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Leo Hasewaga

Leo frowned, [Color=lightblue]" I know, you can't fool anyone though."[/color] The frown turned into a soft smile, [color=lightblue]"You need to be a better actor....Where is everyone?"[/color] He opened in arms freely and span around slowly. He had slept well, ate well and even felt well on this very day. He had a feeling on his shoulder, whenever he got that feeling he would call it a lucky feeling, he believed the day would go well, maybe even a mission. [color=lightblue]"Why did you bring Samehada today?"[/color] He questioned politely.
Tahekiko Muto (Jun)

Jun listened to the story, though his eyes were elsewhere, the mention of Blackwatch interested the boy. "So this must be why is dressed differently to the Anbu, this guy can't be one, they wear masks, conceal there faces, he only conceals his mouth. Surprised at his sensei's surname being the nickname he was given, he found it a little hard to believe, but amused at the same time. [color=red]"Blackwatch"[/color] he whispered to himself, making sure he remembered the name.

Jun was ready and set for the training fields, it was something physical, something he liked. Knowing a bit more about his team in combat would make things easier for him to understand. When about to leave the shack, he would hear a voice that belonged to the stranger. It spoke of the cowardly prefect that had been long lost in the war, but not lost to this man who shouted his name so aggressively. The voice made Tahekiko tense, the boy was already pumped after basic strength training to harden his muscles, so he was already cautious. The footsteps would be heard, and the sound of kunai being took out. [I]"He is coming towards us? Satoshi?"
Tahekiko quickly got his fist ready, when the stranger got close, Jun would jump his knee aimed at the jaw of this stranger, it would be quick and accurate as he didn't feel like missing today.
Tahekiko Muto

He rose his hand and shook his head, refusing the drink. Listening to his new teammate express herself, he couldn't help but grin in amusement. Before Satoshi could answer, Jun would quickly slide a sentence in. "That's cute, train hard and you might achieve that, believe and train and you will." The grin on his face wasn't erased, Jun never took things seriously, hearing her voice, the strength and solidness it carried was the reason he grinned in amusement. [b]" I don't know if its my turn, but my name is Tahekiko, I come from the Muto family. I'd rather you call me Jun because it makes me feel at home, and believe it or not... Safe. I want to be a Shinobi, that is my goal for now, might change in the future, who knows?"

He tried to think of a question, he wanted to keep it simple and short even though he loved long stories. "What is our team mentor's name?"
Leo Hasewaga

His blood was pumping through his veins that were visible on his body, and hair surfed the wind. The paced breathing of Leo Hasewaga could be heard as he was running to meet his new team. His legs weren't the only thing running but his mind too, thinking about who his mentor would be like and thinking about his team. His eyes sharpened as he began to go faster until he stopped in front of a in front of a large rock. He would try and be silent and creep around it, then he would crouch and stay still.
Tahekiko Muto(Jun)

"Come on, don't get tired on me now boy! We got a lot to do and a lot of new training to see snowflake!." The voice was squawky and driven with a determined drive. This voice belonged to one of Jun's mentors, and his name was Mr Tortoise well that was what he liked to be called. His hard rocky shell shined with age, and the white bandana he wore bearing the Kumogakure symbol had also shown how old it was.

Tahekiko got up from doing his last push up, staring the down at the tortoise with an annoyed face. [color=red]"Calm down you grumpy old turtle".[/color] His own insult made him grin as he knew it was one of things Mr Tortoise hated being called a turtle, especially being confused with one, but Jun knew that, in fact he did it purposely as he himself hated being called "Snowflake" due to his snow white hair, and the fact his darker tanned skin made his hair stand out even more. He watched the turtle fume and rant about the it, demanding Jun show him respect and treat him like his sensei and calling turtles hippies.
Suddenly Jun eyes widened with remembrance. [color=red]"Speaking of sensei, I got to go to the ramen place to go meet my new one... So I guess my training is shortened for today Mr Tortoise."[/color] The silence fell and the wind blew, strong enough to show their accessories riding it.

The tortoise would wet its lips and a flash of jealously struck from his the words he would be preparing and not just his words but stare. [b]"Who is this Sensei hm? Tell his name, I might know him. Does he have black hair? where he from? Does he have abs as hard as my shell?"[/color] The Tortoise was eager and desperate to know, already rivalry set in stone in his eyes to see his only pupil be trained by someone, it was as he would say [b]"Shell breaking"[b].

Jun gave an odd glance to the Tortoise, kneeling down he would shake the foot of the tortoise. [color=red]"I'm not going to thank you yet, cause when I get back we will train til the moon goes down. I hope you got that Mr Tortoise sir".[/color] His voice was gentle and tone mannered, he would acknowledge the Tortoise's hard and proud wrinkly face as he let go and would go meet his new team.

10 minutes it took for him to get to ramen stand. In his sight were two people, a man dressed in black attire that seemed different both civilian wise and Shinobi. Next to him stood a girl with light coloured hair. Jun would approach them, no shyness in sight on his face. [color=red]"You wouldn't have seen a team of two Genin I think and a Sensei would you?"[/color] He had an amused smile on his face as he had a hunch about they were.
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