N A M E Terra Kenyon
A L I A S Nomad
A G E 25
G E N D E R Female
F A C T I O N Wastelander, contracts for F&M
P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N Terra stands 5'6" tall and weighs 125lbs. She had dark brown wavy hair that doesn't quite reach her shoulders. Her skin is light as she tries to stay covered from the sun as much as possible. Terra has large, expressive grey eyes that look blue when she has been crying or is sick. She has freckles dotting the bridge of her nose and dark brown brows. She has a couple small scars near her left ear from a previous job but they aren't incredibly noticeable. She usually wears black, her favorite color, or an olive army green. She has some protective gear from the elements of the wastelands but that is more practical than fashion choice. She has a couple other scars that stay covered up, such as a large pink one of her right arm from a deal that went south, and a small scar on her right shoulder blade from a companion who betrayed her, that literally threw a knife at her back. She also has a small homemade tattoo an ex gave her at her request- the outline of a drop of water on her left hand near her thumb.
P E R S O N A L D E S C R I P T I O N Terra is fairly serious. She doesn't laugh or smile very often. If she does, her laugh almost sounds like gasping as she's so out of practice in doing so. Terra is not an angry person either. In fact, she lets very little bother her. She tries not to think very much, and just "do". By doing and not over thinking, she can bypass pesky emotions more easily. Terra is not a very sympathetic person. She hates laziness and complaining and thinks most people around her are just slowing her down. Terra is loyal to a fault if you become her friend. She is protective and motherly in a way to those she manages to care about. She also is a very good listener and wise when giving advice. She is mechanical and loves to build things, as it again, takes her mind off fantasies, emotions, and over thinking. She is tough, but never heartless. She has ingrained within her a sense of truth, justice, and moral uprightness despite current world events, her experiences, and her job.
- Fixing things
- Dusk
- Praise for a job well done
- Laziness
- Obnoxiously peppy people
- Snobs
M O T I V A T I O N S Years ago when she began contracting through F&M, Terra was promised entrance into Nova city at some point. She has been paid per job often in goods she needed to survive, but has yet to be given citizenship. She fears they find her too useful in her current position and may never honor their word. Her motives are survival, money/comfort to a point, and entrance into Nova City.
S E X U A L P R E F E R E N C E Heterosexual
B R I E F B I O Terra was born to Wasteland parents and raised running from shelter to shelter, trying to survive. Her parents joined a cult when she was a young teen who promised protection and a sense of community so they would struggle less. They did indeed make sure the family did not go hungry again, but at a cost. Terra and her parents were expected to comply with whatever the leaders of the cult demanded at any time, whether it was forced labor, scouting missions, or private requests that need not be mentioned. Terra ran away at the age of 16 with a few friends around her same age, and they became like a real family. They learned survival skills from each other, as well as how to shoot bows and crossbows. They got multiple chances to practice medical knowledge and while they were scavengers more or less, they were happy. As time went on, the family began breaking apart for various reasons which left Terra searching for something new. She was approached via drone by F&M when she was 21 as they had apparently been watching her. They promised her entrance into Nova City in exchange for completing various jobs. These jobs have included hits on troublemakers, capturing of potential troublemakers, as well as the retrieval of stolen goods. She has been offered spying jobs but refuses.
I N I T I A T I O N Because of her upbringing, Terra does not have emotional loyalty to someone just because they are a Wastelander. She has no problem doing what needs to be done in order for her or those she cares about to survive. She also is skilled with a longbow, crossbow, and compound bow. She rarely misses. Because of her serious personality, lack of deep family ties, and skills with weaponry, she was hired.
A U G M E N T A T I O N S As payment for a job, Terra was offered and accepted an augmentation of her skin. A microscopic film was placed over her skin that repels radiation to a certain degree, though one would not be able to tell by look or touch. She can still breathe in radioactive particles if she is not careful of her surroundings, but the augmentation provides her a longer life in the Wastelands and allows her to go places at times others cannot.
- Currently has a compound bow and plenty of arrows she fletches herself
- Survival kit (basic knife, first AID kit, water filtered bottle, fire starter, etc.)
- Ties for handcuffing those she captures
- Extra clothing and necessities (such as food, knives, etc.) in a backpack
- Skilled with a longbow
- Skilled with a crossbow
- Skilled with a compound bow
- Can cook
- Can perform basic medical treatment
- Basic fighting skills
- Survival skills
- Mechanically inclined/problem solver
- Interactions between Terra and F&M have all been via technology, not within the walls of Nova City as she has never been inside. When she drops off a "job" they are picked up at a designated drop off spot.