Aulfr, gazing up at him expectantly. He looked a little nervous to her, which put her on edge. What was he about to ask her to—
And he was kissing her. Oh Saints, why on earth was he kissing her?! She was certain she made some sort of squeaking noise, and her face was on fire. She was probably red to the tips of her toes. His hands were on her face and she was about to break them, but then she realized how gentle they were. How soft. Like his mouth on hers, moving just a little, sending warm shivers down her back. I want him to kiss my neck, she thought.
And then she beat her traitorous thought to a pulp. There would be none of that! She despised this. She definitely felt vile as he lightly caressed the corner of her mouth. She'd rather break her own fingers than feel his warm breath on her cheek, and see the desire in his eyes that made her feel triumph rather than disgust. Yes, she absolutely hated kissing him. There could be no doubt.
And then it was over, and she was once again standing impassively behind Aulfr's chair as he carried on with the feast. All the color had drained from the room, and the two of them were the only bright spots. Her lips felt warm, and so did her face and chest and everything else. She was warm and shivery everywhere, which she was sure meant she was ill. Maybe he'd given her some disease. She knew there was a disease you could get from kissing, there had to be. Why else would she feel this way?
The rest of the feast was frustratingly slow, and the walk back to Aulfr's chambers took a million centuries. And then the door closed behind them with a click of the lock, and all was tensely silent. She was staring at the wall, unable to bring herself to look at Aulfr. And then, "You enjoyed kissing me." It was not a question. He'd been too gentle, and then he'd rubbed his thumb over her lips, with that look on his face... She paused, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. "You enjoyed kissing me. Just answer me yes or no." She turned to look at him, at once both determined and somewhat afraid. "Would you like to kiss me again?"
They woke up tangled together and neither of them ever wanted to move away. He wouldn't let anyone else talk to him or be near him the way he allowed her to do. She couldn't share a bed with or change clothes around any other man, and he made her want to embrace every passionate feeling she'd been shoving down since she was twelve. If she could feel safe enough kissing him, maybe it could lead to her living the life she dreamed of after she killed her brothers. She could fall in love, have sex, have children. It was all she'd ever wanted. She wanted to want it again.
Aleksandra was already changing, not even watching him as he left. She had to work quickly, since she wouldn't be showing up to the feast in her usual handmaid clothing. She'd noticed the women rushing to copy her style with the utmost disgust and, though she hated to do it, she was going to wear a dress. Of course, she'd be wearing her daggers inside the sleeves and her usual hide boots, but she'd be much more formal than usual.
She washed herself quickly, making sure there were no traces of grime or blood visible on her body, then pulled on her dress and made sure her daggers were well-hidden on her arms. After that, she left the room and braided her hair on the way to the dining hall. She felt at once both too exposed and too constricted, which was why she hated dresses so much. But there was a strange, wiggly feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of Aulfr seeing her this way. All to soon she was striding into the dining hall, displaying herself as she made her way to Aulfr's side.
She wore a silver gown of a light, fluttering material that swished just about every time she twitched the wrong way. It was a bit small in the chest, but then again most shirts and bodices were. It hugged all of her curves and belled out at her hips. The silver color, along with the small bit of black kohl she'd managed to ring her eyelids with, made her blue-grey eyes look nearly neon. Her hair was braided in an almost artfully messy way, with the shorter pieces escaping to frame her face.
She took her place beside Aulfr, feeling the hungry stares of every man clinging to her and the jealous, burning looks of the women in the room. She murmured a greeting to Aulfr, and feeling suddenly bold, she winked at him before pointedly ignoring his and everybody's existence.
Aleksandra stayed in bed after Aulfr's awkward exit, touching her fingers to the warm spot he'd left on the bed. She felt uncomfortably light now, and she actually was surprised by how much she wanted to follow Aulfr into the bathroom and demand he hug her. Saints, how embarrassing. Nothing like that would ever happen between them, and she didn't want it to. It wouldn't work. He was a prince and a brute, and she was terrified of men.
She had to get up and face him eventually. They had a feast to attend. The rest of the day passed as they both tried to ignore what had happened, pretending there wasn't any tension. And the rest of the week continued that way. And they continued to wake up tangled together. She was relieved when another feast passed and Aulfr sent her out on a hunt. She'd begun planning a half-assed speech about her feelings. The thought made her shudder.
She was gone for a full week this time, taking out not only a Jarl, but an opiate den that he ran. It would have taken less time, but she'd run into the slavers who'd captured her, partaking in the opiates den's pleasures. She took her time with them. When she returned to the castle, she was in much better spirits. That is, until she climbed through the window to see Aulfr dressed like a royal fool.
