Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Whatcha got up your sleeve buddy
Rou exhaled and focused. He turned his hat backwards and gripped the controls for his Gunpla.

"Rou Gernot. Buster Gundam, deploying!"

He rushed his Buster out of the hangar and immediately set to finding high ground from which he could see most of the map. Kasumi and his Gunpla were on opposite ends of the spectrum. His Buster would excel from afar, but if Kasumi's Shining got anywhere close, he had very few options but defeat. He rushed his Buster up a rocky outcrop, cannons already at the hips. He kneeled and used his camera to survey the woods.
Rou turned bright red. "Uhhh...right back atcha..." He stammered. Thank god most of the other students were still building, if the room had been any more full then Rou probably couldn't have even participated in this battle. "Shall we start?" He said, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Rou looked down at the girl and nodded. With approval from the instructor he headed to the room next door and chose a battle system. He set the Buster firmly on its pedestal and waited for Kasumi. Rou felt tense. He hadn't battled with a straight build in at least eight years. He was so used to his own designs and functions, how would it affect him when he was so limited?
Guess it's time to post the only custom I've ever done.

Season 3 when
Rou smiled. "G Gundam is the favorite series of one of my good friends, he'd be proud of you." His ears perked up as he heard Dani inquire about Plavasky Particles. It was truly a subject of mystery. If Rou could truly harness their ability, his Gunpla could be unstoppable. He picked up the fresh Buster and eyed it. It had so much potential, if Rou understood the particles then this Buster would excel even in situations where it had a disadvantage. "Well, no more use sitting around." He stood up and cleared his throat. "So uh...anyone willing to go test these?"
Rou sat back and observed his work. The MG Buster was a marvel to behold alright. The perfect mixture of tan, green, and red was beautiful. Every nub mark was invisible, every panel line was perfectly flushed with gray or black. Rou posed the Buster with its dual cannons and missile pods open, ready for battle. He looked over at Kasumi, who displayed a quite lovely Shining Gundam. Rou nodded approvingly. "Good choice." He said.
Rou would be too awkward about it to really respond.
Rou grumbled and nodded as Sakuya told him to hush. She was, sadly, right about the situation. Rou looked at his kit, a very nice MG Buster Kit, one he had built a few years ago when it released. Today though, his skills were much sharper and keen, and he had become a great builder. In fact, building was his greatest strength. His supreme knowledge and confidence of his own creations were what made him deadly on the field. He emptied the runners out of the box and set to work, swiftly but carefully cutting and shaving nubs from the parts. Rou had a set in stone method for building. He built from the ground up. Legs, then waist, the torso, the arms and accessories, and finally attaching the head. Rou didn't build any other way. The Buster's feet and shins rapidly formed. Rou's concentration was unbreakable, for he was truly a monster at the cutting board.
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