spot for a mediocorely wealthy island archipel?
I said I was setting the blaster into Stun because I wasn't sure who was in the other side of the door ^-^. But don't worry, he's tied up in one of the cockpit's chairs. I can shot him dead any moment considered neccesary.
And now I have his blaster too! :-D
I just realized now we are in the Jakku system. Even better: I just realized Disney has stopped using the magnificent map Lucas had to place all his universe's worlds, so... I don't have the slightetst idea were the heck are we in the galaxy, what is the frontier with the New Republic, or exactly where can we go from here. ^-^U
I've made an aproximated calcullation with this 3g28wn33sno63ljjq514qr87.wpengine.netd..
And this
And of course, no one has included in BB-8's background who manufactured the droid. :-(. Im starting to feel Big "D" doesn't care for detail.
<Snipped quote by frapet>
The shots were being fired at the cockpit, which would be the front & top level of the ship, yeah? If so, So'lid, Jacques, & Gavon are all on the lower deck toward the rear of the corridor (Point 12), so if anything, the sounds would be really faint (?)...