Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Rou exhaled as Miles mentioned that they had private workshops. It was the first sound he had made sense the group left. He was very relieved that he wouldn't have people watching him tinker with his project. He silently eyed the people in his group. Alex seemed spazzy, but good natured. Alexis was a ways older than any of them, yet she had a spark about her that announced her experience. And Dani, the only one he had spoken to so far, was kind hut fierce. He cleared his throat. Showing off DAI-BALL-OH! was not his only reason for being here. Rou really accepted then invitation to the academy to improve his social skills. He spoke for the first time to the group as Miles left.

"U-u-uh...what does every one else want to do..." He trailed off quietly.
I will once I'm on my computer, unless someone else wants to do it.
I'm fine with whatever comes next.
Rou relaxed a bit. "Freedom huh..." He smirked. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't been ridiculed for my Gunpla skills a few times myself. I'll remember that though. Despite the obvious fire in her eyes, Rou could tell that she was a sincere person. He exhaled. "I'm hoping to change the Gunpla meta this summer. I feel like it's becoming...stagnant. Too many similarities and not enough creativity, not enough evolution to a great activity..." Rou halted his sermon as he spotted the strange helmet dangling from the back of Dani's chair. Was she also going to wear something specifically for battles? Unlike his gaudy suit that hid his humility, hers seemed to have a different purpose, a more useful one.
Rou nervously smiled at the uncanny generous disposition of the girl. "Thanks, I'll look them up later. And Guntanks are cool! Someone has to look out for the little guys after all. Not everyone has to show off with a flashy Gundam." Rou began rambling. Realizing he was beginning to go off course he slowed down. "S-sorry, my name is Rou. Sure are a lot of people here, so many more than I expected. Some real work will have to be done to stand out here." He stated, nervously fidgeting his feet as he watched the crowd pile in.

Rou jumped as a girl rolled up to him. He hurried to pull out his music, tangling the wires in a frustrated manner.

"O-oh! Hi, sorry. I'm listening to Enter Shikari...they're my favorite." He nervously adjusted his hat, trying not to look at her wheelchair. This was so uncomfortable He had to think of a lie just in case she asked about his Gunpla. He prayed she wouldn't ask that. It was bad enough that she was a girl, and even worse that she was crippled. Rou regained his composure slowly. "S-so..are you here for the academy as well?" He stammered.
Rou watched as people slowly filled the room. His earbuds blasted his favorite music so loud that anyone near could clearly make out the lyrics. He didn't mean to come off as anti-social, but he really didn't want to be forced into an awkward conversation. After half the people had filled into the room, he shuffled his way there. Rou's luggage was honestly a little big for what he was in for, but hey, you try fitting a dozen High Grade Ball kits plus a cosplay outfit into one suitcase. He sat on a nearby bench casually and watched the clock on his phone until the awaited time arrived. Rou was a shy person, but even he couldn't hide his anticipation. The Nielsen Labs were the perfect stage for his grand debut. He couldn't wait for DAI-BALL-OH! to reveal itself to the public.
It's kind of a vague opening post, how exactly do you want us to go about introducing ourselves?
Out Of Character discussion
I didn't expect my suggestion to even get that far.

Nah, no super ghetto stuff like that. Itd just be a bigger ball that would add lots of armor at the cost of being the only one attached.

"Big Ball" will debut when the time is right.
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