She sighed, already shucking off her gear. "Another feast? I can see you're already on your way out, so don't wait for me. I need to clean up first. I'll be there soon." She waved him off, mumbling something about him needing to go and entertain the foolish nobility as she pulled off her armored tunic.
That idea is basically the same plot except the sorcerer doesn't hate magic. I don't see how you can like that better than something that's based on the same thing and uses most of the same ideas.
An Incubus is a sex demon, plain and simple. They feed off of the sexual moods of humanity. But once humanity found out the Incubi existed, a big war started to get rid of either one species or the other. But there's a problem. Succubi (female counterparts of Incubi) and Incubi need the sexual energy of humans to fuel them, and the men of the human race are dying very fast due to war depleting resources, and everything went to the women. Without men, the human woman can't reproduce and therefore can't supply the demons with the sexual energy needed to keep the demons alive. So some sort of alliance has to be made, between the king of the Incubi and the queen of the humans. An alliance that requires marriage. Now, I've had too many people asking ridiculous questions. Here is the plot but stripped: There's a male character, the Incubus king. There's a female character, the human queen. Obviously there will be challenges in this arranged marriage because the humans think Incubi are disgusting, and inappropriate, and just much too uncivilized. They aren't, but you know. Humans can be morons. MOST IMPORTANTLY: This is set in a Steampunk kind of setting. Women wear dresses with corsets, men wear trousers and poofy shirts and weird vests, and there are advanced machines but no over-advanced weaponry. The most advanced tech is low-tech plumbing. --------------------------------------------
Girl: You wake up in a castle, and you don't know where you are. There are so many things out of place, and your memory is blurry, so you really just have to connect the dots. It's not that hard once you notice a few key things: Your clothes are gone, replaced by terribly revealing underwear. Oh, and there's a man sleeping beside you. After learning that you've been gifted to this pervert as some sort of toy, you rebel as much as possible.
Guy: You're the Crown Prince and you're soon to be crowned as King. Your living relatives decide you're not humble enough, not kind enough, or not living up to their standard of who you should be. Basically, you're an ass. So they give you a 'companion' to do with as you wish, hopefully to teach you how to be kind to others. Whatever. She's just another slave, isn't she? But it turns out she's so much more than that.
Girl: Your parent(s) die. Filled with grief and anger, you are sent to live with your uncle/grandma/some other relative in a tiny town in the middle of a ridiculously dense forest. You are told never to go into the forest at night, and especially not alone. But filled with rebellion from your parent(s) death, you go in there anyways. You run into a man, a man who has the ability to turn into a wolf. He kidnaps you, and shows you his pack. Your world is turned upside-down by this shocking revelation. You're being pulled and tugged in a million different directions, and through it all you fight through your growing attraction- and fear- for the man who took you, even though he's more beast than he is human.
Guy: You're a werewolf. Not the bitten kind, the born kind. Your pack lives in the forest surrounding the town. There's a treaty that basically says that the werewolves will leave the townspeople alone and vice versa. But if a human enters the forest, they belong to the pack. One night, while you patrol, a new girl to the town enters the forest and you claim her before your pack mates. You show her your pack, keep her safe from the harsher wolves, the ones that dislike humans. Along the way, you discover for the first time exactly what it means to be human. Also, I have a thing that must be explained. You know the inner voice everyone has, like a conscience that tells them right from wrong? Well, werewolves have that too, but theirs is broken. They don't have an off switch, and their inner voice is angry, horny, and slightly violent. It's also very persuasive. Depending on how a wolf is raised, that voice can either be tamer or wilder. When the inner voice is wilder, it's harder to ignore, thus creating a werewolf that is moody, easily frustrated, and a bit bipolar. Someone who is harder to control.
Important stuff: These werewolves are, for the most part, just human beings that can shift into wolves. They don't have an extended lifespan or slowed aging. They are slightly stronger, but not to an insane degree. Some of them have a strong enough sense of smell that they can scent things a few miles away, or scent moods and emotions. This is rare, though. They just look like really big, but otherwise normal, wolves.
Girl: You're a princess. In your kingdom, magic is just barely tolerated and your father is trying to get rid of it. But you yourself possess magical powers. You've been kept away from people your whole life, an embarrassment to your royal family. One night, you run away. You travel a nearly impossible distance, even across an ocean, to find the son of a powerful sorceress who you believe can teach you to control your power. But what if it turns out he doesn't want to?
