Avatar of Forett
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 210 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Forett 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current So let me get this straight... I get immortality and all you want is to let me let you kill me... in order to GIVE me said immortality... Is this one of those cult things? Cult of the Dragon? I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Oh come now, Fetzen! There is plenty of room to grow. Just think of each little atrocity as a landmark along your road to damnation- real or otherwise! There is no shame in imagining your success.
2 yrs ago
Up your standards. Don't kidnap princesses, go after Queens! Don't burn villages, burn cities! Be the violence you want to see in the world!
2 yrs ago
"I have once more risen from my year long slumber to find that gold does in fact walk off on its own..."
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4 yrs ago
I can't believe I'm Roleplaying on a forum again. Cheers to the fun time!


It has been four years since this changed! WOW.

Anyway, I am a very chill person that gets their kicks DMing in the world of 5e dungeons and dragons. I had to leave this place of fantasy due to school and then work, but I have returned for the foreseeable future. I have divulged into the realm of Sci-fi since I was last on this site and must say that I am a big fan of all the wonderful settings available! From War hammer age of sigmar (Or 40k) to pokemon I have quite the pallet for roleplay. If you have an idea please don't be afraid to let me know! I match the post length of my partner. If you type six paragraphs, I will type six, if you one line me, I will one line you. Thats about everything you need to know. Don't be shy!

Most Recent Posts

I wanted to make sure. It has been a very long time since the opportunity to play a dragon has come up in a group roleplay.

Make no mistake it was made very clear as an example.
Would playing a dragon be too out of scope?
I shall wait patiently.
Smells like Christmas.
Oh man, I have a few of them on skype but most of em are dead. Hell, I haven’t logged into skype myself since 2017.
Banned for having actual horns (and not enough dakka).
Very interested. I would love to see how the scions interacted with one another, especially between 'monsters' and 'fell warlords'.

I will make room in my schedule for this.
Alright, I will give it a look in then. Keep an eye on your DM's.
Oh, alright. I'll ask a follow up then; Can we use digital renders or drawings that are realistic? A real picture is a very tall order.
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