Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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You remind me of Garo.

And sweet, I'm glad GM liked Crystal.
original content donut steel

• Name: Arx Stone

• Age: 22

• Gender: Male

• Appearance:
Normal (Ignore the tongue tattoo...)
Kamen Rider Crystal
• Power:
Geo Driver: A mysterious Rider Belt that has a large round sphere attached to the front. On top is a small slot where Arx inserts his Shard Keys. The force breaks open the geode and reveals the color of the shard that was used, and the crystals on his suit change to the color as well. His visor always remains green.

Shard Keys: Thin, five inch shards that Arx thrusts into the top of his belt. Each gives a different power. The ones not in use are attached to his shoulders like a Captains mantle.
~Emerald! Energize!~ Crystal's base form, the gems on his body are green and sharp. His basic weapon is a short spear with a jackhammer at the end.
~Ruby! Ratta Tat Tat!~ The gems turn red and are more elongated. Weapon is a small rapid fire gun that shoots little ruby rivets.
~Sapphire! Smash!~ The gems turn blue and the suit itself becomes bulkier. Higher base strength, as well as small drills on the knuckles.
~Topaz! Tantalize!~ The gems turn yellow and become more angular. Weapon is an extendable chain with an elaborate grapple on the end.
(Might add more as we progress, don't wanna start out with too much)

Crystal's finisher is achieved by inserting any number of Shard Keys in a sequence. The finisher is based on what Shard Keys were entered.

• Faction: Factionless

• World of Origin: Earth

• Personality: This guy rocks. Knowledgable and witty, Arx is quick on his toes. Rarely does he feel down or remorseful. He focuses on the task at hand and nothing else until it's finished. A real Boy Scout you could say. As likable as he is, he can be incredibly tacky and gaudy. Strange jewelry hangs from his arms, ears, and neck, varying every day, and he can be obnoxiously loud and showy. His constantly wears a smile, even when walking alone through the city, almost creepily. His eye posture may seem like he is giving you a condescending stare, but most of the time, it's purely because he's smiling so darn much. It's a miracle he can see at all. Despite his intelligence, he is usually the last to understand what is going on or what is at stake. He will turn his head back and forth looking at everyone with a puzzled look until he realizes. Then he's right back to that gaudy grin. Sometimes, you just hate that you love the guy.

• Backstory: An young and established Geoscientist, Arx's passion has always been about the Earth. Not in that "Hippy-Duuuude" way, but as in the planet itself. The Geology department from the college he had studied at called him back shortly after graduating to show him something truly astounding. The had developed a belt that would allow the wearer to explore the deep underground of the Earth and not be bothered by the intense pressure or heat. For those not in the usual loop, Geoscience is a field dominated by old guys. Even with a special suit, none of them would last long due to the effects of arthritis, blood pressure, and all the other stuff we dread about getting old. Arx's enthusiasm attracted their interest, and he became the prime candidate. Once preparations were complete, the team handed Arx the Geo Driver and the Emerald Shard Key. In a reenactment of his childhood shows, Arx made quite a display activating it. He placed the Emerald Shard Key at the top opening of the Driver, and as he pressed down, he shouted "Henshin!" in a joking manner. He posed by snapping his finger into a point, and soon his body was covered the the green crystals that the team had described. The belt was a success.

Arx's first exploration was his one and only. He was lowered into a deep volcanic crevice. Something was off though. Despite the usual heat of the magma located in the Mantle, everything was stiff and solid. He found himself in a small room. Curious, he detached his Jack-Spear-Hammer from his back and began digging into the solid earth beneath him. After not making any progress, he heard a loud rumble behind him. There stood an enormous monster. It looked like a large stone bear, with glowing veins of lava running down its body. At first fright gripped Arx, but realizing that he held potential to fight the monstrosity off, he persevered. After many blows back and forth, Arx shoved his weapon into the chest of the creature, and activated it. With a loud rumble, the beast crumbled into pebbles and dust. Arx looked in the direction the monster has come from, and noticed a very peculiar wall. It almost looked like...a portal. Cautiously...he entered it...

• Quote: "Dazzling the Stage!" (Transformation line)
Lost Cause said
Is that going to be a problem?

No man, Birth is best. I got all of his Figuarts and everything.
Lost Cause said
It's not strictly a Rider RP; it's just that most of us wound up taking Rider Belts.

ye so Rider rp bruh

oh and of course you'd have Birth

gimme a bit
Grim327 said
Hmm, if you're talking about making a RvB team and putting them into an area, then count me in. That sounds like it'd be hella fun.

Yeah, mostly. Think of it kind of like Ender's Game, where you have your team and you're rotated into battles against the other teams.
Shameless bump
Lost Cause said
...I'll go see if I have an S-IV OC saved somewhere.

Cool. I'd say another two or three people and we could get the OOC up.
Take note that this is with a grain of salt. I'm not too confident that there are a good amount of people on the new site yet, but I'll give this a shot for interest purpose.

Most Halo RPs are based around a group of Spartans fighting some Covies, Flood, etc. What I want to do is make one based off of the War Games from Halo 4. Spartan training based of scenarios against other Spartans. After normal augmentation and basic training, Spartans would be assigned to teams to participate in the War Games for a set period before being sent to active duty, as a form of "live training". The War Games are held in a giant simulator on Infinity, but I think we could do more with it. The respawn aspect might be changed up a bit. I don't plan on making most of the scenarios just Slayer type, mostly objective and some actual combat towards the end maybe. It's a rough idea, but I've been sitting on it for a while. Basically our team would almost be some misfits (If that's even really possible for Spartans), and we would all be assigned to team together and have to participate in the War Games before being passed to a squad for active duty.
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