Guy: Your mother was the most powerful sorceress in the world. A true legend. And because she was the best, she raised you to be even better. No child of hers could be anything less than perfect. She treated you cruelly, punishing you with her magic when you made mistakes or refused to learn. You've come to despise all magic-users and magic itself, causing you to never use your own powers if you can help it. Then, a girl comes to you, desperate for your help. She's so young and naive. She won't survive on her own if someone doesn't teach her how. But how can you teach her to control her powers when you hate yourself for having the same gifts?
Okay, so basically the zombie apocalypse happened almost twenty years ago. No one old enough to remember First Night talks about how it all happened. There are fenced-in settlements all across the ruin of America, some of them large and some of them small. People lock their bedroom doors at night in case of death, because no matter how you die, you become one of them. The world outside the fences is called the Rot and Ruin. Most everyone pretends it doesn't exist. They're content to live inside the walls, like cattle. They're in denial about how the world is now. Except for a few. Bounty hunters, souls so damaged by this new world that they just don't fit in with everyone else. Killing their targets- not always the zombies- is all that gives them peace. And not all the bounty hunters are good. Most are corrupt, evil. But there are a spare few, those who call themselves 'closure specialists' that hunt zombies that people knew in the world before, and putting them to rest in the most humane way possible. Then there are Loners, those who live in the Rot and Ruin and carve out their own niche of hell. They're territorial and vicious, and often kill on sight.
And I'm reading 'What You Left Behind' by Jessica Verdi. It's about a high school senior guy who's stuck with a baby and the journals of his dead girlfriend. Very cheerful.
Hi, I'm Fennec. I don't do groups, and I always incorporate romance in my plots. My preferred genres are fantasy, sci-fi, medieval-historical, and post-apocalyptic. I have some ideas, but I would be open to hearing yours.
Aleksandra woke the next day feeling warm and heavy. It was hard to pry her eyes open at all. She just wanted to snuggle into the blankets and fall back asleep. But then her warm and heavy feeling started snoring.
Her eyes popped open and she looked down, only to see Aulfr practically engulfing her small frame with his large body. She would have started panicking, but she knew he was just sleeping. Even she gravitated towards anyone she shared a bed with, be they male or female. But she felt like a child compared to him. She could vaguely recall leaning against him when he'd come to bed, so she supposed she'd started it.
He was wrapped around her, a leg thrown over both of hers, a muscled arm snaked around her waist. His head was a warm weight on her chest, too close to her breasts to be comfortable, but she didn't want to wake him. So she sighed and settled in, even bringing a hand up to run her fingers through his hair. Once again, she was surprised at how soft it was. It was so at odds with the hard man it belonged to. Although he seemed soft as a featherbed laying all over her like this, his cheek squished and clothing all askew.
What were her feelings for him, she wondered? And his feelings for her? She already knew he had the same desire for her as most men did, but he wouldn't act on it unless he were Oberjarl and she consented. He had some measure of respect for her and what she'd gone through. He was still a ruthless warrior and a brute, which she wouldn't ever forget. But did his feelings for her run deeper? She'd heard from the servants that no one ever approached him unless ordered to, and to touch him was something unheard of. Mostly because he made it clear that wasn't something to be done. And yet he let her get away with just about all of it, including her tame little backtalk.
How did she feel about him? He was a man, which would usually be enough for her. But she'd shared his bed, changed clothes in front of him, had had a full-blown panic attack in front of him. He'd seen her drunk, terrified, happy. He knew more about her than anyone else in the world. He knew everything. She didn't really enjoy that last part, but it wasn't anything she could change. She was horribly confused by all of this. She actually enjoyed the way they were tangled up, and the warmth and comfort of it. At the same time, she felt trapped by it, by his body almost completely covering hers. She wanted to be normal. She wanted to be like other women, flattered by men looking at her and complimenting her. She didn't want to hate desire.
Alright, I'm not one to prattle one.
My Interests!
Dungeons & Dragons. I am both a player and a DM.
Books. I read them. Often.
Music. I play violin.
Video games. Yes.
As for roleplaying, I enjoy most genres if it involves fiction. Unless it's Slice of Life. I don't see the appeal in writing about real things when I'm already living out that stuff. I'm eighteen, and I am comfortable writing smut.
Anything else, we'll have to discuss.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Alright, I'm not one to prattle one.<br><br>My Interests!<br><br>Dungeons & Dragons. I am both a player and a DM.<br>Books. I read them. Often.<br>Music. I play violin.<br>Video games. Yes.<br><br>As for roleplaying, I enjoy most genres if it involves fiction. Unless it's Slice of Life. I don't see the appeal in writing about real things when I'm already living out that stuff. I'm eighteen, and I am comfortable writing smut.<br><br>Anything else, we'll have to discuss.<br></div>